Amputations en Iran

Jahanshah Rashidian
by Jahanshah Rashidian

Selon les informations données par, citant l’agence iranienne de l’ ISNA, le régime de la République Islamique a fait amputer de la main droite et du pied gauche de 5 « voleurs armés » au 6 janvier, 2008, en province de Sistan-Baloutchistan. L’endroit précis du verdict n’était pas cité.

Il y a seulement quelques jours que trois membres d’un groupe armé, Jundellah, ont été pendus dans cette province. Jundellah est un groupe des guérilléros baloutches qui mènent une guerre de guérilla contre le régime des mollahs dans cette région.

L'amputation a aussi une certaine signification symbolique dans la Charia. Elle est une cicatrice permanente et humiliante au front de l'accusé. L’amputation de la main gauche est par exemple un symbole humiliant du vol. C'est pour cette raison et pour faire peur à la population que le régime préfère rebondir cette punition de la charia.

Pourtant ces amputations-là ne sont que des exemples annoncés par le régime. Tous ceux qui sont amputés ou tués sous la torture ou bien discrètement par les sbires du régime ne se figurent pas sur une liste officielle. L’appareil judiciaire du régime ne cache pas à dire qu’il affronte avec toute atrocité les « corrompus commettant des crimes et menaçant la sécurité du peuple".

Sous les yeux de la communauté internationale et en plein silence de la part des faux dissidents du régime qui invitent les iraniens a la « patience et tolérance » pour en effet prolonger la vie du régime, le régime des mollahs rajoute triomphalement l’amputation comme une punition officielle aux pendaisons quotidiennes en Iran.

Entre-temps, la chaîne de pendaisons ne diminue pas ; trois cents exécutions de « voyous, trafiquants, voleurs, et parmi eux quelques mineurs, fait partie du bilan de droit de l’hommes du régime dont une douzaine de prisonniers politiques sous ces fausses accusations.


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more from Jahanshah Rashidian

Why answer in English

by Jamsheed (not verified) on

What makes it even more impressive is for you to answer the comments in French, which would show us that you can read in English and write in French.


No Effeh

by Jamsheed (not verified) on

I just wanted mr. Rashidian to know that there is no effeh in writing in French. But we are all impressed that he is bi lingual (with a touch of Persian)

Jahanshah Rashidian


by Jahanshah Rashidian on

The Islam attacking on “unbelievers” has been rebounded since the IRI’s birth. The West has not noticed it until 9/11. Some US Neocons also seem to be happy with all the carnage.

The US invasion in Afghanistan and Iraq was an implicit fruit of this happiness. They are not there to push back Islamism, but to recycle it into their agenda.

Iranian people need the international community and assistance from the international human organisation, the UN, the EU Council, The Hague Court…  to get rid of the IRI, but a direct intervention of foreigners are not acceptable for the majority of Iranians, even though for the victims of IRI’s atrocity.


Jahanshah Rashidian


by Jahanshah Rashidian on

Anany. 13,

Thanks for your long comment. I personally do not give any damn to what western authors interpret, but more what we Iranian people experience from the plague of political Islam.


I presume you do not care about the  language or content of my posts. You react to my name which is eventually on your black list of "MOK members"!?


I tried to write this French article with the words that are common or similar with English, so that anyone with a basic knowledge of French can understand it. Your translation is correct.


Jahanshah Rashidian


by Jahanshah Rashidian on

Thank you for your nice words. I write also for my own blog; therefore, in different languages.

furthermore, a number of's readers are francophone.



Jahanshah Rashidian


by Jahanshah Rashidian on

Thank you for your polite but firm comment.

Most social problems, including theft, come from the current economical problems, mismanagement, and corruption of the IRI. See the statistics of the regime itself how these peoblems  have created a devastating livelihood for the Iranian people.

Millions of people have been left in poverty and unemployment, which have inevitably led to a sizable increase in social ills such as petty crime, theft, drug addiction, and prostitution.

No crime justifies another. The US invasion in Iraq, Vietnam-War, European colonisation, US hegemonic / imperialist policy…and whatever ideological interpretation of the West, all do not justify the ongoing IRI’s atrocity against our people, except for the IRI supporters and propaganda machine to divert Iranians from their current plight.

I oppose to political Islam, probably like many Muslims do so, but I am not against Muslims. In actuality, Muslims are the first victims of fundamentalist Islam.




For every 1 amputation, Uncle Sam napalmed 100 Vietnamese

by AnObserver (not verified) on

This website has been infiltrated by scores of animals who put out anti-Iran and anti-Muslim propaganda in order to divert attention from the fact that the U.S. government has killed more civilians directly (Vietnam, Laos, Phillippines, Iraq) and indirectly (Central America, Indonesia, Guatemala) than all the Muslim fanatics of the world combined. What sort of servile animal would try to cover up the bloody deeds of Uncle Sam with this non-stop garbage propaganda against Iranians and other Muslims. Uncle Sam itself is one of the tope sponsors of the most fanatical Muslim elements in Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. It has armed these elements in order to weaken Shia Iran. And yet, gullible scumbag fools want to lend Uncle Sam even more of a hand with their nonsense and made-up "facts" about the "expansion" of Islam. Hey morons, it was European powers who conquered all of North America, South America, Africa, and Asia and murdered their people in way that was 100 times worse than anything the Arab forces of 1400 years ago did. Destroy the traitors in our midst because they are working with our enemies in the European and Amercan governments. And this message comes from an agnostic, not a religious man.



by Anon (not verified) on

You can f*** whomever as much as you want. But that doesn't change the fact that before these fascists there was another one.

