Normal people


Jahanshah Javid
by Jahanshah Javid

I got a very nice email from a long-time site visitor complaining in part about the frequency of features about Bahais. She noted that has been known as a secular site and therefore it's odd that so much attention is being given to Bahais and their faith.

It's true that once or twice a week, at most, there are features about Bahais. And there are Bahai bloggers who publish their own stuff. My motivation is still secular and humanistic, since I do not have any religious beliefs. I think it's important to listen to what Bahais have to say. I'm not saying you should accept their version of the truth or that the Bahai faith has more to offer than other religions. I'm just saying they are no different than followers of any other religion. We should see them not as heretics, not as British or Israeli spies, but just as Iranian and human as any.

It boggles my mind that so many Iranians don't want to even acknowledge that for the past 150 years or so, Bahais have been grossly mistreated, persecuted and denied basic rights in their own country. Why? Because their prophet was a Muslim molla who claimed to be the messiah and started his own faith, or whatever. Who cares? What's so great or extraordinary about Islam or Judaism or Zoroastrianism or Paganism or... and their followers? They have their own set of weird beliefs and the Bahais have theirs. But to deny any of these followers the right to choose and practice their religion or have full citizenship in their own country is cruel and archaic. How can we close our eyes to this? You don't have to like their religion in order to accpet their humanity. The latter should be a given. Sadly, it is not.

What I am hoping for is that by reading about the persecution of Bahais and their literature, we -- non-Bahai Iranians --  start understanding what the Bahais are about, what they have gone through and accept them as normal people rather than outcasts. As simple as that. Nothing less, nothing more. We are adults, we can think, we can distinguish between religious propaganda and truth.

So if you see things in about Bahais more often than you are used to, get used to it :o) Featuring stuff about them is my kind of "affirmative action" to help right a terrible wrong. It's absolutely unacceptable to discriminate on the basis of race, gender, nationality, religion... we must know that by now. Wake up people! Barack Hussein Obama is well on his way to become the next president of the United States. Who would have guessed that in a country that is still grappling with race issues, where people are scared to death of Islam and have elected GW Bush not once, but twice?

No Bahai is going to be the president of Iran any time soon. But hameen keh we accept Bahais as fellow human beings khodesh kheyli honareh.


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Farhad Kashani

Mona19 azeez, the vast

by Farhad Kashani on

Mona19 azeez, the vast majority of Iranians cherish the beautiful diversity which made our country great and have deep respect for all faiths, including Bahais.


Do not worry about these few evil leftists and IRI apologists on this site and elsewhere. Everything they say is out of desperation and enviousness. They know their ideology is rejected by Iranians, so their becoming more vicious and uncivilized. They show incredible intolerance towards us Muslim-borns as well, whenever we criticize the IRI or say anything favorable of the U.S by calling us “neo cons”, “bahais”, “Zionists”, and all kinds of other names.


Darya "Haghighat Talkh ast..."

by alborz on

...when people have preconceived notions  and lack the standards and tools by which they can inquire.

You have just explained yourself as being someone that wishes well for all and speaks of the religion of "love".

While this is far better than the religion of "war and hate", any belief that is not "informed" is harmful and contrary to your and everyone's best interest.  In fact most conflict is born out of ignorance on the one hand and greed on the other.

Ignorance can only be remedied by education and objectivity.  Greed can be remedied by seeing the welfare of others as integral to your own welfare.

So, we are all bruised by the "stone throwers" and "drive bys" when misinformation is spread carelessly.  If uncertain, then leave room for error in judgement, before you cast doubt on peoples intellect and also don't "shout fire" when you have only heard that there may have been one decades ago.

Thanks for clarifying you views, anyway.



Passer by..

by faryarm on

1. what ever happened to cole is between him and God.

Please listen To Dr Choubinehs history of the Bab.

He discusses at length from purely a historic aspect the Babi phenomenon, as well as questions regarding Azal; He discusses the various forged documents, as well as his impartial opinion regarding the important contribution of Babi Bahai ideology to modern thinking and the constutionalist movement.




All these issues are discussed; hear callers on the show who bring up exactly the same questions and comments, because they have been  exposed to the Radiyehs. before reading authentic writings.

