Hairy Subject

Hairy Subject
by Jahanshah Javid

Last month I colored my hair for the first time to get rid of the multiplying grays. Two nights ago I went back to Mauricio's hair salon in Chihuahua, Mexico, for a re-touch. Looks like it's going to be a monthly operation >>> photos


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by comments on

I have been in so many places that one is not supposed to be until I was 30, and enjoyed every minutes of my life.  I am so lucky that I am still a living creature.

But, I haven't been in spa yet.  Until years ago I had a different thought since my co-workers were talking about dirty things that they had done in spas.  Later, I heard from some respected ladies that their husband bought them spa tickets for their birthday and they had spent the weekend there.

I hope a nice person shares his/her experience in a spa.



by comments on

"let it grow on one side and throw it over the top to the other side!"

Many thanks.  I didn't know that we were supposed to color that part of our body too..........

Do women do that too?

Is that what people do in a spa?


Anahid Hojjati

JJ, please don't listen to Faramarz

by Anahid Hojjati on

His suggested hair style is not good. But I know that he will write that he was joking. However, in case that you took him seriously, just wanted to write this.


Dear Comments

by divaneh on

Thanks for your advice but I don't swim in places where there is no shark.

Dear JJ: Don't take things too serious.


Donald Trump Comb-over!

by Faramarz on

With Trump coming into prominence these days, Donald's hairdo is becoming fashionable!

For those guys who are losing your hair or just want to look successful, just let it grow on one side and throw it over the top to the other side!



by Souri on

Everybody  was joking .
The only person who took all this seriously, is yourself!

check it with your sub-conscience !


Fun part :)

by comments on

Sorry, I think Divaneh took it seriously and misled me.  No surprize since he is a Divaneh.

Divaneh: remember 15 minutes everyday in the swimming pool.  After 30 days you can go and see your gastroenterologist for check up........ LOL

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Apparently some of you thought my last comment about "next steps" was serious. That's so interesting to know that some people actually believe I would do all those things to myself :)

And for those of you who still don't get it: I was joking.

ya'ni enghad fekr mikonin kholam? :)))


Divaneh jan

by comments on

How does swimming pool sound? :)  So organic (i.e. natural:)

By the way, just 5 minutes for color!  it won't last more than a week.  I suggest between 20-30 minutes to have it stay for a month.


Dear Comments

by divaneh on

Thanks for your advice. It is however JJ who is looking for enlargement. I am considering some sort of a reduction but after the Khatneh experience am not sure about it.


JJ and Divaneh #2

by comments on

Divaneh: what was the enlargement supposed to mean?

Don't you know that it becomes very difficult and less enjoyable to masturbate when it becomes large? Daaaaaaaaa

On the other hand, it becomes less easier to urinate on your balls, which is so much fun.


JJ and Divaneh

by comments on

JJ: Please don't listen to Divaneh.  Go to a hair stylist.  It is worth the investment.  By the way, who was your stylist talking to on his cell phone? The best place to gossip manly!

Welcome to the world of age anti-discrimination.  We have totally forgot about your age now:)

P.s Thanks Divaneh.  It was a relief that you mention about the bra.  I thought I was becoming a she-male when I get older:) Then, I had to do belly dancing or something more appropriate for that age... 


Welcome to the club JJ

by divaneh on

I had my first grey strands appearing when I was around 27 and now have been dying my hair for many years. I use "Just For Men" because don't have the patience to wait more than 5 minutes. I now even leave a few strands of grey here and there to make it look natural. Don't listen to anyone who says men should not look after their appearance. Don't bother about getting pampered by the hair dresser either; there is nothing better than being pampered by the barman. And did you say you were thinking of ehem enlargement? Ok, I understand. 

Comments Jaan,

I don't think it’s your chest, People just get curious about your wonder bras.

Anahid Hojjati

I think many people are better off having a professional do it

by Anahid Hojjati on

I don't do these kind of things myself. I have seen some women do it themselves and sometimes end up with orange hair. Also to me, these kind of activities like getting your hair colored, getting your nails done, are partly to make a person feel pampered and taken care of. Then if we do it ourselves, half of the fun is gone. It will also will help economy to have professionals do it.


