I will always have Paris

I will always have Paris
by Jahanshah Javid

The balance on my bank account said $777. I needed 1,056 to book my flight. I used all my charm to convince my sister to give me some of her airlines miles. She wasn't buyin' it. I was undeterred. I went ahead and bought the ticket. Bank of America will slap me a fine for overdrawing. That's ok. Because I'M GOING TO PARIS!

For the past week or so I have thought a lot about Paris. Ever since I heard that they are going to unravel the "Green Scroll" on top of the Eiffel Tower I've been imagining how magnificent that would be. The organizers were going to contact the Guinness Book of World Records to have a representative measure the scroll and hopefully declare it the longest petition of its kind ever.

I should point out that it seems Paris officials have not given permission to hang the scroll from the top of Eiffel. I hope they will change their mind. I've heard that instead the scroll will be displayed at the "Wall of Peace" on July 26, the day Ahmadinejad will be sworn as "president". Check this web site for latest updates. Also remember there are world-wide protests planned for July 25. See here: irandayofaction.wordpress.com.

I really don't care where it happens; I just want to be there and witness this beautiful symbol of peaceful yet defiant mass protest. It's one of those unique historic events which only takes place once in a generation, maybe once in a century. And I'm not going to miss it.


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maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

o.k...  b .o.a (BANK OF AMERICICA)  will charge  you $ 29 for nsf.!...hoW about the rest of THE expenses in paris ?



Wish I could go, too.

by Princess on

Darius, you gotta take JJ to Chez Robert et Louise, and share a nice bottle of wine on me. :) He can have chelo kabob anywhere! 



Day job

by Anonymouse on

JJ now that your workload (and stress) has been drastically reduced as a result of the new registered only policy, why not a day job with a higher salary? How about being an Architect?!

Although, if you get a day job you can't travel the world at a moment's notice ;-)

Everything is sacred.


I am so jealous!!! :o)

by IRANdokht on

Tu vas nous manquer (we'll miss you)  There you go: first lesson! Start practicing your french

I think you should stay at DK's. He's trying to saro tahesho ba yeh chelokabab ham biyareh!!! yea right!  ;-)

Think of me when you go to Montmartres. That's my favorite spot.  jayeh maro ham khali kon! 

When are you leaving and how long will you stay?

Bon voyage!


Maryam Hojjat

JJ, I will be there too

by Maryam Hojjat on

in the middle of October.  Is there anything going on that time?  Have a good trip.

Orang Gholikhani

when ?!

by Orang Gholikhani on

Only tell me exactly when you will arrive ? :-)

I'll send you an email with my mobile phone.



You will love Paris

by Quebeqi on

Don't forget to taste some French wine and the marvelous Camembert on a piece of fresh bread. And try also the world-famous macarons at Ladurée. You will become addicted to the food for sure.

Say Salam to M. Kadivar on my behalf... ;)


Bon appétit!


JJ I thought you are a millionaire


Have fun in Paris 

don't say French Fries they are called Freedom Fries. (pommes Frites) 

If you want DK to buy you lunch just pretend you like that mama's boy Pahlavi. He'll do anything for you as soon as you mention that

 have fun  

Bon voyage 




Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Thanks so much Ali P. for your generous offer of donations to cover my costs. I think I can pull through on my own. Your prayers will help :o)

Jahanshah Javid

Darius the Great

by Jahanshah Javid on

Looking forward to meeting you. It's about time :o)

Ali P.

Iranian.com's special correspondence

by Ali P. on

 Since you are going to represent Iranian.com there, make sure you look sharp. Take lots of pictures, and possibly do some interviews. Also find out if Dariush Kadivar, Red Wine, and Orang really live there, or sareh kaaremoon gozaashtan!

Please post your Paypal account, for those who want to chip in and donate towards your travel expenses. Remember, Paris is more expensive than Mexico.


Ali P.

Azarin Sadegh

Tu vas nous manquer!

by Azarin Sadegh on

Bonsoir Jahanshah,

Please let me know if you need any help in Paris...I can call my big sister. She lives in the 20eme!

Bon voyage!



Well, I hope they change their mind

by Majid on

Otherwise there are other tall buldings in the world to take Eiffel tower's place and have the honor of siding with a nation's  outcry for freedom.

Have fun buddy

Darius Kadivar

I will Finally see you then ? ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Cool. Well finally we will probably meet eachother JJ ;0)

Drop me an Email when you arrive se we can go and have a Chelo Kebab before the Stand In at Le Mur de La Paix. Its at the Champs de Mars in Front of the Eiffel Tower.

A Bientot,


Majid Zahrai

Go for it JJ!

by Majid Zahrai on

Excellent decision. Jaye maro ham khali kon. It is a great occasion. A proud moment for Iranians outside Iran.


Bon Voyage

by Arash_1970 on

Have a good trip and bring back your usual photo essays.Have a beer for all of us and say hello to my beloved Paris.You are right ,such experiences don't happen very often.The spirits of Sartre and Hemingway will be with you.