I got a very nice email from a long-time site visitor complaining in part about the frequency of features about Bahais. She noted that iranian.com has been known as a secular site and therefore it's odd that so much attention is being given to Bahais and their faith.
It's true that once or twice a week, at most, there are features about Bahais. And there are Bahai bloggers who publish their own stuff. My motivation is still secular and humanistic, since I do not have any religious beliefs. I think it's important to listen to what Bahais have to say. I'm not saying you should accept their version of the truth or that the Bahai faith has more to offer than other religions. I'm just saying they are no different than followers of any other religion. We should see them not as heretics, not as British or Israeli spies, but just as Iranian and human as any.
It boggles my mind that so many Iranians don't want to even acknowledge that for the past 150 years or so, Bahais have been grossly mistreated, persecuted and denied basic rights in their own country. Why? Because their prophet was a Muslim molla who claimed to be the messiah and started his own faith, or whatever. Who cares? What's so great or extraordinary about Islam or Judaism or Zoroastrianism or Paganism or... and their followers? They have their own set of weird beliefs and the Bahais have theirs. But to deny any of these followers the right to choose and practice their religion or have full citizenship in their own country is cruel and archaic. How can we close our eyes to this? You don't have to like their religion in order to accpet their humanity. The latter should be a given. Sadly, it is not.
What I am hoping for is that by reading about the persecution of Bahais and their literature, we -- non-Bahai Iranians -- start understanding what the Bahais are about, what they have gone through and accept them as normal people rather than outcasts. As simple as that. Nothing less, nothing more. We are adults, we can think, we can distinguish between religious propaganda and truth.
So if you see things in iranian.com about Bahais more often than you are used to, get used to it :o) Featuring stuff about them is my kind of "affirmative action" to help right a terrible wrong. It's absolutely unacceptable to discriminate on the basis of race, gender, nationality, religion... we must know that by now. Wake up people! Barack Hussein Obama is well on his way to become the next president of the United States. Who would have guessed that in a country that is still grappling with race issues, where people are scared to death of Islam and have elected GW Bush not once, but twice?
No Bahai is going to be the president of Iran any time soon. But hameen keh we accept Bahais as fellow human beings khodesh kheyli honareh.
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OGH, to blind intolerance
by faryarm on Tue Jul 22, 2008 09:12 AM PDT...and so that's why we iranians are socially and culturally stunted...to the extent that , OGH is the reaction to modern progressive thought..and solutions that could dig our people out of its "medieval" nightmare that's Iran today. What is being discussed here is not religious Dogma, about some ritual from thousands of years ago...
I refer you to Iranian.com August 2002 to an article called Medieval Ignorance, by Igbal Latif.
OGH to Intolerance and blind prejudice,
by AnonymousTHEMRS (not verified) on Tue Jul 22, 2008 06:25 AM PDTVah Vah Man yeki ke VAGHEAN ogham gereft. Thanks to JJ, religious zealots now have a new playground to preach and try to convince the rest of us about how cool their religion is. I'm beginning to see how a seemingly innocent post can open such doors. If I help with the evangelical effort, can get on some sort of pay roll? Be khoda az kaar kardan khastah shodam. Moft khori sounds good just about now.
Mardom...intori az deenetoon tarif mikonin it turns a lot of people off. It's counter productive. I was ready to treat everyone equally, now one particular group is falling below the rest. Some pigs ARE more equal than others.
Oneness of religion in bahai is impossible?
by faryarm on Tue Jul 22, 2008 08:00 AM PDTOneness of religion in Bahai is impossible?
Tell that to the 5 to 7 million Bahais of Amercan native indian,Hindu, Buddhist, Zoroastrian, Jewish,Christian and Muslim background who are united under on banner... United means they dont reject the essence of their past and religion but accept the Bahai faith as a fulfillment of their faith.
Ali Reza Jaan, wake up and smell the roses!
To illustrate the diversity please see..this is only meant to illustrate the point above.
To realise a WOW factor, you need to go Back to the Future!
by faryarm on Tue Jul 22, 2008 08:29 AM PDTWell, lets see...You will need to borrow Michaelj fox's Delorean to travel back to Iran in the late nineteenth century,amidst the most miserable and backward condition any country could be at thattime...you then need to rush Back to the future and pick up an actualbook about Baha'u'llahs teachings, or go to( www.bahai.org ) then see why people in thosedays could not even imagine or comprehend what He was talking about;
Today in 2008, just about every one of Baha'u'llahs teachings is a hot current social, political or spiritual issue, fromthe ned for unity, independent thinking, equality of men and women, science and religion, global security, the environment (AlGore Quoted Baha'u'llah on this ), universal education, extremes of poverty and wealth, racial harmony ,etc etc...
