What Israeli-influenced media won't tell you

by ILoveIran



Are you comfortable seeing what's in the video knowing that that the US government and media refrain from criticizing Israel? Is the predominant Israeli mindset something that Iranians should accept?  Does it pose a danger to the region?  Is Israel's war-mongering against Iran an attempt to divert attention from Israel's 60 years of genocides, massacres, mass expulsions, and land confiscations because the Palestine issue has come into the spotlight in recent years after decades of being obscured?   


more from ILoveIran
Ari Siletz

Got what I needed to know.

by Ari Siletz on

Thanks for your replies.


Use World War 2 as your starting point, and show us

by ILoveIran on

This is your methodology: So, why don't you do the same analysis first in relation to World War 2 and show us how its done ?

Just change the names around to: [1] U.S., [2] Germans, [3] Russians, and [4] European Jewry.   

Or you might concede that when people are attacked with chemical weapons they have a right to defend  and those instigating and supporting the side that attacks your nation are jointly and severally at fault.  




by پندارنیک on

One has to be careful in mixing the roles and the responsibilities of different parties in Iran's defensive war against Iraq................One has to be careful in blaming Israel or any other nation for that matter, for dragging the war after Khorramshahr was taken back............the duration of the war is the last thing to be added to the Israeli side.

Ari Siletz

Let's try again

by Ari Siletz on

I'll start with an inital set of numbers, not necessarily right, and you can correct the mistakes if any:


U.S. at fault 25% responsible for 250,000 deaths

IRI at fault 25% responsible for 250,000 deaths

Saddam at fault 25% responsible for 250,000 deaths

Israel (at your request) at fault 25%  responsible for 250,000 deaths. 

Total= 1,000,000 deaths.



Iraq invaded Iran (not the other way around); Israel's role?

by ILoveIran on

Why leave Israel out of the equation when Victor Ostrovsky, a former Senior Israeli Mossad Case Officer admits in his book that Israel worked behind the scenes to ensure that Iraqis killed as many Iranians as possible and that the Iraq/Iran war dragged on for as long as possible?


Iraq invaded Iran (not the other way around) – that’s how the war started. And Iran was placed under severe trade restrictions to handicap it from defending itself, while Saddam was given US help and weapons.  Under those circumstances,Iran was forced to defend itself.

Who forced the Israelis and the U.S. to get involved as Mossad admits it did to maximize Iranian casualties and losses? 


Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

If you were sitting in judgment, how would you divide the responsibility
for the million deaths between the IRI, Saddam and the U.S. ?


Long Before there were US Hostages ... this happened ...

by ILoveIran on

1 June 1953 : Cental Intelligence Agency (CIA) assists British MI6 in a coup, the overthrow of Democratically elected Iranian president Mossadeq, using cash bribes, propaganda, and causing havok to de-nationalize Irans oil and install the Shah. Regional leaders are plotted to be paid off in exchange for votes and spreading misinformation. Radio stations were seized and used to quell public outcry and spread propaganda. Mossadeq was overthrown and died under house arrest.

Let's not forget: Iran is a sovereign country.

And Israel, and high-ranking US politicians, have no issues working with the Rajavi/MEK cult who were participants in the embassy takeover.   

And the use of chemical weapons is justified against Iranians and Iraqi-Kurds (civilians) based on the U.S. Embassy in Iran?  

What did the Kurds have to do with the US Embassy in Iran?

Would you accept the use of chemical weapons against Israeli civilians based on what a handful of people did in Tel Aviv?   

Ari Siletz

Questions for judgment

by Ari Siletz on

Who's idea was it to take American embassy staff hostage? How did this action affect subsequent U.S positions on Iran?  If you were sitting in judgment, how would you divide the responsibility for the million deaths between the IRI, Saddam and the U.S. ?



"Never Forget"? Who said you cannot judge the enemies of Iran?

by ILoveIran on

Is it wrong for Iranians to hold negative views of the U.S. and Israel for assisting Saddam in the war (and particularly) with chemical / biological attacks on Iranians and Iraqi-Kurds (who are also an Iranic people)?  

1,000,000 men, women, and children died: What happened to the slogan "Never Forget"?  Only Israel can use the slogan "Never Forget"?  Says who?  What other subjects do Iranians need to ask Israel permission for prior to forming opinions and reaching conclusions (and based on what principles)? 



