See the alarming YouTube video at bottom. Let's pray for and pay homage to Kurds in Turkey, our less fortunate Iranian brothers who were injured, brutalized, and murdered in Turkey after Turkey banned certain Kurdish cities from celebrating Persian/Kurdish Norooz/Newroz 1387/2008.
This video may not be so shocking to us, but to the West's eyes it is so disturbing that YouTube will ask you to log in and confirm your age. Plus, there were so many who wished to rate this horrific video YouTube disabled its rating stars.
After the fall of the Muslim Ottoman Empire, by a cruel quirk and fate of history, twenty million Kurds ended up under modern, ultra-nationalist Turkish government who, denying the very existence of Kurds, calling them "Mountain Turks", to this date remains arrogantly ignorant, let alone appreciate and respect, that Newroz is the oldest and most important annual festive tradition for Kurds, Iranians, Zoroastrians and all Persian-speaking nations.
Tibet? Except worse: How Neo-Nazi Turkey's proud SS Soldiers breed future 'terrorists'!
In the following video, do the soldiers' boots pounding the streets, brandishing beating sticks and machine guns, boasting slogans about their superior race remind of Hitler's Germany?
March 22nd, 2008: A Turkish security squad ruthlessly breaks the right arm of Cuneyt Ertuş- a 15 year-old Kurdish boy. Cuneyt’s father was looking for him for two days until he saw his son's arm being broken on Roj TV, the Kurdish Satellite TV banned by Turkey. Now Cuneyt is in jail for resisting arrest! So far it is not known if he is even receiving basic medical aid.
See how Turkish army & masked police terrorize & repeatedly beat everyone, including innocent children & women dressed colorfully to celebrate their Newroz- the weekend of 21 March.
The unlucky teenager of this video was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
If he were a Palestinian or an Iraqi, this video would make sensational World headlines. It would be played repeatedly on CNN. Al-Jazeera and 22 Arab and Muslim countries’ media and TV would spin it and work it over a zillion times until it got U.N attention, forcing Turkey for a just investigation, official apology and compensation.
As it is, this wretched boy’s father says he does not have the funds even to hire a lawyer.
Sadly the Middle Eastern media and internet sites and even most Iranian sites, who would be quick to post anything ‘liberal’ about the victims of ‘no-brainer’ Bush’s wars or about Palestinian victims, would turn a blind eye on the abominable sufferings of their friendless Kurdish brothers (as if the over-popular but just Palestine cause did not already enjoy the automatic support of 22 Arab/Muslim governments and their embassies, backed-up by Arab oil wealth!)
Why? Could it be because the inhuman crimes against Kurds are not committed directly by Israel or by the evil West but by a Muslim country? Even though Turkey as a NATO members is and has been aided hugely with our tax payers’ money and modern weapons! Moreover, recent Turkey’s illegal war on Iraqi Kurdistan which destroyed 600 ancient Kurdish villages (adding to the 9,000 already destroyed by Saddam and Turkey), using Bush-like pretext of ‘War on Terror’, was officially supported fully by U.S. Pentagon intelligence and Israeli-supplied pilot-less planes.
Here’s the alarming video- please forward and add comments of protest:
If you YouTube is banned, you can watch a similar video here:
Join new cross-nation Group at ‘Free Oppressed Nations- Tibet, Kurdistan...’ Group includes Iran, Darfur, Afghanistan, Palestine, Rwanda, Chechnya…
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Agreed. Reply is saying the Opposite.
by Iconoclast on Wed Apr 02, 2008 08:08 AM PDTBahram Jan.
Sorry you misunderstood. In fact my reply, if you read it gain, is doing exactly the opposite, saying Arabic names - whether Kurdish city Dyarbakir which you pointed out to be Arabic - or Ali are historical and should be no reason to make judgements or to affect human rights...that is all.
Agreed also that relatively speaking most Kurds of Iran are better off than Kurds in Turkey. My relpy even says the whole of Kurdistan would have been better off under Iran rather than under Arab or Turkish rule (and nothing against either races of course) - with Kurds being historcially the natural brothers of Iranians by the pre-Islam religion of Zoroastrainsm (whose prophet and temples started in Kurdistan), Race, Lanrguage and mixed blood. Unfortunately, you seemed to have missed that, too.
Let's please not the miss the main reason for posting this blog: to focus and protest Turkey's barbarism shown in the video: a 15-year old boy having his arm broken because he and countless others wished to celerbrate thier ancient Newroz.
please stop calling pepole
by Bahram the Iranian on Wed Apr 02, 2008 01:02 AM PDTplease stop calling pepole name by prejudicing them on the base of their names, name of Ali is an iranian name just like mine is, Hassan, hossien(not hussien) parviz, and Ardeshir are all the same or maybe as you said "human" and I cant care less where the origion of the names in turkey comes from, all i care is to see the kurds in Iran are living in much safer and stable situation than the rest of the kurds in turkey and even in Iraq, and that is because of the right policies toward ethnic socities, there was a great deal of tension some decade ago and still many outsiders try to stir the violence but I guesss everybody is more mature in Iran.breaking up nations in Asia(that icludes china and russia)is only in interest of super powers. Turkey is Turkey with the border city of Van and Iran is Iran with her own cities and provinces so is Iraq and so on ,,,,
I dont see where I trivilize any aspirition and drive for freedom but I saw you blasting pepole off for their religion and names, you know what? I shouldnt have posted any comment on your blog on the first place.for that I m sorry
Iranian brothers, not Iranians
by Iconoclast on Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:15 AM PDTThe article says Iranian brothers, not Iranians per se. It is accepted that Latin nations of France and Italy are related by similar language. Actually the Kurds and Persians are much more closely related by race and language (Indo-Aryan)as well as by close borders and more natural mixed marriages probably since before Darius the Great.