Also, Poets like Rumi never claimed to have a mission or to be a messenger from God; Baha'u'llah has said that they were inspired by the word of God; One can not deny the very spiritual essence in Rumi's timeless wisdom.
We don't need a Wow factor to demonstrate the relevance of Baha’u’llahs spiritualrevolution; its clear as the sun for any one with the necessary insight.
But if you insist on "WOW" , ask yourself, how much of the following would have made sense even to the the most sophisticated in the west in the late nineteenth toearly twentieth century, never mind to a bunch of "shepeshu" Mullahs! then imagine what Iran would be like today, if these ideas had been allowed totake root in the Iranian heart and soul...surely if it had you would not beasking for a WOW factor..
Here is an excerpt,from the writings of Shoghi effendi the Guardian of the Baha’i faith.The translator and interpreter of His Great Grandfather's writings:
please payparticular attention to the relevnace of ". A mechanism of world inter-communication will be devised, embracing the whole planet, freed from national hindrances and restrictions, and functioning with marvelous swiftness and perfect regularity. And what we are at this very moment using to communicate!
The unity of the human race, as envisaged byBahá’u’lláh, implies the establishment of a world commonwealth in which allnations, races, creeds and classes are closely and permanently united, and inwhich the autonomy of its state members and the personal freedom and initiativeof the individuals that compose them are definitely and completely safeguarded. This commonwealth must, as far as we can visualize it, consist of a world legislature, whose members will, as the trustees of the whole of mankind,ultimately control the entire resources of all the component nations, and will enact such laws as shall be required to regulate the life, satisfy the needs and adjust the relationships of all races and peoples. A world executive, backed by an international Force, will carry out the decisions arrived at, and apply the laws enacted by, this world legislature, and will safeguard theorganic unity of the whole commonwealth. A world tribunal will adjudicate anddeliver its compulsory and final verdict in all and any disputes that may arisebetween the various elements constituting this universal system. A mechanism of world inter-communication will be devised, embracing the whole planet, freed fromnational hindrances and restrictions, and functioning with marvellous swiftnessand perfect regularity. A world metropolis will act as the nerve center of a worldcivilization, the focus towards which the unifying forces of life will convergeand from which its energizing influences will radiate. A world language willeither be invented or chosen from among the existing languages and will betaught in the schools of all the federated nations as an auxiliary to theirmother tongue. A world script, a world literature, a uniform and universal systemof currency, of weights and measures, will simplify and facilitate intercourseand understanding among the nations and races of mankind. In such a worldsociety, 204 science and religion, thetwo most potent forces in human life, will be reconciled, will cooperate, andwill harmoniously develop. The press will, under such a system, while givingfull scope to the expression of the diversified views and convictions ofmankind, cease to be mischievously manipulated by vested interests, whetherprivate or public, and will be liberated from the influence of contendinggovernments and peoples. The economic resources of the world will be organized,its sources of raw materials will be tapped and fully utilized, its marketswill be coordinated and developed, and the distribution of its products will beequitably regulated.
see full text
Dear Botshekan,
You originally said "This is NOTHING NEW"
In all fairness please read and try to digest the implications of such an advanced "NEW" vision.
A few points ..
by botshekan (not verified) on Tue Jul 22, 2008 02:02 AM PDTin no particular order:
I have nothing against Baha'is. The only thing that I cannot see from any of the arguments here is the so-called "wow" factor. You say that Baha'i faith is about oneness of all religions. This is NOTHING NEW. Some six hundred years before Baha'ullah was borne, Rumi said it in the most eloquent and poetic style than anyone before or since. This has been the most prevalent theme in Persian classical Sufic and Gnostic literature over the centuries. So what is that Bahau'llah has said that others have not? Something that makes you go "wow". If there is no such a thing, then why all the fuss?