Respectfully, You are wasting your time reading anything if you dont believe the spiritual aspect of religion and  have already prejudged faith and history..and sadly one gets tired repeating the same principles..

It is between you and your creator...if you believe one..




Dear Alborz, what I said was

by Anonymous on

Dear Alborz,

what I said was nothing but the truth and you know it " Haqiqat talkh hast "

but I am so sorry if my stone hit the wrong head..........I certainly did not mean it ...........

next time that I stop by I try to throw some values instead .......

now smile and do not get so upset.....

I hope that one day all the people of Iran live together in peace and harmony .........I hope that one day we understand that there is only one God and one religion and that religion is the religion of love.....
then it does not really matter who is muslim or not who is bahai or not......

and no i am not really reading the comments........there are too many of them and most of them are too long to follow and too boring ....I just read the original post or two replies and then respond ......

Although I should thank you for reading mine. :)



Dear Anonymous Passer by

by Seagull (not verified) on

"As for heart, it’s a kind of pomp; physiologically a very important organ but no relation to Intellect."

I would not so carelessly reduce the function of the heart to a physiological pump, certainly it is not as common of a territory as intellect.
As you may consider, intellect has always been at the service of the heart or the heartless! You pair a heart full of hate and resentment with an intelligent mind and you come up with some of the people you'd wish you never knew. Try different combinations!

Consider this as literal as you wish;

"The pen steppeth not into this region, the ink leaveth only a blot. In these planes, the nightingale of the HEART hath other songs and secrets, which make the heart to stir and the soul to clamor, but this mystery of INNER MEANING may be whispered only from heart to heart,..."

Baha'U'llah, The Seven Valleys, p.30

Fathaming this requires not intelligent but heart, and underestimating this is only a self imposed deprivation of a more desired outcome than the one you maybe seeking, you would readily agree, if you contemplate with a higher motive! But alas to understand this, self, ego, becomes an obstacle to us and doing away with self commands something beyond intellect. This only God teaches not man. So we should ask God not in rebellion but in humility, this does not take zeal, but longing desire.

Mona 19

By Oneness of religion...

by Mona 19 on

We believe that there is but one religion which is progressively revealed by God, through prophets/messengers, to mankind as humanity matures and its capacity to understand also grows. The outward differences in the religions, the Bahá'í writings state, are due to the exigencies of the time and place the religion was revealed. Bahá'u'lláh claimed to be the most recent, but not the last.

"the changeless Faith of God, eternal in the past, eternal in the future."


The real miracle is the transformation of human hearts.


regards,Mona :)


Oneness of religions is nonsense

by Shamse Vazir (not verified) on

There are multitude of religions. There are polytheistic, monotheistic, humanist, pagan, new-age, scientology, and tons of other variations. Some believe in afterlife while others don't. Some think that all people will be saved while others keep redemption only for those who see the light. There are those who believe in pre-destination and those who believe in free-will. Now maybe you could say that all Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam are more one. But that is discounting a very large number other beliefs. The oneness claim is really a way of ruling out any belief that does not fit one's own.


To Faryarm

by AnonymousPasser by (not verified) on

I read those books and understood as much as I could. Bayan was in Persian (see my references) did I do any wrong to try? I also read Quran and new and old testament, the book of Mormon, Tazkeratol- olia... ALL THE SAME.

I am not telling all this as a show off but, it feels like, you are interrogating me in a Bahai court. This proves one more time that Juan Cole is right about being persecuted, isolated, shunned and even harassed by you guys, and you called him “deranged” because he got disillusioned and did not want to follow Baha Ullah any more.

This is also the same as your prophet did, because of his own worldly ambitions of leadership to his own half brother Sobh-e Azal (declared by Bab as his predecessor). Should I reveal more?

Yes, Bab said there would be the coming one, as there was one after Moses and one after Jesus. But he did not mean that the new one would come right after few years of his death. He believed there would be a new one, probably after centuries, when the world would evolved and there would be the need for a new one.

I have read B.U. letter to Nassereddin Sah. I also know about tablet of Abdul Baha circulated prophesying a long and prosperous reign for Mohammed Ali Shah, who cannoned Majles and annulled the constitution before was driven from his throne into exile.

As for miracles, with all due respect; I don’t believe in Moses opening the Nile, Jesus raising the dead…or tooth ferry.

