Israeli Forgeries Show Satanic Agenda Against Iranians *** Photos & Videos ***


Israeli Forgeries Show Satanic Agenda Against Iranians *** Photos & Videos ***
by ILoveIran

The Forged Photo:

I was one of the earliest email recipients of the famous photo, and I was immediately skeptical of its genuineness. After checking its point of origin, I was able to determine that it originated out of Haifa, Israel and that it was a manipulated image.  The field of study to determine how changes are made to electronic files and where a file originated is called digital forensics. As technology gets better, retouching and altering digital files will become harder to detect.

The main point, however, is that if the Israelis cared for Iranians, which they don’t, they would not forge a photo of an innocent woman and subject her, at a minimum, to a police interrogation.  It is clear that the Israelis sought to bait others to imitate the make-believe image of a “Single Iranian Lioness” giving the President of Iran the middle finger. (Remember this photo was styled as the depiction of a real event and then broadcast millions of times into Iran in an attempt to stir people to action.)  The tactic shows absolute disregard for the well-being of the woman in the photo.

The Israeli narrative is that Iran arbitrarily arrests people, but that is exactly what the Israelis and the American government want so they can use it for the propaganda value.  Israel and the U.S. deliberately feed this dynamic, which is why it is important to speak about it.

Both Israel and the U.S. also sponsor terror groups in Iran (like the MEK, Jundallah, and PEJAK).  And if these expendable operatives get caught, the Israeli media machine quickly turns the story into one about “Iranian human rights violations” for the public relations value.  More often than not the Israelis don’t send their own people into Iran because they are deathly afraid of Iran’s security services, so they send in people brainwashed by the Rajavis (MEK), who are expendable pawns that likely do not even understand that their leaders are just charismatic recruiters on the Israeli payroll.  In other words, Israel needs Iranian front-men (and women) to put an Iranian face on its anti-Iranian operations. 

These sorts of activities also may lead to false arrests, where the police arrest the wrong person (mistaken arrests happen in all countries and arrests normally are based upon the suspicions of law enforcement, not absolute judicial proof).  I am not even writing narrowly about Iran here; this is true anywhere Israel engages in this activity; for example, it has happened in Australia, as one of the videos below makes clear.

USS Liberty: 

The forged photo is hardly Israel’s only such attempt to manipulate – In the past the Israelis have killed many American Navy men by attacking a U.S. Navy vessel and trying to frame the Egyptians in an attempt to cause the U.S. to take military action against Egypt (some argue they wanted the U.S. to make a Nuclear strike against Egypt).  The only problem is that the Israelis failed to sink the U.S. ship and the U.S. sailors told their story, which you see in the video below.

Using the identifications of innocent Australians to commit murders: 

The Israelis have also stolen the passports of Australians and used them to travel the globe to commit many murders, which you see in the video below.  Remember, they put innocent Australians in danger and killed using their names and passports. These types of examples are many. It shows Israel's psychopathic indifference to the lives of others.

And of course,these same Israeli extremists are all over, which is among the reasons Iran filters websites like this, particularly when sites like this openly incite people to commit acts of murder (please don’t pretend you have not seen the repetitive comments encouraging criminal behavior which have been published on this site for years – just run a search, I did.). 


I also recommend the story where several Iranian girls are suing the Israeli influenced news outlet Reuters (editor-in-chief Stephen J. Adler) for depicting Iranian girls who were taking a martial arts fitness class as training to be "Iranian assassins," which is part of the Israeli campaign to de-humanize Iranians (as Israel does with the Palestinians) to direct the hearts of the public for war and discrimination against Iranians 




more from ILoveIran
Kaveh Nouraee

Methinks Thou Dost Protest Too Much

by Kaveh Nouraee on

How do you find time to perform cardiac surgery when you devote so much of it to bashing anything Jewish or Israeli?

Also, how can you stand working in the medical profession, surrounded by so many Jewish physicians and Jewish malpractice attorneys?

Too bad for you that the KKK hates Iranians too. You would make a fantastic Grand Wizard.

iraj khan

USS Liberty,

by iraj khan on

very informative and educational video clip,

as an American citizen one should learn about his/her country's history.

Thanks for posting it here.