Mr Bahar,
It was not me who personalized the debate but you. When you boast to have come from an extended and well connected family and at the same time claim that you were an epitome of piety and purity while surrounded by corrupt and despotic government officials, one would reasobaly be interested to know that why you didn't serve the interests of your country free from being a civil servant who should abide the dictats of a corrupt government. Surely with your extended family around you, you could have secured a job for yourself in the private sector? You are not suggesting that a university lecturer or a teacher who work in the private sector were not doing a lesser service to their country than you did while in the service of the government? Am I being unreasonable to ask this?
Thank God you can discuss the Baha'is today without losing your share of the tah-dig! Obviously, seeking knowledge was secondary to you than securing the crusty part of the rice :P
Lots of unsubstantiated claims against Bahai and no proof
by Mehdi on Mon Jul 21, 2008 11:58 PM PDTI see a bunch of comments against the Baha'i faith but no evidence. We are referred to some book by some Kasravi fellow. I am lazy and don't wanna read a book. If you have evidence of wrongdoing of the Baha'i as a religion, please put it forward or stop baseless accusations.
I was raised in a very strict Muslim family - quite uneducated too. When I was quite young the subject of Baha'i came up and my mom's reaction was a near heart attack. So I kind of got the idea that I should not bring up that subject again or I may lose the "tah-dig" at dinners forever! Sort of brainwashing, really. I find a lot of people are terrified of this faith but have no reason why. Anybody has a reason? I mean come on, if it is true that a lot of them had powerful positions in Shah's government, is that a crime? So if I am a successful businessman in the US, does that mean I am a supporter of all American mistreatment of other nations? This sounds like some commie style propaganda - they would shoot Americans in Iran claiming these people were Imperialism! Do you have any real evidence guys?
Nobody is saying we should accept this faith or not - the point is they should have freedom to practice what they want unless someone has real and valid evidence that their practices are damaging to people or society. I don't see any such evidence here - only propaganda.
Oneness of religion in bahai is impossible!
by ali reza (not verified) on Mon Jul 21, 2008 11:41 PM PDTI read someone saying one of the principle of Bahai religion in their oneness of religion.If they mean all religions believe in one thing and they are one,this is wrong.Take for an example Muslim and Jewish religion.The father of their religions is Ibrahim,but Muslims follow Ishmael and Jews follow Issac,and they have been fighting each other for thousands of years.
To Ali Reza
by Lazy Bear in search of her pups (not verified) on Mon Jul 21, 2008 11:22 PM PDTYou asked "what was Bob's miracle?" well let me tell you.
He could make an entire plate full of tah-dig to disappear from the dining table, no other messenger has done that in history....
Baha'i Faith is defined by its Principles
by Noghteh! (not verified) on Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:57 PM PDTNo other institutions, whether religious or non-religious(political/philosophical/ideological) has put out the following set of principles at the core of its belief and as a way of life, pronounced in the mid 1800s where the Persian government heavily influenced by religious OLLAMA was oblivious to the needs of the masses had dragged the country to its worst condition in its known recent history.
Principles of the Baha'i Faith:
The oneness of God
The oneness of Religion
The oneness of humanity
The equality of men and women
The elimination of prejudice
The elimination of extremes of wealth and poverty
The independent investigation of truth
Universal education
Religious tolerance
The harmony of science and religion
A world commonwealth of nations
A universal auxiliary language
Human kind has paid a very high price for letting few think for and dictate to the masses, if it is time for every person to exercise the right to think and chose for themselves then let it be so.
In defence of "Passer by"
by Aziz (not verified) on Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:26 PM PDTGuys , one moment please, lets thank Passer by:
If these references are the best he can find against Baha'I Faith, Then what is there to worry about?
Come on: Let people read these references, trust them, They will all laugh if you just let them look them up.
I bet Passer by has not read any of his material, I am sure..
I bet you a cup of coffee "Passer by" that you have NOT
Anonymous passerby; Bahai does not claim to be the "right one"
by faryarm on Mon Jul 21, 2008 09:39 PM PDTYou said:"All religions including Bahai faith claim to be the right one. I don’t care, I am an atheist"
Bahais dont not claim to be the "right one", they claim that All religions are essentially One.
Like the Sun that appears on Mon, tues, wed etc...the name is not important.
They are all various stages in the school of spiritual eduaction, therefore Bahais can not possibly claim any superiority. Its like saying what you learnt in the first grade was all wrong and only the sixth grade teacher is right...
Dear non caring atheist friend, your atheism is not valid until you fully understand the subject; when you know so little, why would google search for material against it before reading the actual Bahai beliefs..
Please be fair to true to your self and what ever you want to believe..