Again, I respect your belief; you are “normal people” and any persecution against Bahais or any other religious people are wrong and must stop.


Mona 19

My Dear Ruha We didn't forget about you...

by Mona 19 on

بهائیان دنیا که به تقدّس کشور ایران معتقدند، این را
وظیفۀ خود میدانند که در عمران و آبادی ایران با سایر هموطنان خود همیشه
کوشا باشند. در این فیلم کوتاه یک روز کامل از فعّالیّتهای انسان دوستانه
جوانان بهائی شیراز که با مجوّز شورای شهر در مناطق محروم شیراز انجام
میگرفت، از زبان یکی از کسانی که اکنون به خاطر این فعّالیّتها در زندان
به سر میبرد شرح داده شده



Mona 19

دوستان عزیز ایرانی‌ و سروران گرامی‌...

Mona 19

همه شما عزیزان
از دیانت بها‌یی شنیده اید ولی‌ کمتر کسی‌ از شما هموطنان دور از غرض از
این دیانت که از ایران مان شروع شده اطلاع دارد.

همه ما به خوبی‌ اگاهیم که ایرانیها در بلند نظر ی و روشن بینی‌ و
داشتن رفتار بزرگ وارانه نسبت به همه ایین‌ها شهره جهان بودند...در زمانی‌
که مردم در تاریکی جهل و تعصب زندگی می‌ کردند و بد رفتاری نسبت به سایر
ادیان امری رواج بود کورش کبیر دستور آزادی پیروان کیش های دیگر را داد
و بزرگداشت پرستشگاه‌ها و نیا یشگاه‌ها ی آنها را واجب دانست.

ما در دوره ی زندگی‌ می‌ کنیم که آزادی مذهب در بسیاری از کشورها وجود
دارد و آزار و اذیت پیروان دیانت‌ها ی دیگر به عنوان جهل و تعصب شناخته

سوال من این است چرا ما ایرانی‌‌ها که سابقه درخشان در این مورد داریم
و بدین افتخار می‌ کنیم که اولین منشور حقوق بشر از کشور عزیزمان ایران
شروع شده نسبت به پیروان دیانت بهایی اینطور با کینه و دشمنی رفتار
می‌کنیم و سنگی‌ هم به آنها می‌ زنیم؟؟؟.... و متاسفانه خیال می‌ کنیم که
ثواب هم می‌ بریم و در دلمان می‌گوییم حق‌شان هم هست....و بارها و بارها
در حالی‌ که می‌ دانیم برای حرف مان سند و مدرکی‌ نداریم به آنها تهمت زده
و می‌ زنیم.


با احترام فراوان،مونا









Darya, Do not demean Iranians with "Do not forget that Baha'is"

by alborz on

... reminder. 

If you had been following the comments here you would have found that your "pitch" has been responded to serval times.  Find out whether the matter was put to rest or not.

Your generalizations are demeaning to all Iranians. A few more comments like this one and you will be one of the "drive bys" on this site who simply "cast a stone" and add no value.



Do not forget that bahais

by Anonymous on

Do not forget that bahais were ruling Iran during Shah's time...............Hoveda was a bahai ( DUH )

and we have seen them in politic .....they were as great as the mullahs...

actually all Iranians are the same .......if they see water they are good swimmers...........they just have not been given much chance......

Iranian are far so away from learning to tolerate each other ..........each period of time a group shows up to cut the head off the rest.........

Let be a place to teach us how to tolerate each other ..... so we can be the same people before and after seeing the water...hopefully


Mona 19


by Mona 19 on

ایهالناس ما همه بشریم بنده ی یک خدای دادگریم

خواهران و برادران همیم چون ز یک مادر و ز یک پدریم

هم به یک صورت و به یک هیات هم ز یک عنصر و ز یک گهریم

متشکل باحسن التقویم متصور باعدل الصوریم

هیچ درنده جنس خود ندرد ما چرا نوع خویشتن بدریم

مدتی رنج دشمنی بردیم حالیا عیش دوستی ببریم

متوطن درون خانه ی تنگ از چه رو دشمنان یکدگریم

همه دانیم بار یک داریم گر فریب ستمگران نخوریم

می زند صاحب جهان فریاد بستگان رسته بندگان آزاد

نعیم اصفهانی


To Anon Passer by...Divine or Man Made?

by faryarm on

So you actually read the whole Bayan?