Ari Siletz

No war with Israel!

by Ari Siletz on

"Is Israel's war-mongering against Iran an attempt to divert attention from...
[the Palesntinan issue?]"

Maybe. But Israel can credibly war-monger against Iran because the IRI has been fomenting anti-Israel hatred to stay in power. If you don't like what the Western media is showing, then stop giving them the footage!

iraj khan


by iraj khan on




the 3 video clips that I watched on this thread, 

ILoveIran, thanks for posting them here.


 What IRI's-Influenced 

by vildemose on

 What IRI's-Influenced  media won't Tell You!

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  • A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.


    Freedom for Ethiopian Jews Who Are Treated Like Slaves in Israel

    by ILoveIran on

    FREEDOM FOR BLACK ETHIOPIAN JEWS - Ethiopian Jews protest by the thousands in Israel against their European-Zionist Overlords. 


    Numerous Israeli sponsored anti-Iranian activities

    by ILoveIran on

    An Iranian need not be Palestinian to see the numerous Israeli acts of support for anti-Iranian terror groups like MEK, Jundallah, and by making anti-Iranian propaganda films like "Iranium" and "Not without my daughter." 



    dear islamist palestinian:

    by vildemose on

    dear islamist palestinian: Are u Palestinian-Iranian??  You think by destroying Iran throug war with Israel would lead to liberation of your people???

    I don't think you love Iran..you couldn't care less about Iranians. All you are concerned about to save your Palestinian bretherns at the expense of destruction of Iran.

    You are such a failure as a propagandist, it's embarrassing.

    A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

    Oon Yaroo

    Even Shah's PM (Mosad)eq loved Israel!

    by Oon Yaroo on

    what do you have to say for that, Doctor Jaan?


    Israel pitted itself against Iran

    by ILoveIran on

    Israel pitted itself against Iran through its numerous acts of support for groups like MEK, Jundallah, and by making anti-Iranian propaganda films like "Iranium" and "Not without my daughter." 

    Israeli-produced film starring Sally Field titled "Not without my Daughter,"  was an insidious character assassination against the Iranian people that depicted Iranians as willing to kidnap American women and mistreat children.  Sally Field played the mistreated American bride and Sheila Rosenthal and Roshan Seth co-starred as 'Mahtob Mahmoody' and "Houssein the Smuggler," respectively.  The film was made in Israel.  


    LOL, Dear Islamist

    by vildemose on

    LOL, Dear Islamist Esteshhhaari:

    What do you get from pitting Iranians  against Israelis?? Do you think you have any credibility to spew nonsense on a daily basis on this site? do you really think Iranians on this site don't see who you are working for??

    I think you will more successful spreading your propaganda on a pro-left  American site rather than displaying your deeply hypocritical racial animus toward anyone non-muslim?

    A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.


    Similarity b/w Israeli propaganda against Palestine & Iran I

    by ILoveIran on

    It's astonishing how similar the Israeli propaganda against both Iranians and Palestinians is: It seems that at every turn Israelis want to dehumanize Palestinians and Iranians to set the ground for some misbehavior against them.  Seven days a week, 24 hours a day, they work to do this - it really is unusual and disturbing.  I know of no other group of people that does this.  

    VS: Iranians.

    Israeli-produced film starring Sally Field titled "Not without my Daughter,"  was an insidious character assassination against the Iranian people that depicted Iranians as willing to kidnap American women and mistreat children.  Sally Field played the mistreated American bride and Sheila Rosenthal and Roshan Seth co-starred as 'Mahtob Mahmoody' and "Houssein the Smuggler," respectively.  The film was made in Israel. 




    iloveiran=mohmmadalireza A

    by vildemose on


    Are you ready to become a martyr to return Jerusalme to its "righful owners"? Have you trained in esteshari camps?? Are you ready for IRI to rule the world under under Islamic Sharia; Is this your mission in life? 

    Are you a devotee of VF (zob shodeh)?

    Or you are just doing this to put food on your table??

    A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.


    More Jew haters. Great!

    by Fesenjoon2 on

    هيتلر اسوده بخواب. ما بيداريم!




    by پندارنیک on