What miracles Bab did?
by ali reza (not verified) on Mon Jul 21, 2008 08:43 PM PDTMohammad wrote Quran,Jesus made the lame walk,blind see,dead rise.Moses turn his cane to serpent ,turn water red,divide the Nile river so his followers could leave
Egypt .What kind of miracle Bah,or Bahaolah produced.If he is the twelve th Imam,who had reappeared ,couldn't he also make himself disappear so he can leave the jail.
Dear Anonymous passer by; Raddiyeh is a Raddiyeh...is a Raddiyeh
by faryarm on Mon Jul 21, 2008 09:15 PM PDTThank you for the links, as i am well familiar with them.
Anti Bahai literature is essentially the same whether from a Muslim point of view or a Christian missionary.
The Christian Missionaries in Iran were stunned with the advent of the Bab and Baha'u'llah, as this new message caught on like wild fire and was perceived as a threat to the established religions, especially the cleric middlemen whose livelihood depended on it. In the case of christian missionaries who had spent decades in iran trying to convert a few
Muslims to christinaity with little success against islam, it was particulary disheartening to see throngs not only becoming Babis and in turn Bahais but wiling to die for their beliefs.
SAMUEL GRAHAM WILSON's piece is another early attempt to distort Bahai history and beliefs this tme in favour of Christian faith, which Bahais revere and respect as another chapter in Mankinds spiritual education and development.
Kermani's price has in turn been discredited by both Bahai and non Bahai scholars. Please refer to Dr Bahram Choubineh's Wrtings on this.
Dr Choubineh is a well respected Non bahai and secular Iranian scholar and historian.
Cole, however was a brilliant and hard working as well as respected intellectual writer who was more interested in his intellectual pursuit and career rather than the humble spiritual path; Bahai faith has no clergy and has no place for people with personal ambition. Bahais serve with a spirit of humility and personal devotion. Disgruntled with Adminstrative authority , In the end Mr Cole did not demonstrate this quality and started writing articles against the way Bahai administration works, for he was trying to alter fundamental precepts of the faith which would lead to disunity amongst believers. The ego can sometime totally derange one's logic and reason. especially when one has made a name and thrives on that. For one who previously wrote with such zeal, the piece in question is nothing but a rant of a disgruntled ego bruised professional academic.
Anonymous passer by:
by Tahirih on Mon Jul 21, 2008 07:23 PM PDTFor an atheist who is just anonymously and leisurely passing by!! you have had enough interest and time to research all these sources in such a short while since JJ published this article ??!!
Please , at least just introduce the sources and also yourself as who you really are and represent?
Be proud of who you are like " sadegh", or "Mr Fateh", I did not mind their opinion it was honest.
Baha'is remain respectful...
by alborz on Mon Jul 21, 2008 07:08 PM PDT...of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad, the Imams and the tenets of faith in Islam more consistently and firmly than most Moslems. We don't associate characters like Ali Reza with Islam. His audicity to take on the name of the eigth Imam, and his "drive by shooter" mentality is what gives Islam a bad name.
The Mrs. wrote below: "Can you imagine someone writing a loving article about Emam Hossein or Mohammad in the tone of some Bahai articles here? That would be a trip!" The question that the readers need to ask, is why is The Mrs. statement ring true? If a Baha'i writes an article that refers to Prophet Muhammad or any of the Imams, it will be respectful without fear of retribution or allegations of being an agent of IRI. This is what differentiates firmness in principles from timidity and expediency for public approval.
Finally, it is Kolangar, and not a Baha'i, that takes the ax to the roots of Islam by claiming that "In this day and age, for PR reasons, it is better not to say you are part of Islam." He has reduced the articles of faith for 1.5 billion Moslems to PR (public relations). Shame on you Kolangar.
The more you have all said the more you have exposed the superficial and inconsiderate nature of your comments. If you can shoot yourselves in the foot and reload so quickly, what can one possibly expect when you aim at others.
I echo Alborz's question..
by faryarm on Mon Jul 21, 2008 05:45 PM PDTI have asked tis question myself, and thank Alborz or posing it again...
"....Despite the oppression that Baha'is face today, their youth still dedicate themselves to help the underprivilaged at great risk to themselves. 54 of them were recently imprisoned in Shiraz.
While you pronounce your commitment to Iran, the Baha'is exmplify it by their deeds and lives in Iran, despite the persecutions.