Of course that’s a great accomplishment to have read and understood the language of nineteenth century Persian and Arabic...Of course The Bayan and its laws were only relevant for that time. Baha’is revereit as the revelation that abrogated the laws of Islam and prepared the way forwhat The Bab had promised would be the coming of One "who will come after Him.

You said that you also read The "Aqdas"? You must be a scholar and expert in classical Arabic , you must be absolutely perfect to have read andunderstood it...did you read it once or more?

You mention dogma, rationale and theheart... Humility and obedience are not Dogma, but virtues; 

By heart, it was meant deeper understanding beyond an intellectual understanding. There are many who agree with the intellectual merits of Baha’i teachings, but they are not Baha’is...even Baha’is are not truly Baha’is until these ideals affect their actions.

Regarding your comparison with Scientology;

If Scientology is Divine and not man made then it will endure; if it can unite the hearts of the people of the world, and by that I mean from the most educated professional in the west to the poorest and most  illiterate dirt farmer in Africa,( who can not read Dianetics or know who is Tom Cruise) ; then it can be compared with the Baha’i Faith.

If you read about the revelation of Baha'u'llah you will realise that He was neither a studied cleric, nor an educated scholar of philosophy; His education was that of a typical nobleman, in the art ofhorsemanship, archery, and poetry. Incredible as it seems to the atheist and  secular mindset; one can not deny or fathom the fact that This body of over 8000 works was revealed in a language foreign to Baha'ullah.

Please read Baha'u'llahs letter to NasiridinShah, about having not been schooled; and yet, He was endowed with the Divineability to reveal in exquisite language, in Both Persian and Arabic an Ocean ofwisdom that comprise hundreds of volumes, of which you claim to have read One.

          O KING! I was but aman like others, asleep upon My couch, when lo, the breezes of theAll-Glorious were wafted over Me, and taught Me the knowledge of all that hathbeen. This thing is not from Me, but from One Who is Almighty and All-Knowing.And He bade Me lift up My voice between earth and heaven, and for this therebefell Me what hath caused the tears of every man of understanding to flow. The learning current amongst men I studied not; their schools I entered not. Ask of the city wherein I dwelt, thatthou mayest be well assured that I am not of them who speak falsely.  


Full text see below 

From letter to Nasir'dinShah  



Bahais are not perfect, But strive to live by a new standard

by faryarm on

1.Bahais are mortal imperfect humans striving to live by a new standard set byGod for a Global society. They don't come out of the womb perfect.


2.Wha do you really know about the process and "those bunch of men" ? Please, I think you totally misunderstand a truly organic international democratic process....The degree of respect and love Bahais have for their instituions that has no leader is inexplicable and has to be experienced..


and Who Claimed to be God? Please you misunderstand again Baha'u'llah never claimed to be God.


3.As for that old "Achar Faranseh" of Bahai setizi ...of Bahais during the Shah..

do you really want to go through that again? people are getting tired of this idiotic propaganda...of anyone with a Bahai sounding name like Rohani, Sabet, or Samii etc etc to have been a Bahai...


4. Fortunately, most Iranians unaffected by lies , especially if they actuallyhave known a Bahai will attest to bahai being generally, educated, kind and harmless people..

As humorously stated here by ShayKh Mehdi Daneshmand , a decidedly Anti Bahai voice who reluctantly sings their praises. !


According to this Mullah,All Bahais are angels :) 




All bahai's are angels

by choob (not verified) on

Faryam, you're right! You've opened my eyes and soul! All bahais are innocent angels. There have never been, nor will there ever be any bad bahais. There have never been a bahai politician in this world. And as a woman, I feel perfectly fine for bunch of men at the house of "justice" to make decisions for me, hell yeah! There must be some secrets to that, obviously! And what khorafat? A man claiming to talk to "god", and coming up with a new religion?! that's having delusions at best. So that is not khorafat... yeah, fact to you. And bahais never do favoritism, ever, all those bahai people in shah's time, having those high posts, they all earned it sweating! surrrre! what nice folks!



by Anonymous Passer by (not verified) on


Scientologists do claim to believe in the newest (therefore the most evolved) religion like bahais. They try to discredit all criticism against their religion like bahais.

