I want to be buried in Iran

I want to be buried in Iran
by Iraniandudee3

 Harvard Professor loves Iran so much, he wants to be buried in Iran, Isfahan


Recently by Iraniandudee3CommentsDate
Shahram Homayoun
May 22, 2010
more from Iraniandudee3

Clean your ears

by Iraniandudee3 on

And watch and listen again, he says that this theocracy will eventually change and the Iranian people will get through this, and how the government doesn't represent the Iranian people, now unless if you have an i.q of a lima bean, you would understand that he's implying that the Islamist regime is garbage and therefor not good for Iran nor it's people.


Btw, just cause someone's not pro American policies or government doesn't mean he's pro-islamic republic, I don't approv of the American government but I hate the islamic regime in everyway possible.

 Further more, the Iranians this guy loves are the one's who follow their Persian culture and heritage, not those who are supporters of a satanic leach regime.



Sargord Pirouz

That's not what he said.

by Sargord Pirouz on

That's not what he said. What he said was governments come and go, especially in the 1000s of years of history in Iran. He says the people are what count most; the culture.

He's also critical of the US government.

Ever read any of Frye's books? They're fabulous. 



by Iraniandudee3 on

You must have missed the part where he basically says that the regime is a curse on Iran, and the Iranian people will eventually conquer and defeat it, like they always have in history.



Sargord Pirouz

Professor Frye is a

by Sargord Pirouz on

Professor Frye is a wonderful man. He has influenced me on a range of historical and social issues.