Which other group can claim the same? In Iran or elsewhere?"
Sources: Criticizing Bahai faith.
by Anonymous passer by (not verified) on Mon Jul 21, 2008 05:45 PM PDTWe saw many sources sent by our Bahai friends and compatriots in favor of their faith. Just to keep the balance I propose some documents against it.All religions including Bahai faith claim to be the right one. I don’t care, I am an atheist.
1- Bahaism and Its Claims
A Study of the Religion Promulgated
by Baha Ullah and Abdul Baha
Written in 1915. (Long document with important references)
You can find and read your own interested subjects like “Bahais and women, their history, politics, life of Baha Ullah and Subh-i-Azal …..
2-هشت بهشت by میرزا آقاخان کرمانی himself a Babi (see mostly the end of the document). You need to be comfortable with Ghajar style of writing.
3- Fundamentalism in the Contemporary U.S. Baha'i Community.
By: Juan Cole:
4- If you are an atheist like me you might like to read this one which talks about the three major religions: The Three Imposters //www.infidels.org/library/historical/unknown...
Any persecution against any faith is wrong and must be stopped.
Ali Reza, Bahai's need to correct 100 years of lies against them
by faryarm on Mon Jul 21, 2008 05:36 PM PDTAli Reza, Bahai's need to correct more than 100 years of lies against them..
They dont advertise, but offer information and respond to erroneous propoganda that has poisoned the iranian masses...luckily the new generation has little of that and because of direct access to internet and authentic Bahai materal,can make the final judgement.
That is the reason why the mullahs have stepped up their persecution ...because in Iran, ordinary people have woken up to the fact that the mullahs have lied to them...
The IRI regime and propoganda machine has spent millions in media, press and internet to defame Bahais, without any grain of truth and evidence...
Thats is why, I and many individual Bahais ( I dont even know the others)are so passionate in the independent defense of our principles and insistence on correcting any misconceptions...
One can not become a Bahai, unless they believe it with heart and soul, no one is interested in you or any oe else in accepting something that you have no understanding or conviction for...
Agha Kolangar..Bahai Faith is as much part of Islam..
by faryarm on Mon Jul 21, 2008 05:24 PM PDTBahais dont disregard Islam...
one can not be a bahai and not believe the divinity of Islam..
Bahai Faith is as much part of Islam..
As christianity is part of Judaism...
but never mind all that... we all have one common foundation in our religiou beliefs...
Dear Kolangar..please read before making uninformed remarks.
Bahaism is part of Islam
by Kolangar (not verified) on Mon Jul 21, 2008 04:46 PM PDTBahai doctrine depends on Islam. Bahais basically believe everything Shia Muslims believe and more. They beieve Emam Zaman who is also Jesus Christ already came.
Mormons also do not like to be called Christian, but they are. In this day and age, for PR reasons, it is better not to say you are part of Islam.
Why Bahais advertise their faith so much?
by Ali reza (not verified) on Mon Jul 21, 2008 04:22 PM PDTIf one is interested in their religion ,they would do their own research and come up with the fact that may be Bahai is the right religion for them.When people hear and watch and read so much advertisement about Bahai religion, they feel like Bahais are trying to push their religion on them they resent that and become turned off.
Mr. Bahar..."More Objective Iranians Wanted"
by alborz on Mon Jul 21, 2008 04:11 PM PDTWhile your intent was good, your example of comparing the ruling clerics of Iran to those allegedly and perceived to be influential Baha'is in the previous regime, was entirely off the mark.
Since when does a person that is allegedly or perceived to be a Baha'i, but denounces to being one, and does nothing to protect or promote the very group that it allegedly belongs to, the same as the cleric rule that claims to be the vangaurd of the divine rule of Islam and is supported by the very instiutions of faith in Shiite Islam, in Qom and Mashhad. What has been made of Islam is tragic, but let's not make undue comparisons.
Baha'is have been and are committed to the betterment of Iran. Iran is the birth place of their Faith and their very best were identified to be trustworthy and capable of making a difference in the well being and progress of Iran and Iranians. Whether they were civil servants, industrialist, businessmen, physicians, and educators, they served Iran well with utmost dedication. They were subsequently "cleansed" and deprived of their pensions and livelihoods and many lost their lives. As a consequence Iran has been cleansed of its very best and what remains needs no further elaboration.