These are references where I have read those two books:
Ketab-e aghdas:
Majmooey-e alvah-e jamal-e aghdas-e abha (collected by: Behrooz Bahrami)

Bayan: //

Thank you for the advice. Yes, open mind is the key, you look at all sides and you judge for yourself to find the best argument. Religions including bahai ask for devotion and obedience. When there is dogma there are no rationales. As for heart, it’s a kind of pomp; physiologically a very important organ but no relation to Intellect.



جالهو ,مادر از قم زنگ میزنن!

naneh belghays (not verified)

میگن اضا فه کا رحساب می کنی امشب؟


I am reading and reading!

by betaraf (not verified) on

Baba khasteh shodam! it is interesting all bahaiis are so polit and most anonymous writers specialy anonymous 77 is so childish and low level of argument:)),come on my Muslem comrades lets do better than what this anonymous77 is doing. aberorizy mesheh ha!
where is the mrs, she looks like Einstein compare to 77.


Leo Tolstoy and Ahmad Kasravi..

by faryarm on

please delete mulitple copy


Leo Tolstoy and Ahmad Kasravi..

by faryarm on

Leo Tolstoy and Ahmad Kasravi; they both had opinions about the New Religion:Babi and Bahai

Kasravi's motive was to outrightly distort and reject it, without any objectivity with regard to its teachings and vision for Iran and the world. 

I apologise to lovers of Tolstoy in advance for the side by side comparison. 

Here is Tolstoy's opinion of the Bahá'í Faith 


On October 10th 1903,  Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy wrote, "I have known about the Babis for a long time and have always been interested in their teachings. It seems to me that these teachings. . . have a great future for this very reason that these teachings, discarding all these distorting incrustations that cause division, aspire to unite into one 

common religion all mankind. Therefore the teachings of the Babis, inasmuch as they 

have rejected the old [edited] superstitions and have not established new superstitions 

which would divide them from other new superstitions . . . and inasmuch as they 

keep to the principal fundamental ideas of brotherhood, equality and love, have a great future before them . . . I therefore sympathise with Babism with all my heart inasmuch as it teaches people brotherhood and equality and sacrifice of material life for service to God." 

Again, in 1908, Tolstoy wrote, "The teachings of the Babis which come to us out of Islam have through Baha'u'llah's teachings been gradually developed and now present us with the highest and purest form of religious teaching. " 

Provisional translation from Russian: 

from "The Bahá'í Faith in Russia" by Nancy Ackerman & Graham Hassall, (Appendix II in the Russian edition of 

Hatcher & Martin's introductory book about the Bahá'í Faith) excerpt from pp. 259-262 : 

"The Faith also attracted the attention of Russia's great thinker, L. N. Tolstoy, who first heard  about the Babis in 1884 from O. S. Lebedev. Over the course of 16 [?] years (until his death in 1910) the writer wrote several times about the Babi and Bahá'í teachings in his correspondence and diaries. Nor did he not overlook Grinevskaya's play. [Isabella Grinevskaya, a playwright of the time, wrote a play about the Bab which had two very successful runs in St. Petersburg. Grinevskaya became a Bahá'í, and later met both `Abdu'l-Baha and Shoghi Effendi.] Tolstoy wrote her a letter in which he spoke warmly about her work and noted that "...the teachings of the Babis... since they uphold the fundamental, underlying ideas of brotherhood, equality and love, have a great future."1 Tolstoy's letter was published, and public interest in the Faith in Russia grew significantly. 

Tolstoy was a champion of true religion, and his spiritual search and important ideas - such as the crucial need for a universal religion, independent investigation of truth, the harmony of faith and reason, the simplification of religious ritual, and universal education - were in agreement with Bahá'í principles.True, the writers's relationship with the Faith was complex and, at times, uneven: periods in which he put the highest possible value on it alternated with periods of coolness and criticism. Without access to reliable sources, Tolstoy naturally was unable to get a clear picture of the Bahá'í teachings. This limited knowledge, together with internal conflicts in 

his own philisophical outlook, at times prompted him to reject the Faith, since it seemed to him that its postulates did not coincide with his own views and and aspirations. However, in his correspondence with Bahá'ís and those researching the Faith Tolstoy never stopped exploring those questions which troubled him: the nature of God, patriotism, the station of the great Prophets, the oneness of religions, and the link between mind and soul. 

