Faramarz Aslani in da house!


Jahanshah Javid
by Jahanshah Javid

Yesterday I saw an anonymous comment from someone calling himself "Faramarz Aslani". My first thought was that it HAS to be a fake name. If you read the comments you know what I mean: People pick the oddest names for their anonymous comments. Besides why would a huge pop star leave a comment here?

Although I must say the real Faramarz Aslani is no stranger on this site. His most famous songs have been available in the music section (without his permission, of course) and his English translation of Shokooh Mirzadegi's short story "Blue writing on tarnished yellow papers" appeared here 7 years ago.

The comment from this "Faramarz Aslani" was about a charming rendition of "his" hit song "Ag e Yeh Rooz" by "DarvishJo", an American fan on YouTube. I read the comment a bit more carefully than I usually would (I usually scan text, but this one I had to read) and my doubts about the identity of the author started to disappear. He really IS Faramaraz Aslani (90% certainty :o)

(Well... Welcome sir! I'm a big big fan. Who isn't?)

Now 24 hours after Aslani's first comment, the exchange between him, DarvishJo and well-informed (and well-behaved) fans has been quite remarkable.

Join in the discussion or enjoy reading a rare exchange with a living legend.


The embarrassing thing is that I discovered Aslani more than 20 years after he became a huge star in Iran. Seemed like everybody knew him before I did. I came to the U.S. for high school in the summer of 1976 and went back in 1980, after the revolution. In those 4 years, a lot happened in the pop-culture scene which I completely missed... like Aslani, or Fereydoun Foroughi, or even "Daie Jan Napoleon"...

Aslani's songs are timeless. Three decades later I hear people singing it from the top of their lungs at virtually every party I go to when someone starts playing the guitar.


Oh and I know who DarvishJo is! Well, indirectly through a friend. Let me just say he knows a lot more about Iran and the Persian language (and music apparently) than most of us Iranians :o)


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True Class

by Name Dropper (not verified) on

I know Mr. Aslani personally and let me tell you that he is one of the few Iranian men, let alone celebrities, who have TRUE CLASS. What you see in his comments on this website is not a show or taarof, it's the real Mr. Aslani: Humble, polite, and knowledgeable. A true embodiment of that persian saying that the branches of the tree with the most fruit bend the lowest.


Message from Faramarz Aslani

by Parham on

Dear friends,

Mr. Aslani has asked me to post this message here on his behalf:

"Dear Parham,

Thanks for writing and also clarifying the fact that ' IT IS ACTUALLY ME!'.I would love to answer any question which is put my way.Yesterday I visited the "Iranians" and realized that there were some unanswered questions about some of my work. Specially when Hafez is involved, my antennaerises!Allow me to thank each and everyone of the writers who brought me joy with their kind words. Seeing all that proves that I did not make a mistake in sacrificing riches for Art's sake.Please feel free to post this.

Ba arezouye sarsabzi,

Faramarz Aslani"


Following Mertsi1340's idea, what I'll do is put up a blog post which I'll ask Jahanshah to kindly feature on the main page, where you could ask your questions of Mr. Aslani in the comments section. It will then be up to him to choose which ones to reply to as I'm sure there will be a lot of questions. I will also do my own Q&A, which I will publish in the same interactive format that I always do, so we'll all get our share of this big opportunity.

How does that sound?

Red Wine


Red Wine

به به به.

پس اقا فرامرز اصلاني اينجا تشريف داشتند ما خبر نداشتيم.هان؟

به هر حال من و تمام بچه شمرونيا چاكر ايشون بوديم و هستيم.

ولي جون اقا فرامرز يه البوم بده بيرون.اخه ما كه كپك زديم از اين خواننده هاي جديد چس انجلسي!!!

زنده باشي هم وطن كه هميشه سايه شما بالا سر ما باشه.

Darius Kadivar

Aslani was Awarded by WAALM in 2005 ( Budapest)

by Darius Kadivar on

Was Awarded The Persian Golden Lioness Award in Budapest in 2005

check Here 

with other Artists Below :




Aslani Rules!

by Niki on

Not to underestimate other great Iranian singers, but I bet Aslani is among the rare few who knows how to navigate the net. And as far as I know, he is certainly the only one cool and humble enough to write comments and participate in discussions.


finally, something good comes from the new comment format :)

Orang Gholikhani


by Orang Gholikhani on

Great I love him, he inspired me a lot. I consider Faramarz Aslani and Shayar Ghanbari as my MASTERS.

Parham, tell him I'm a fan and if one day he consider make me the honor to sing one of my pieces, it will a great day of my life :-)//iranian.com/main/blog/orang-gholikhani

I'll waiting your conversation report.


PS : JJ, don't need to screen, it is the real Orang ;-)

Bang Man

I have been listning to Faramarz Aslani for ever

by Bang Man on



He is my all time favorite Iranian Musician.

The other day I was listening to this song


and my wife who is
not Iranian tells me the song
sounds just like Faramarz Aslani ...

Go figure , She was right …
In my hose, The whole family listens to

My kids love Faramarz Aslani ...



What I meant was!

by mertsi1340 on

Can people send you their questions so that you could ask those question in your interview/conversation with Faramarz Aslani!

But I am sure you do a great job regardless. Can't wait to read about it.



by Parham on

Your question actually gave me an idea I'll let you know about a bit later, once I elaborate it. Meanwhile, it's really up to Mr. Aslani to reply to other questions on that same thread or not, as Jahanshah intends to have it.

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Thanks Mertsi... I corrected the link :o)

And Parham... wonderful news. Looking forward to the conversation.


Wrong link?

by mertsi1340 on

Hi JJ,

Was the link"a rare exchange" supposed to take you to a sound clip?


And good job Parham for getting this "Scoop"! Can people send you questions they would like to ask Faramarz?


And guess what

by Parham on

He just wrote to me! He IS the real Faramarz Aslani. He has agreed for us to have a conversation that I'll publish here on iranian.com as soon as it's done! Groovy.