The Ghost of City Park

The Ghost of City Park
by Jahanshah Javid

There's a woman in the park who's always sitting on a makeshift platform/bed under the same big tree. Her dog is close by (side note: I'm a dog lover. I greet dogs before people. I should have been born a dog! Here in Budapest I haven't encountered one dog that shows affection towards anyone but the owner. I've never seen dogs this cold in any other country. It's the oddest thing.) I've seen the woman so many times I figure she lives there. Homeless but not your typical type, whatever that is. I've always seen her from a distance, like 50 feet or so. But her posture and set up is kinda graceful. I see her reading a lot.

Anyway, I've always wanted to take a picture of her and today could have been the day. But I got distracted :) >>> Photo essay

[Yek doya mamnoon to Red Wine for the lovely poster above.]


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No like!

by Anonymouse on

At first I liked that you were taking us along to a Budapest park and felt the early morning discovery.  But then you were haywire!  I suppose ;-0 

Everything is sacred


Great photos

by Rea on

Loved no.19.  But can't decide if he looks more like a voyeur or an exibitionist.

Like those finely shaped legs too, no.17.  Are they yours ?  ;o)

Mola Nasredeen

Interesting interplay of shadows and light

by Mola Nasredeen on

specially numbers 12 thru 26.

Keep on trucking!

Jahanshah Javid

Shadow of the past

by Jahanshah Javid on

Khar: Thanks so much. Not sure if they work. Glad you liked them :)

Comrade: I've been to just one other former communist/socialist country: Czech Republic. Compared to there, Hungary has been hard-hit since going capitalist. Initially they led in attracting foreign investment. But recently the economy seems to have taken a dive and there's even suggestions that Hungary may very well be the next Greece and the EU may have to rescue it soon.

These hard times may have soured moods. Hungarians are polite and friendly, in general. But I've met quite a few cranky people and I wonder what's wrong.

I'm going to Poland in a couple of weeks. Interesting to see how that former socialist country is faring.


Ask her if she is a Rakosi...

by comrade on

I hope at one time in future, you will let us see your first-hand snapshots of the Hungarians' shadow of their past, and the shock they endured for their sudden transition into the Capitalist World.

"Learning carries within itself certain dangers because out of necessity one has to learn from one's enemies."



I'm glad you found the angle...

by Khar on

Love the shadows you created, very expressive shots!