I can give you some

by comments on

I can give you some suggstions as an experienced professional handsome looking man in his 40s with hair color/dark highlight and cleaned eyebrow/nose/ears and the customer of the best non-Iranian hair stylist:) When you go there they usually ask you if you want to look natural or color all.  Well, grey never look good on any body.  Those greys that look great are not natural they are colored.

I enjoy looking better than when I was younger.  This is my fun.  Period.

P.s. breast reduction is something that you should invest and think about :)  It makes me thinking why people keep looking at my chest in the gym!  Is it normal that they grow when we get older... 


Esfand Aashena

Although JJJ can not be trusted to dye his own hair!

by Esfand Aashena on

As careless and lazy he is in "doing" stuff if he dyes his own hair using that 5 minutes stuff he is going to make a mess in the house!  Carpets will have black spots everywhere!  Walls will have black stains!  Bathtub will have black stains and they don't come off easy! Sometimes never worse than a permanent marker!

So it's better if he lets someone else do it! 

Everything is sacred

Anahid Hojjati

thanks Esfand jan, I was going to ask if women can use this too

by Anahid Hojjati on

I think some of the guys in my family use just for men too.

Esfand Aashena

Just For Men.

by Esfand Aashena on

Here's the product line including the 5 minutes hair color.  I actually know some women who use this!


Everything is sacred


Just 5'

by Souri on

Monda jon

The "Just 5" is a men (only) hair colour product. It works like a shampoo (It IS a shampoo) so men can do it by themselves, in the shower. It is available over the counter.

Esfand Aashena

JJJ always thought u have full set of hair What hair transplant?

by Esfand Aashena on

Everything is sacred


JJ and Faramarz

by Monda on

Friendly note: Take off your glasses whether you use chemical die or hana (you can mess up the frame dasteh quickly - trust me). Oh and JJ you can save by using over the counter 10 min root touch-up, which I'm sure is available in Mexico as well. I've never heard of Souri's recommended 5 min formula. I've been coloring my hair since age 42 so I should know.

JJ. Breast redux?! Stop copying everything I do!

Jahanshah Javid

next steps

by Jahanshah Javid on

Faramarz, Sheytaan e Bozorg! hana ro velesh... my next steps are going to be, in order top to bottom: hair transplant, nose job, double-chin tuck, breast reduction, tummy-tuck and finally ehem enlargement.

Esfand Aashena

BTW are you adding grease/gel to your hair as well?

by Esfand Aashena on

Everything is sacred


حنا بندون!


You should go natural and dye your hair with henna! Here is how you do it.

Set aside half a day for a traditional Hana-Bandoon at a public bathhouse. I am sure that you can find one in Chihuahua.

Mix henna with coffee to get a darker color, otherwise your hair will be orange like the Irish flag!

Wash your hair thoroughly first and then put the henna mix on your hair; the finger nails can also benefit from the henna and will give you a distinguished look as you walk on the beach.

Sit by the hot pool at the bathhouse for a few hours and let the henna do its magic. Make sure that the place has WiFi service so that you don't get bored.

Rinse well and walk out feeling like a million dollars or pesos!


Don't spend money on it

by Souri on

First of all, men nowadays look more handsome with some gray hairs. But if you really really want to do it, then just buy the "just 5 minutes" at the drug store and do it yourself at home.

Most of the hair dressers don't know how to color men's hair. After a few washes, the color fade up and turns yellowish (or even ash/green)

If this is the case with you too, and you don't want to try the "just 5", then ask your hair dresser next time to add a bit of Red color into the mixture (very little quantity) . ..... Or they can first put the Red color on the roots (as a toner) then apply the black color.

Advise from the expert ( I have license in coloring hair)

Esfand Aashena

U need a nice haircut 2 show case the salt & pepper, not dying!

by Esfand Aashena on

Everything is sacred

hamsade ghadimi


by hamsade ghadimi on

don't listen to the naysayers. if it makes you feel good then do it.  but remember it's not just a monthly operation, it's a forever operation. 


next stop:

by ComraidsConcubine on

 gold teeth. currently only $1500 per ounce. 


There May Be Snow on the Roof!

by Faramarz on

Don't worry about a few snowflakes on the roof, as long as there is fire in the furnace!

Esfand Aashena

You are crazy! Men coloring hair is so 90s!

by Esfand Aashena on

Most men don't dye their hair anymore.  Give it up!  I don't want to sound insulting so I'll stop but it looks awful!  God awful! 

Everything is sacred