Despite the oppression that Baha'is face today, their youth still dedicate themselves to help the underprivilaged at great risk to themselves. 54 of them were recently imprisoned in Shiraz.
While you pronounce your commitment to Iran, the Baha'is exmplify it by their deeds and lives in Iran, despite the persecutions. Which other group can claim the same? In Iran or elsewhere?
"More objective Iranians wanted"
Jalil, what is your point?
by Mehran-001 (not verified) on Mon Jul 21, 2008 03:23 PM PDTThe Shah of Iran was brought to power by the Mullahs and the Mullahs were the one who undermined Mossadegh regime and it's downfall. I think this is pretty much accepted everywhere. So what and what argument I can make out of my point? nothing.
You keep claiming that this guy was a Bahai and the other guy served in Shah's regime. So what, what are you trying to say? Your posts have no value until your bring out the point that you want to make.
Botshekan - Keep it Positive
by Jalil Bahar on Mon Jul 21, 2008 03:08 PM PDTNo one is being deceptive, as I said the list was off the top of my head, and your additions only added value to the argument that there were indeed a large number of highly placed politically active Bahai's in the Shah's regime. So your contribution was good - but the personal attack was not welcome.
It is CRITICAL to understand that 'rumours' and 'public perceptions' do not need to be 'wholly accurate' but often have some basis in fact to resonate. The KEY IS THE IRANIAN PUBLIC BELIEVED THESE FOLKS TO BE BAHAI, and associated them with the Shah's regime and its deeds. This is important.
Faryarm's comments about whether or not they were true adherents of the Bahai faith does not carry much weight because they were IN THE PUBLIC EYE associated with the faith. It is like saying that the Mullahs in Iran are not true adherents to ISLAM - which in truth they are NOT. They are gangsters dressed in religious garb (like a prostitute wearing hejab). No where in Islam is corruption, murder, theft, etc. condoned. Never-the- less they have the whole rest of the world believing that they represent Islam. Ironically, no major Islamic scholar (including the centers for Islamic teachings) agrees and accepts that this is an ISLAMIC Republic and that the tenets of this regime are Islamic. Islam is being used as an excuse to take power and milk the public. (see my earlier blog)
Hopefully, Khamenei, Rafsanjani, Khatami, Ahmadinejad etc. will see the same fate they brought onto others (especially Bahai's) onto themselves.
And to answer your question, I was a civil servant dedicated to serving the Interests of Iran and Iranians. No regime or government is permanent, Iran has no permanent friends or enemies - BUT IRAN DOES HAVE PERMANENT INTERESTS. My commitment then and now is to maintain and protect Iran and Iranian interests. I will never resign from this commitment and dedication.
Decide for yourself!
by Observer (not verified) on Mon Jul 21, 2008 03:02 PM PDTFolks, never mind about who was, is and will be.... Pick-up a Baha'i book and read about their beliefs and if you can dream or imagine that this stuff came out of 19th century Iran(and please don't hesitate to read the history what the country was like at the time or was going through) and allow it to premeate your intellegence, then start expressing your opinion on this forum about the Bahai Faith and not the Bahais.
We Iranians have to seriously stop our emotional commitment to ignorance which is the root cause of fanaticism which goes without saying of what it has done for the past 30 years, a well documented period during which blinid imitation did its core damage and destruction to the Iranian nation.
We are a great nation, YES WE ARE, let's show it by deeds and not rhetoric or references to by-gone ages.
Have a great day!
In Short...
by alborz on Mon Jul 21, 2008 03:00 PM PDT...there is enormous interest on this subject and to the extent that there are entries, the readers participate and express their views.
How informed, objective or biased these views happen to be, the Baha'i Faith remains a little understood or researched religion by the majority of Iranians.
This site, no doubt, has had an impact on the misperceptions that has prevailed in the Iranian pscyhe and helped to bring them to the forefront and center stage.
Readers have been informed of the daily ordeal of life being a Baha'i, in Iran, past and present. Commentators have either justified or denounced these in the context of history, religion and personal experience. In the process readers have learned from or related to what is found on this site.
Clearly, the chief benefactors have been the vast number of silent readers that reflect without commenting. They will view themselves and Baha'is differently. They will make their own conclusions. They will no longer be the same.
Thanks JJ!
Thanks Sadegh, Atheist or not better have a plan!
by faryarm on Mon Jul 21, 2008 02:38 PM PDTThanks for your reasoning...I think in the world we live in with all the cruelty and hypocrisy in the name of God and religion, your opinion is well respected and understood..
