On this web site you can know more about Islam . www.BahramMoShiri.com

Islam goes to Hell .
by Islam goes to Hell .

Uncovering the roots of Islam and it's infectiouse disease in Iran

since 1400. years is the responsibilty of any real Persian who are

caring to safe guard their cultural identity from Arabian religion

and rediscovering , keeping  our cultural  herittage  .









Recently by Islam goes to Hell .CommentsDate
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more from Islam goes to Hell .
Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

I called Mr. Mushiri and told him about your proposal.  Unfortunately, he declined your offer of "Mobaheleh" and "Mobaheseh".  He said that the only thing that he is interested in engaing with you is a public, no holds barred, Safsateh.  Are you agrreable? 


Bahram Moshiri

by Zulfiqar110 on

Is a know-nothing twit like you are. If he wants mobaheleh, I'll give him one. If he wants mobaheseh, I'm happier to oblige provided it is done in a neutral venue with academic specialists in attendence witnessing the dressing down of a lifetime he would receive at my hands. Of course this old man, Moshiri, doesn't have it in him, and his bark (just like his more idiotic counterpart Ali Sina) is bigger than his actual bite.

Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

I thought you were going to engage in the Arabic (your ancestors) art of "Mobaheleh" with Mr. Mushiri...or was it "sfasateh" or "barbareh"...


Bahram Moshiri

by Zulfiqar110 on

Is a biased know-nothing who only biased know-nothings remotely take seriously. Academic specialists in the West do not give this guy the time of the day.