True, after nearly a century of Turkish systematic assimilation the Kurds of Turkey were more distant from the Kurds of Iraq or Iran, and therefrore from Iranians. But that is partly why there is discontent. That is why there is a renaissance of Kurdish identity which is much more naturally related to Iranian cultures.
Newroz or Norooz for instance which is alien to Turks and their government.
In the last 25 years there is being a huge cultural renaissance by Kurds of Northern Kurdisan (Turkey)for example Kurdish music, poetry, dances...
The first and most professional Kurdish satelite TV is ROJ TV, beaming almost 24 hours daily from Denmark and Brussels. All their programs are Kurdish, including sophisticated programs for Kurdish children.
Pioneering Roj TV was founded by Kurds from Turkey.
To say 20 Million Kurds all follow Oclan is an over simplification. There are several moderate Kurdish parties with seats in the parlimanet. Let's not please reach conclusion about 20 million Kurds based on only one's friends no matter how extensive. Please Google or visit Youtube to find literally hunderds of Kurdish sites of music and dancing etc that are Kurdish and therefore part of the Iranian diverse cultures.
On a lighter note, thanks to Kurdish mountains and isolation, Kurdish language is still about 90% pure not corrupted by Arabic or Turkish. Sadly, roughly 50% of Persian is Arabic. So if one day Persian-speaking Iranians wish to reduce that percentage and return closer to Fedroosi's language then Kurdish could be of great help.
As for Dyarbaker, Kurds call it by its original name of Amed. Armenians who also lived there side by side with Kurds before Islam arrived, also have their own name for it. That Arabic name, like AyatuAllas and Imans, is just Islamic invasion with the Quran being in Arabic that changed all those names. Hence all those Ali names in Iran. Not wise to trivilaze a people's hunger and aspirations for human, language and cultural rights by pointing out a city's modern Arabic name!
Turkish national dish is Lahma Joon- both words Arabic. Turkish for thank you and please are both Arabic. About two third of Turkish is Arabic, Persian and Kurdish. Does that mean Turks should not claim to be a nation?
Did you know in practice Kurdish language is still banned in Turkey? There are no Kurdish radio or TV stations in contrast with half dozen stations based in Europe.
How would Persians like it if by bad luck of history some of them ended up under Arab or Turkish dominations and have their language and Norooz banned?
You can't buy off people's human and cultural rights of mother tongue and their poems, songs and dances by pumping billions for dam projects.
One could argue that in the long run the greater 40 Million Kurds would be better off in a federation with Iran to be a balancing entity against Arabs and Turks. Let's face it, Arabs and Turks have a different language and culutre than the more related languges and cultures and pre-Islamic sensibilitise (including deep spiritualislm and wine drinking!) of Kurds and Persians.
Germans and French accept their difference. They live separately but united via EU. Same type of co-existing automous cultural nations is the healthy future for the Middle East instead of this obsession and nostalgia for the biggest country. What did bigness do for Soviet Union?
Isn't The European Union (united but diverse autonmous cultures) the best model for the future of for our beloved Middle East?
Kahle Mamnoon (Arabic) or Supas (Kurdish); and ED Mobarak (Arabic) or Jazne Newroz Piroz.
by Bahram the Iranian on Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:31 PM PDTare the kurds in Turkey Iranians?I dont think, themselves would agree with this statement!!!!Pepole need to connect to each other in order to live together in peace. what pepole in kosovo and serbia find to have in common after ages having to live together?Nothing, what kurds and turks share?pretty much nothing, one wants to be part of europe the other is looking for an independent state. One pray to their father of turks other look up to Ojelan to liberate them.both having an excellent relationship with Uncle sam resulted in no help for the ever boiling conflit.I mnt very knowledgable about albanians and serbs story, but I know few things about turks and kurds. they do have a lot to share and common culture and that is a lot!!!!!!
As far as real iranian kurds the one from the province of kurdestan(in turkey you cant call it kurdestan it is called diaar bakar which is arabic) in Iran, I have to confess they did a great job to find commom ground with the rest of their compatritors, many many iranians kurds I met over the years in Iran and abroad they all connected to me one way or another , be it same religion, same root in our languages or some historical facts that made that connection avialiable.
Kurds have fallen victim to
by Ye Irani (not verified) on Tue Apr 01, 2008 09:26 PM PDTKurds have fallen victim to some corrupt politicians over the course of history as did Afghanis and Baluchis and other minorities. This is why I hate Nationalism or tribalism. We all belong to human race.....To me, there's no difference among race, religion, or ethinc background. We all need to figh injustice against humanity.......The only vague point is no one wants to admit that they are against humanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go and figure;
I am not sure
by Abarmard on Tue Apr 01, 2008 07:20 PM PDTI need to know more about Turkey, but I know that injustice is being done to Kurds and the world is silent.
A question, does anyone know what's the deal with the new Turkish fund allocation to the poor Kurdish part of the country? Does that help?