CNN runs propaganda against Iranians & fails to report Israeli Government Calls to Genocide Iranians


CNN runs propaganda against Iranians & fails to report Israeli Government Calls to Genocide Iranians
by ILoveIran

There are many news stories that are significant to Iranians - but they go unreported on purpose by major U.S. news outlets and by U.S. government owned and operated broadcasters like Voice of American and Parazit.  

Today CNN redistributed the "Israel loves Iran" story, where a single person used random pictures of people (including people like Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu !) and wrote friendly messages below them.  It's not even clear whether these photos are a joke and it is doubtful that the messages were done with the consent of the people in the photos (Do you really believe Netanyahu participated in an 'I love Iran' Facebook campaign?!!). Nevertheless, this story is now the leading story on CNN as front page news.  It is headline news!

Here is what CNN deliberately does not report:   

When a high-ranking member of Netanyahu's government stated that ordinary Iranian civilians should be subjected to mass starvation, killed through hunger from blockades, and forced to obey Israel policy goals, CNN said nothing (neither did U.S. or British politicians or scores of "human rights" groups).  You can be certain that a story calling for the mass genocide of Iranians by a nuclear armed nation is more significant than someone who has randomly photoshopped a few pictures.

The links:



When a former Senior Israeli-Mossad Case Officer openly admitted that Israel worked behind the scenes to ensure that Iraqis killed as many Iranians as possible and that the Iraq/Iran war dragged on for as long as possible, which caused 1,000,000 men, women and children died after Saddam Hussein attempted to annex South-Western Iran in the 1980s, CNN did not report it.  That's right, a retired top Israeli spy openly stated that Israel 'sought to assist Saddam in killing as many Iranians as possible and dragging the Iraq/Iran war on for as long as possible through covert action' and not one word of "news" from CNN.  Instead CNN wants Iranians to be pacified by a few photoshopped pictures that it runs as headline news.

The links to these stories: 


CNN also does not see it fit to print that Israel was orchestrating Jundallah in suicide bombings against civilian targets in Iran:Jundallah are the Al-Qaeda affiliated group that strap on suicide vests and go into crowded public places and blow themselves up (which they have done in Iran). 



more from ILoveIran

To P-J

by Fesenjoon2 on

Are you talking about yourself too?!


To AO!

by P_J on

It resembles the writing of the MOSAD agent/member called Fred!  

This, for the most part, is caused by lackadaisical efforts of IC, in making sure that the same individual(s) don’t use FIFTY different pen names.   I have noticed quite a few IDENTICAL writing styles under different names.   The above mentioned individual is may be one of them.  



We need to talk more (much more) about Israel & Beautiful Gaza

by AMIR1973 on

I don't think enough time is devoted to Israel and Palestine on Iranians need to pay a lot more attention to Israel and less attention to Iran. Whaddya say?


Simpy amazed

by MRX1 on

with the level of obsession you islamists have with jews and isreal! I often wonder if Isreal seas to exist tommorow your life's will become meaningless and then what? who will be the next boogy man you folks will take on.

Anonymous Observer

You know...I Googled Dr. Behruz Khorami M.D. (cardiac surgery)

by Anonymous Observer on

that you claim to be here:


and no such person exists.  Let's see, you have been registered for one week, and have posted three blogs, all talking about Israel, and you sound awfully familiar...

Keep on trucking though "Dr. Khorami."  Please post some more.  I'm all for freedom of speech.

And rest assured...Qods will be freed.  That's the whole purpose behind Iranians' existence:
