In Solidarity with Iranian Ashura Demonstrators


In Solidarity with Iranian Ashura Demonstrators
by IRANdokht


Here's the list of rallies scheduled all over the world:


Berkeley - Solidarity with Iranian People

When: Monday, Dec 28, 2009

Description: Monday, December 28, 2009 at 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Location: Downtown Berkeley. BART Station is located on Shattuck Avenue between Allston Way and Addison Street.

Facebook Event Page: //

Los Angeles - Ashura Rally

When: Monday Dec. 28 from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm

Where: 11000 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90024-3602

Description: Protest on Monday December 28 In solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Iran we gather in Front of the Federal Building to Protest.

Facebook Page: // 

Toronto - Ashura Rally

When: Monday, Dec 28, 2009

Where: Toronto, Mel Lasman Sq

Description: We are gathering to light candles in silence in memory of the recent killings in Iran in Tehran, Tabriz, and Sirjan. If you have any candles please bring it.

Date: December 28, 2009 Time: 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Place: 5100 Yonge Street, Mel Lastman Sq. No Flags No Factions

امروز عاشورا بود ولی نه مثل عاشورا های ۳۰ سال گذشته،، عاشورا یی بود از جنس خردادهای پر شور این سالها، عاشورایی بود که میدان امام حسین را به آزادی رساند، عاشورایی بود که نیاز به تعزیه نداشت برای نشان دادن ظالم و مظلوم، عاشورایی بود که یزید در آن رو سفید شد، از ظلم یزید زمان. حال ما هم گرد هم میاییم تا با روشن کردن شمعی یاد آنهایی را که در روز عاشورا و حوادث اخیر سیرجان بی رحمانه کشته شده اند را زنده نگاه داریم، و نشان دهیم هر چند که ما در ایران و در کنار شما حماسه آفرینان نیستیم، ولی ذره ذره ی وجودمان با شما بودن را فریاد میکند. روحتان شاد، پروازتان برای وطن مبارک تاریخ: دوشنبه ۷ دی ۱۳۸۸ - ۲۸ دسامبر ۲۰۰۹ زمان: ۶ - ۹ بعد از ظهر مکان: میدان مل لستمن

Vancouver - Ashura Rally

When: Monday, Dec 28, 2009

Where: Vancouver, Canada

Description: Date: Monday, December 28, 2009 Time: 6:00pm - 6:30pm

Location: Vancouver Art Gallery - Robson Side

Facebook Event Page: //

Tomorrow Tuesday December 29:

Hague - Ashura Rally

When: Tuesday, Dec 29, 2009

Where: Hague, NL 

Description: Time: 1-3pm Duinweg 20 NL - JX DEN HAAG 2585

Facebook Event Page: //

Hamburg - Ashura Rally

When: Tuesday, Dec 29, 2009

Where: Hamburg, Germany 

Description: Dezember 29 ساعت 13 به وقت اروپا در مقابل کنسوگری هامبورگ

ساعت 13 به وقت اروپا در مقابل کنسوگری هامبورگ روز سه شنبه ساعت 13 به وقت اروپا در مقابل سفارتها و کنسوگریها اجتما ع میشود.این روز در سرا سر ایران اعتصا ب عمومی است. این یک اکسیون سراسر ی است . تنها ماهیت حمایتی دارد.جنبش مدنی سبز در خارج از کشور موظف به جلب و جذب حمایت بین المللی است


Please see the website for more information and updates.


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Tomorrow in Ottawa Canada

by ahmad_ on

Tomorrow there will be a demonstration in Ottawa Canada in front of IRR  embassy. Maybe you can add it to the list. Thanx


We definitely do need constant rallies

by Monda on

Starting with one specific night of the week at the same spot. Shattuck Bart Station in Berkeley is the perfect spot.

And If Ross Mirkarimi gives permission, SF's Civic Center in front of City Hall would also gather a nice crowd (on Sunday/no Parking problem or work).  Let's everyone contact Ross with this idea.  What do you say?

I stood next to a few non-Iranians last night noticing that demand for Freedom, Civil Rights, DEMOCRACY really speak to them az tahe del.  So yes this has the potential to be much bigger than it is right now.  


Good to see this

by ramintork on

This is great. This is the kind of solidarity that we should show outside Iran.

The only thing I would say is that rather than just being responsive to events in Iran we need to have a constant presence and also get people outside the Iranian communities involved.

If we make this campaign like the South African anti aparthaite campaign instead of a few hundred Iranians you would have a crowd of ten thousand in every event marching in support of Iran. 


Large and Loud in LA too

by IRANdokht on

Los Angeles crowd:


The flags were everywhere. As usual the green supporters were mostly across the street from the Fed building.

The first few pictures are from tonight's rally: 




Thank you for spreading the message

by Bavafa on



Good crowd in Berkeley!

by Monda on

More than 100 LOUD voices, many cars honking in solidarity with us and quite a few non-Iranians joined in the last hour. 



Thanks,...Iranians in Europe happier than Iranians in US

by mannya2001 on

Take a look folks at this solidarity campaign.

There are like 6 or 7 events in Berlin alone. 

In LA, California it is only one event and it is infront of the Federal bldg.--so lame.

I must admit even though I lived in the US, I felt that Iranians in Europe were living life more than Iranians in US.

Ones in US might make more doe, but ones in Europe are happier.  After all European are closer to Iranians in terms on thinking and culture than the YEEHAA Americans.

If you think I am worng, please post.  I'd really like to know. 

Ali P.


by Ali P. on


I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

thank you

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on


Red Wine


by Red Wine on

Thx for info Irandokht Jan .



by IRANdokht on



Ali P.

Nokhod syaah

by Ali P. on


Iin keh meegeh:

"Resource not found"