Now you know who to yell at!

Jahanshah Javid
by Jahanshah Javid

Since I left the San Francisco Bay Area and crashed my sister's place in Chihuahua, Mexico, I've had a lot more free time on my hands. All I do from sunup to sundown (way past sundown) is work on How many hours is that? A lot.

But for many hours I'm not actually doing anything. I'm just browsing and reading and browsing and reading. And I stare at the wall for a good period of time. I can't even watch TV because of the faulty satellite card.

In the meantime, my dear moderators have been working very hard policing the site and checking all the comments for bad behavior. They have also been moderating the news headlines and occasionally the blogs.

That's a lot of work for people who have jobs and a full, busy life. Not to mention the headache and stress of dealing with anonymous and not-so-anonymous nutjobs and repeat offenders. Way too much work and a big hassle for volunteers.

So from today they can take a much-deserved rest and concentrate on posting content with peace of mind.

Yes! From now on you'll be dealing with me and only me! Stop your detective work in trying to find out who's deleting and featuring what. Now you know who to yell at!

My sincerest thanks to the moderators for their wonderful, and may add thankless, work. I'll always be indebted to them. And I hope one day they'll still be able to help out when I'm desperate.




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more from Jahanshah Javid


by amirkabear4u on

Do I get an answer to my question?



by capt_ayhab on

Obviously you did not.

take A note of spelling of your own name. ;-)



Thanks Captain but ..

by Literary critic (not verified) on

it is not "take a note" - the correct form is "take note".




Seems like you have lost weight!!

by wannabe bad girl (not verified) on

keep up the good work!!


Dear JJ

by A Suggestion (not verified) on

If you are going to be the only moderator, then you need to look at the comments more frequently. Bty hat I mean, I posted a comment yesterday, and it didn't show up for many hours later.


Captain! You pulled the

by mehrnaz (not verified) on

Captain! You pulled the trigger :)))))))) It is a brilliant idea! ha ha


I humbly request that........

by capt_ayhab on

I have a humble request/idea!

why not for ONE week, the week of Ayed, commencing next Saturday the 21st of March we all post our photos by our aviators so we can put faces to the names and the writings?

No cheating, and hide my picture from young ones its scary.

Shall we?????/




Lierary critic....... ;-)

by capt_ayhab on

take a note [Lierary critic]



I like it:D

by Tahirih on

That your doing the moderation. By the way I still have your old avatar!



One question

by amirkabear4u on

does this mean you did not answer emails to jj@iranian... ? or did?



Dear JJ

by dorr (not verified) on

does this mean that we can say anything now?

will we be seeing more of the type of comment on the story by Ari Siletz? that can't be cool.



by Princess on

Very impressed. It shows. Soon your fans will be demanding full-length photos. Keep us posed with the progress.  

I already owe you a drink next time you are in London. Now add a run around Hyde Park to it. :)

Looking good, our dear Editor. Keep up the great work! 

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Princess, as I sat on the couch working, I raised the camera above my head and took a few pictures of myself. I felt less embarrassed than posing for my sister, for example. I didn't need to tell her "haalaa eenjoori aks begeer, haaalaa oonjoori begeer!" :o)

As for my teeth, I went and cleaned them for the first time in 10 years! The dentist had one hell of a time scraping off the plaque, especially from my lower front teeth. And then I did the whitening procedure under a hot green light which I'm sure will cause cancer in a few months. But who cares?!

And now that we're on the subject of vanity, let me add that I'm on a diet and running every day with my sister, the nutrition and fitness expert. Well, to be honest I run half the distance and walk most of the rest. I can barely do 2 miles. But hey! I already bought a new belt!



by Princess on

Thank you Souri jan! Good observation, but that doesn't explain why JJ keeps taking his own photos instead of asking somebody else to do so. :)



dear Princess: Ask me !

by Souri on

"JJ, how come in your photos the camera is always above your head level."

He was lying down, taking the picture by himself, holding the camera as far as possible from his face. Best position, for this kind of photography !! but I'm still wondering, how could he  still be smiling in this painful position? ;-)


A tangent fozooli

by Princess on

Finally, I get the comments about your new avatar. It didn't show on this side of the Atlantic until just now. 

Out of curiosity JJ, how come in your photos the camera is always above your head level. I realise you are taking the photos yourself, but why?

In any case, I like your new avatar, too. Nice teeth! :) 

And just so that it is at least a bit relevant to this thread, good to hear you are holding the leash now, metaphorically speaking of course! 

ebi amirhosseini

JJ the Godfather,

by ebi amirhosseini on

New revelations,what's next?!


RE : " Looks can be (are) deceiving!"

At least your new look can deceive the ones who always "judge a book by its cover" !!.

For me ,I love it,since it reminds me of Tim Robbins who I love & admire as an actor/activist.



Ebi aka Haaji


JJ's English is beautiful

by Lierary critic (not verified) on

As the self-appointed literary critic, grammar police and spell checker, all wrapped in one, I have found JJ's English so refreshingly flawless. He writes lucidly, and in a friendly style which is unpretntious and so lovely to read - something that many, including the person calling itself "education is good for you" can learn from.

And please practise what you preach:

"So you are running a website predominantly written in English Language!! "

LC: "English Language" is not needed here, English is enough.

"This is terrible, no wonder Iranian community living in US ..."

LC: should read living in "the" US ...

"from 1979 up to today. "

LC: from 1979 until present day.

"You, in general Iranian community living in US, need to learn some language,"

LC:should change to: You, and the Iranian community living in the US, in general ...

"Sell your BMW and pay tuition fee for some afternoon English class."

LC: Sell your BMW "to" pay "the" tuition fee for some afternoon English class."