... It is known from Tolstoy's letters that he received a number of books about the Faith, sent by correspondents who were interested in religious questions. The brief references to Babis and Bahá'ís in his diaries are unclear, but they affirm that an interest in the Faith never left him. `Abdu'l-Baha knew that Tolstoy was interested in the Faith, and he advised Bahá'ís living in Russian-controlled territories (including Ali-Akbar Nakhjavani from Baku) to keep in contact with him and provide Tolstoy with reliable information about the Faith. In a letter to Nakhjavani Tolstoy mentioned that he intended to write a book about the Babi and Bahá'í religions.2 

In 1901 in a letter to the Persian ambassador to Russia, who had sent his poem "Peace" to Tolstoy, Lev Nikolaevich [Tolstoy] wrote: "I believe that there are people everywhere, like the Babis in your homeland, who profess the true religion, and despite the persecution which they have always suffered everywhere, their ideas will spread increasingly rapidly and in the end will triumph over barbarism..."3 

In September 1902 an Iranian Bahá'í, Aziz'u'llah Jazab, arrived at Yasnaya Polyana [Tolstoy's home] with a personal message from `Abdu'l-Baha, which said in part: "Act in such wise, that your name will be a memory of the good in the world of religion. Many philosophers have appeared, and each has raised a banner, say, to a height of five metres. You have raised a banner ten metres; immerse yourself in the ocean of oneness and you shall obtain for everlasting the assistance of God."4 

In response to the messenger's question about Tolstoy's relationship to Baha'u'llah and His Cause, Tolstoy replied: "How can I reject it? ... Clearly, this cause will win over the whole world." 

Tolstoy observed that the principles of the Bahá'í Faith were in accordance with the spirit of the age and, in time, would be firmly established in the world, ensuring the well-being of humanity.5 

Towards the end of his life L. N. Tolstoy came to the conclusion that the teachings of the Bab, as developed in the works of Baha'u'llah, represented that highest and purest form of religion. In 1910, shortly before his death, Tolstoy wrote of the Bahá'í Faith: "It is very profound. I know of no other religion which is so profound.""6 

  A more detailed article in Persian By Kiumars Mazloom, Please see  




Passer By...

by faryarm on

Thank you..

Yes Baha'u'llah is the latest, but not the last ...

re: scientology; Hubbard does not have such claims does he? 

Can you really compare Bahai teachings with Scientology.. ?

Can I ask you in what language you read the Kitab Aqdas? or The Bayan 

The "Aqdas is essentially a Book of Laws, some  of which pertains to the future...THe Bayan,a book that was for the Babi era;  which version did yo read? 

In any case...all one asks for is an open one expects you to belive anything..only your mind and heart can decide on that one..

best wishes



Impartial Iranian Historian's view of Anti Babi-Bahai Literature

by faryarm on

The following is an except from 2 radio talks of Bonyad Farhang Iran, by Dr Bahram Choubineh's research of the Bab and in his opiniion, the most significant social, religious contribution in modern iranian history. In this excerpt he is asked about Radiyehs as in works by Ahmad Kasravi and the likes...


for the complete programme please  go to:







To Faryarm

by Anonymous Passer by (not verified) on

Was Baha ullah the last prophet, therefore the most evolved one? If yes, he is the right one as you bahais believe and this is what all the other religions say about their prophet for one reason or the other. This was my argument from the beginning.
Should I believe in Scientologists because their religion appeared after Bahai so it’s more evolved?

No, I did not only read books against bahai faith. I have read also Ketab-e Aghdas, Bayan and at least one of the books by somebody called Dr. Davoodi (a devoted bahai. I don’t remember the title, I borrowed it from a bahai friend) There was nothing in those books except some ethics and some wall paper reasoning in favor of believing in God… that, I could find in any religious preaching. On the other hand in my first comment I mentioned: “We saw many sources … in favor of their (Bahai) faith. Just to keep the balance I propose some documents against it”. By the way I never mentioned Kasravi, he is too rigid and himself a “semi- prophet”. Please don’t misquote me.