My sincere belief is that there is an unfathomable and infinite unknowable essence that is simply beyond our limited comprehension; as created beings we can not know our creator, just as the wooden table can not know the carpenter.
Th reality is whether, Good or Bad news, we will all surely know soon enough once we die and physically decompose...
That there is a definite purpose and direction for us on this earth, one that only an unfettered search would reveal.
You and I didn't have a clue what we were destined for when we left the womb. we developed arms, legs and limbs, sense of smell. touch etc etc even though there is no use for it in our loving mothers womb.
Clearly as humans, beyond our physical similarities with the animal kingdom, we are distinguished by a further sense of intellect , reason and need for spiritual nourishment.
Crudely put; Could it be that just as the child in the womb developing to function in the physical world, we are to develop our spiritual faculties, that will allow us to function for the next possible surprise..
whether that makes sense to you or not...i suggest we both have a back up contingency :) because to not develop as humans and not attain our full potential would be a sever handicap in what would be the next "stop" in the spiritual realm.
I guess in terms we can understand, in this life, physical health and material wealth and progress is desirable, in the spiritual realm, only our spiritual attainments and good deeds would contribute to our "progress".
I hope the above is logical and would help you in your life journey, otherwise i know no other way to explain te next world to an atheist..
On a lighter note, Sadegh khan, if we do ever meet on another plane and i am right, i promise not to "rub it in" :)
Zereshk polo
by Jaleho on Mon Jul 21, 2008 01:54 PM PDTPoint on the ads well taken, you're right, the ads are probably coming automatically with the subjects. I did not mean that the site organizer puts them up there.
BTW, we used to call my mom Zereshk khanoom for her tasty Zereshk polo. Are you sure you're not my mom?
Thanks Faryarm and as you
by sadegh on Mon Jul 21, 2008 01:34 PM PDTThanks Faryarm and as you know I respect all peoples and their right to practice their faith in peace and security...but I am an atheist through and through...from my own encounter with evolutionary biology, physics, psychology and cosmology I am convinced that there is nothing such as a higher or supreme being (and I am relieved that there is none) and I'm also not a big fan of faith...it's fundamentally irrational and a product of our being fallible, imperfect, fearful mammals...there is capacity for meaning in this world through human relationships, culture, literature and art, but as far as I am concerned god and all religion as Freud says, are fundamentally illusory and little more than khorafat, which ceaselessly reinvent themselves to the end of self-preservation i.e. their 'eternal truths' are continuously being shown up for the nonsense they are; finally we have modern and newfangled religions that merely reiterate commonsensical truisms such as treat others as one would like to be treated...faith is the final refuge...there is no where else to go...religion in my opinion will unfortunately always be here, because people will always need a crutch upon which to lean and there will always be a fallacious 'will to believe' in some ultimate purpose for our being here - there is none - take pleasure in the everyday - that is perhaps the best we can hope for...I do not wish to disabuse anyone here of their belief, nor do I wish to have a discussion on the merits of faith...this is my perspective which I contend is both rationally and scientifically supported - I take it to be the reality of the human condition, but at the same time it's a personal decision which I would never seek to impose upon another...if the Baha'i faith answers you're questions and leaves you content, then I wish you all the best...please just do me the same courtesy and respect by non-belief...All your work on publicizing and discussing the plight of Baha'is inside Iran is vital and extremely important...We should acknowledge that the persecution of Baha'is is part of our history and our present. The Turkish government is yet to acknowledge the genocide of the Armenians...though the two situations are not in my view equivalent, Baha'is have long been persecuted and cast out of the eye of humanity by Islamic fundamentalists...this situation needs to be brought to an end and all civil, decent Iranians should work towards that end...
Ba Arezu-ye Movafaghiat, Sadegh
Sadegh Jaan, Dont Throw the Baby out with the Bath water...
by faryarm on Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:40 PM PDTAll you points are valid as long as you have not researched what the Bahai notions are on God, heaven etc,,
also please see Einstein's on balance between science and religion ( a Bahai principle) //www.associatedcontent.com/article/772701/bahai_teachings_about_science_and_religion.html?cat=34
and Leo Tolstoy on The Bab and Baha'u'llah..
Albert Einstein:
Albert Einstein came close to sounding like a Baha'i in his famous 1941 quote, "Science withoutreligion is lame, religion without science is blind."