Now you know who to yell at!

Jahanshah Javid
by Jahanshah Javid

Since I left the San Francisco Bay Area and crashed my sister's place in Chihuahua, Mexico, I've had a lot more free time on my hands. All I do from sunup to sundown (way past sundown) is work on How many hours is that? A lot.

But for many hours I'm not actually doing anything. I'm just browsing and reading and browsing and reading. And I stare at the wall for a good period of time. I can't even watch TV because of the faulty satellite card.

In the meantime, my dear moderators have been working very hard policing the site and checking all the comments for bad behavior. They have also been moderating the news headlines and occasionally the blogs.

That's a lot of work for people who have jobs and a full, busy life. Not to mention the headache and stress of dealing with anonymous and not-so-anonymous nutjobs and repeat offenders. Way too much work and a big hassle for volunteers.

So from today they can take a much-deserved rest and concentrate on posting content with peace of mind.

Yes! From now on you'll be dealing with me and only me! Stop your detective work in trying to find out who's deleting and featuring what. Now you know who to yell at!

My sincerest thanks to the moderators for their wonderful, and may add thankless, work. I'll always be indebted to them. And I hope one day they'll still be able to help out when I'm desperate.




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more from Jahanshah Javid

May I ....

by IRANdokht on

I reserve the right to keep flagging everything I'd find unsuitable ;-)

Cheers Mr J :o)



A nutjob...

by A NutJob (not verified) on

and proud of it, watch out JJ! ;-)

PS. did you laid them off?


The Only Matador :)

by Yachov on


My dear ana

by Souri on

You are too good honey!! It is not a poem at all :-)

It didn't even mean to be a poem ! How did you take it as a poem? I was  serious, very serious....and Agha J knows it well :O)

Anahid Hojjati

Souri, JJ means business, I think

by Anahid Hojjati on

Souri, your poem is funny but from JJ's blog, it looks like he means business.


چه خبر بدی


دیگه خدا به داد ما برسه

از این به بعد دیگه هر کی‌ هر چی‌ دلش می‌خواد میتونه بگه

چون ج ج جلوی هیچکیو نمیگیره

همش میگه ناتینگ ایز سکرد!



by SamSamIIII on

they say the devil you know is better than the one u don,t know :) , atleast now the guessing game is out & even if I,m deleted , I know the culprit and deal with it ..beh gofteh pir patalla , ageh mikhaan keshvaro bechapan , bezar yeh shaheh cheshmo del siir bechapeh taa vazireh nadid badid..

As for moderators , one truly deserving one ;

 Ebi  thx pal , khasteh nabashi..wait until he is like youtube , then ask him for back pay + interest + shares ::))





Behnam Khazar


by Behnam Khazar on

Do my best to get to your nerves and keep you on your toes.

Next Cervesa on me!!!!