As far as my motivations; contrary to your imagination, I have read Bahai literature with a positive but open eye attitude. I am an ordinary person, interested in Philosophy, History, and Politics etc. No animosity toward Bahai or any other beliefs. I only want to find about rights and wrongs as much as I can.



Choob jaan...

by faryarm on

Admit that you are not bothered or lack the ability to read or comprehend.. 

the choob is the closed door of your mind; sadly.. 

If you can, kindly list the Khorafat, or any part of the Bahai principles you find to be nonsense...

Yes the Truth does speak just have to have the ability to recognise it...


Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

I have yet to have any Bahais knock on my door.

Jehovah's Witnesses ring my doorbell twice a week. They are so fanatical that they even knock on doors of obviously empty houses with a "For Sale-Bank Owned" sign in the front yard.

To this day, I have not had any member of the Bahai religion come up to me and start to proselytize. Not one. And it must be said that I despise proselytizing. Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Baptists, Born Again Christians, Hare Krishnas have all found their way to my door. Repeatedly. And I have slammed the door on them. Every time. I won't give any one of them the time of day.

I've yet to meet a Bahai (and there have been many) who has even brought up the subject of religion, whether it is theirs or anyone else's. So, your Bahai propaganda theory is baseless.


Bahis like Jehovah Witnesses

by Jaleho on

undo their own efforts by doing it too much! There is indeed so much similarities among the two groups and their teachings.

I remeber the first time Jehova witness people showed up on my door to advertise their religion, I tried all my Iranian hospitality and politeness to have them come in and talk with Tea and cookie. After all, they are polite people who have a deep belief, have been gone through some vicious acts, even were the subjec of Hitler's wrath. How could you tell them rudely that you don't care for their heart felt propaganda?

A week later, more of them with their well dressed kids came and so on! At some point, we had to tell them sorry, we are really not going to accept their faith even if they came every day.

Now, this thread is serving a very valuable thing.   For so long, the Bahais have been using this site for propaganda and frankly abusing the politeness and sympathy of Iranians on this thread who are reluctant to say, "enough propaganda please!"

As such, the minority feels even more pressed to advertise and thus reveals the fanatical aspect of its religion. And, secular people aslo start to give their opinion without feeling that they are being considered as non-tolerant. I think I will write a short version of what a lot of people consider Bahism really is, and will cut and paste it whenever I see another Bahai propaganda here, effortless!



Excuse me Mr. Faryarm

by Jaleho on

Do you recognize how ridiculous the passage you wrote about Dr. Fereydoon Adammiat really is??! I mean there's this Bahi guy, Touraj Amini, who is probably well know to YOU, who writes how Dr. Adammiat is the most repected historian of the recent decades, how his books are considered among the best resources for historical reasearch, yet he should be dismissed. WHY? beause his detailed historical review shows that Abdul baha and seyed bob are two charlatans who managed to gather some uneducated people with the latter saying that he is the "door" to the hidden imam who the shiites have been waiting for, and how people who can not see the imam can trust him with giving their money to the hidden Imam through this "bob-which means door", and other JUNK like that, which has given them ample money of naive followers....

I mean, your rejection of anyone who reveals the history of bobism and bahaism is funny! Use this propaganda to Americans who don't know who Ahmad Kasravi is, who Homa Nategh is, who Dr. Adammiat is, and can not read some original LAUGHABLE MATERIAL OF BOB AND BAHA! For all they care your "Touraj Amini" is as valuable as Ahmad Kasravi or Adammiat!!


You don't tell physicist who quote Einstein and Heisenberg and Bohr on some profound physical problems..."These guys don't count," my lame cat says so :-)



blah blah blah....

by choob (not verified) on

blah blah blah.... copy/paste galore.... but whatever, stop the lies of religion, stop khorafat, stop the nonsense of some delusional man talking or hearing "god". that belongs to science fiction, get real. Stop making excuses for the bahai faults and misdeeds. you can rationlize all you want, but the truth is so obvious and just speaks for itself... loudly.


Membership on UHJ....

by Zabih (not verified) on

...if I understood it correctly, being limited to men is then a principle founded on Faith and that the Bahais believe that the wisdom of this principle will be known at a later time.

Thanks Faryarm.