Arash Kamangir

Iloveiran: you write utter nonsense

by Arash Kamangir on

I have come across some of your previous comments in and they are total nonsense. I suspect that you and some of the others who have recently bombarded with their nonsense comments are direct agents of IR who have notrhing to do but send garbage through internet. You will get suitable reply from me after Israel's attack against IR are launched.


To My Fans from Tel Aviv

by ILoveIran on

Pretending to Be Iranian Dot Com - [PretendingToBe]

You failed.

You will fail again.

Your pangs of desperation are clear as the world has turned against you. 

You are unaware of the resolve and ingenuity of Iranians.




'I love Iran' -NOT!

by Simorgh5555 on

You may love Iran but I tell you it is unrequited. Your endless distractions to the wrongs committed by Israel can never justify the crimes committed by your beloved Islamic Republic. Even if Israel were to ethnic cleanse the enrite population of the West Bank and carpet bomb Gaza all over again can justify the inhumane treatment of the Iranian people by the henious regime by which you are clearly propogate lies and minisinformation on its behalf.

Unlike your beloved Islamic Republic, Israel did not claim that Rachel Corrie, was a "whore" and an "actress" who faked her own death using photoshop. Unlike the Islamic Republic, Israel did not harass the witnesses and release a warrant for the release of the doctor who tried to save her life.  

The main difference between the tragic death of Rachel Corrie and Neda Soltan is that the latter was killed by a Basiji militia man licenced to kill its own people. Whatever Israel is alleged to have done  at least it does not shoot its own citizens in cold blood, club women in the streets and distribute condoms to rape young Iranian women and men.

If Israel is implicated in the assassination of a Basiji nuclear scientist your beloved Islamic Republic has 'officially' executed 600 Iranians in 2011 alone (double that of 2010) to say nothing about the secret executions which take place in Evin Prison, the persecution of Basijis, Christian pastors, as well as homosexuals and minors. It does not execute 14 year old girls such as Atefeh Rejah with learning difficulties and had been sexually abused.

If Israel assassinates a Basiji Nuclear scientist at least it does not kill an estimated 30,000 political prisoners in 1988 and dump their corpses in a mass grave. Where can you bear witness to Israel committing such a crime to its own people or even its own enemies?  

As a Palestinian sympathiser you probably are aware of the systematic persecution and institutitonalised racism towards Iranian Arabs and those of the Sunni faith.

Not even the bulldozing of homes and evictions of Palestinian in the West bank and Jerusalem can justify the man made ecological disaster that has taken place in Lake Urumiyeh, the destrcution of forests in Kurdistan, the abominal air pollution, the tearing down of pre-Islamic statues and symbols such as the statue of Arash Kamagir and 16 bronze statutes in Sari, the neglect of Nagshe Rejab and the Nagshe Rostam in Persepolis.


Here is a  video link for you, you shameless man:


As you profess such a great love for Iran (which you are not even worthy of mentioning its Great Name) you would at least devote just one of your many blogs to the wanton destruction and anti-Iranian warfare campaign by your beloved Mullahs. 

Keep on trucking with your Islamo-fascist friends and Palestinians friends who have signed an Arab charter demanding the Persian Gulf to be renamed as the Arabian Gulf and that the Persian Gulf Islands of Abu Musa and Greater and Lesser Tunbs should be conceded to the United Arab Emirates. You are in good company with your Palestinian friends, whose leadership Yasser Arafat syphoned millions of dollars from Iran following the revolution and repaid its kindness by supporting Saddam Hussein in his intentions to invade and cease Khuzestan. 

Look at your white hair in your avatar picture and be ashamed of yourself, you old man. 

Vaghan Khakbarsaret konam!  


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How Israelis Use the Identities of Others to Commit Crime

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Anonymous Observer

Please post your research that showed this photoshop

by Anonymous Observer on

happened in Haifa.  You say that you did the research and made the discovery.  Please post all details of your research.  Otherwise, your claims to the same are as worthless as your claim of being a "cardiac surgeon."  See, in the real, democratic world, one doesn't make claims without backing them up with evidence.  This is not the IR regime of "tohmat va eftera."

Also, I actually believe you when you say you didn't believe the authenticity of the photo.  I didn't either when I first saw it.  And I know why you didn't believe it either.  Because the IR is such a dictatorship that this poor woman would have been hanging from a crane for such transgression.