Mr or Ms "education is good for you", you have so aptly chosen your name! But I am afraid to correct your English you need a Rolls Royce sold to pay the fees!


education is good for you ,What is wrong with JJ English

by Eye rainiaan 1 (not verified) on

I do not find anything wrong with his English.He writes well and I enjoy reading his blogs.Even if there is something wrong with his English he is doing much better than most of us Iranians.As for you JJ do not just stare at the walls, get you some cerveza or Tequila so you won't feel the passage of time.This what I am going to get,some wino.Salud

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Suri khanoom,

Shoma lotf daareen! Looks can be (are) deceiving! I'm the same old bad akhlaagh at heart :o)



خدمت مدیریت محترم سایت ایرانیان دات کام


از طرف تمام اعضا  و غیر اعضا ی این سایت گرانبها،
ارتقا (یاا ارتجأع؟؟) اخیر شما راا به سمت مدراتوری تبریک و تهنیت عرض
نموده، به اطلاع می‌رساند که آواتار جدید شما بسیار زیبا و دلپذیر بوده و
همچنین چهره خصمانه ی شما را بسیار آرام و مهربان تر از آنچه که هستید
نشان میدهد

بنا بر این لازم است متذکر شوم که به منظور توافق شکل ظاهر و روش باطنی
و همینطور برای پیشگیری از هر گونه توهمات بعدی، عجالتا بهتر است تصویر
خود را کمی‌ تغییر داده و از خندیدن زیاد ممانعت بفرمایید. باشد که این
گونه لبخند زدن بی‌ رویه، در فعالیت‌ها ی بعدی شما و چگونگی رفتار و گفتار
با مترددین، اختلالی بوجود نیاورد. خدای نکرده اگر خواستید با شخصی‌ بسیار
جدی صحبت کنید، یا مثلا خبر خدای نکرده غم انگیزی به ما بدهید ( مثل همین
خبر ارتقا به مقام مدراتوری) آن کیفیت، با این گونه خندیدن اصلا هیچ
مناسبتی ندارد.

بقا ی عمر جناب عالی‌
و سایت گرا میتان را خواهانیم

ارادتمند :

سوری خانم از طرف هیئت مدیره ی بیکاران و مزاحمان ثابت و دائمی  سایت ایرانیان دات کام


No more mr. 'akhmaaloo'...! :o)

by ThePope on

JJ, avatar-e jadeed mobaarak.
You look good...

Multiple Personality Disorder

We have to deal with you now!

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

In that case it's better to yelp than yell.



What's my reaction to new to editorial structure?

by Sacred Is Nothing (not verified) on

In one sentence I declare:

"With all due respect, I prefer many editors/monitors to just one."

Why: "Diversity of Opinions". Iranian website has a very diverse readers/commenters/bloggers, etc and that's why diversity of opinions is more suited for the iranian website.

Prediction: " will go back to pre Fridy the 13th structure"


JuJeh Moderator

by jimzbund on


Now that the Jury is gone, the Journalsit turned Judge Jahanshah Javid, we trust your Judgement and Justice, to prvevent to become a like Jungle .

Jeegareto Moosh bokhoreh !

Lots of J's  by Jimzbund

Bund, Jimz Bund


sun what and what sun?

by The poor sun (not verified) on

ok, here is your first lesson: Sunrise to Sunset. or other way around it.


learn some English

by education is good for you (not verified) on

So you are running a website predominantly written in English Language!! I got a piece of advice for you; since you are at your sister's and have nothing better to do! what about learning some English? This is terrible, no wonder Iranian community living in US has not been able to sway and lobby effectively so many different US administrations from 1979 up to today. You, in general Iranian community living in US, need to learn some language, before being able to communicate properly. Sell your BMW and pay tuition fee for some afternoon English class.


its a big mistake haji!

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

even you can't be up 24/7, this place will be turned over to the dogs again.


THE moderator

by ThePope on

"Obey the moderator, create a state of calm
Scan sentences and announce who's wrong
You are the troller, one week ban
I know your other screen name man
Obey the moderator, I cater to the regs
Hook 'em up with handles and float all their threads
You are the liar, permanent ban
I'll nullify your password man"


And a little khasteh nabaashi for your dear moderators  ;-)  !!!? lol

p.s.  yeah sure...!
( faghat movaazeb baasheeD naghsheh bar aab nasheeD...!! :o)


جناب جی جی،

سلامت باشید! (not verified)

بعد از تبریک صمیمانه برای پست جدید و کار زیاد، اینجانب بسیار نگران سلامتی وحفظ شادابی شما بوده، لذا دستور و عملکرد راز جوانی و سلامت را از یک دوست شیرازی دزدیده واکنون انرا در اختیار شما قرارمیدهم.

بارعایت این دستور شما قادر هستید که جوانی خود ر ا حفظ کرده و بیش از پیش به فعالیت خود ادامه دهید.


سعی كنید روزها استراحت كنید تا شبها راحت بتوانید بخوابید.

در نزدیكی تخت خوابتان صندلی بگذارید تا اگر از خواب بیدار شدید روی آن نشته و استراحت كنید.

ایستادن به رفتن، نشستن به ایستادن و خوابیدن به نشستن اولویت دارد. جایی كه می‌توانید بنشینید چرا می‌ایستید؟

كار امروز را به فردا موكول كنید و كار فردا را به پس فردا.

اگر حس كار كردن به شما دست داد كمی صبر كنید تا این حس از شما بگذرد.

از همه دیرتر سر سفره رفته و زودت بلند شوید تا زحمت چیدن و جمع كردن سفره به شما تحمیل نشود.

برای كار همیشه فرصت هست پس از استراحت غافل نشوید.

در میهمانی‌ها حتماً با خود بالش ببرید شاید فرصتی برای استراحت بدست آوردید.

به خواب نگویید كار دارم به كا بگویید خواب دارم