By the way, you not only need to learn English but proper language too. To some people, the middle finger is as important as their brain and the use of the F word is an indication of their highest level of logic and intelligence.



by Anon (not verified) on

Apparently you didn't read the last part of my comment that "what that fascist did doesn't justify what these are doing". I don't want to divert any attention because there is no need for doing that. It seems that we Iranians are permanently fixed with our opinions (right or wrong) for rest of our lives! My comment was in response to MRX who was glad that "this kind of shit didn't happen before islamo facist take over in Iran". I just wanted to bring some examples to his/her attention. That's all!


I knew

by MRX (not verified) on

it's only a matter of time that some one will start taking a focus back to evin, shah, savak and all that. (I think shah invented amputation, oh no it was savak that invented it!)
so my prediction came through. By the way fuck all the islamo facists on this site or any where else on this planet! case closed.


What's wrong with this author?

by Asghar- (not verified) on

Hey man, they are about 4 million Iranians in the United States, and almost all the Iranians in the world speak Persian and you freaking choose French to communicate? What's wrong with you? Really! The fact that you know english makes me even wonder more!!!


Re: Amputations

by jamshid on

Observer: Amputation is not a Saudi Arabian act. It is an Islamic act. In Koran, Allah is ordering moslems to punish thieves by amputation:

[5.38] And (as for) the man who steals and the woman who steals, cut off their hands as a punishment for what they have earned, an exemplary punishment from Allah; and Allah is Mighty, Wise.

Koran prohibits anyone to change Allah's clearly stated laws that appear in Koran. IRI is simply spreading "true" Islam which is barbaric in nature.

Rashidian: It is important for all to read the English translation of your next to last paragraph. My French is not perfect, so here is a flawed translation which should deliver the message:

... the false dissidents of the IRI regime invite the oppostion to  remain patience and tolerant (of the IRI crimes) to prolong the life of (the IRI) regime.

To those false dissidents and all those who believe in a "slow" change: How long should we wait for IRI's reform? Is this all the IRI could "reform" after THIRTY years? How long can you just stand there and watch your countrymen be brutalized?

Beenam: Here is your philosophy in a nutshell: X commits an act of atrocity. Therefore I am cleared to commit the same act as long as I do it a bit less atrociously.

We are not talking about US crimes in Iraq or Israel's in palastine, or baloochi bandits against whomever. We are talking about the IRI, your attempt to divert attention to elsewhere is pathetically futile.

Anon: If there were torture and all sort of "goodies" under the shah's reign, does that make it "OK" for the IRI to commit crimes? Another attempt to divert attention and justify IRI's barbarism.

MRX: It is sad indeed for a country that once boasted the likes of Cyrus to end up in the hands of some of the worst barbaric people and inhuman people the world has ever seen.



by Anon (not verified) on

It seems that you like the word "islamo-fascist" very much. It appears in every single comments that you post. By the way, the second part of the word is spelled f-a-s-c-i-s-t and not f-a-c-i-s-t. Please write it right from now on.

Anyway, did you know that before "islamo-fascists" came to power there was a Shah, a Savak, an Evin, a phenomenon known as torture, collective executions without trial, and all sorts of goodies. Of course, what that fascist did should not justify what these fascists do now.

Thought you would like to know.


Thank you

by MRX (not verified) on

it is indeed a bareberic act. As an Iranian I am ashamed that things like this are happening in our counrty. a place that was once peacfull and gave to the world people like cyrus the great....
I am glad this kind of shit didn't happen before islamo facist take over in Iran, otherwise the embesiles who keep supporting IRI by now would have posted things like this stuff happend during time of shah too and crap like that. for once these facists are silent I guess. thank god.


Several authors have

by Anonymous13 (not verified) on

Several authors have published books on radical Islam’s threat to the West since that shocking morning in September six years ago. With “The Suicide of Reason,” Lee Harris joins their ranks. But he distinguishes himself by going further than most of his counterparts: he considers the very worst possibility — the destruction of the West by radical Islam. There is a sense of urgency in his writing, a desire to shake awake the leaders of the West, to confront them with their failure to understand that they are engaged in a war with an adversary who fights by the law of the jungle. ...
Harris, the author of “Civilization and Its Enemies: The Next Stage of History,” devotes most of his book to identifying and distinguishing between two kinds of fanaticism. The first is Islamic fanaticism, a formidable enemy in the struggle for cultural survival. In Harris’s view, this fanaticism has acted as a “defense mechanism,” shielding Islam from the pressures of the changing world around it and allowing it to expand into territories and cultures where it had previously been unknown.

With few exceptions, Harris sees Islamic expansion as permanent. Although this point is arguable, he bravely attempts to make the case that the entry of Islam into another culture produces changes on every level, from political to personal: “Wherever Islam has spread, there has occurred a total and revolutionary transformation in the culture of those conquered or converted.”

In describing the imperialist nature of Islam, Harris suggests that it is distinct from the Roman, British and French empires. He views Islamic imperialism as a single-minded expansion of the religion itself; the empire that it envisions is governed by Allah. In this sense, the idea of jihad is less about the inner struggle for peace and justice and more about a grand mission of conversion. It should be said, however, that Harris’s argument is incomplete, since he does not address the spread of Christianity in the Roman, British and French empires.

The expansion of Islam is perhaps more potent than the expansion of the Christian empires (including Rome after Constantine) because the concept of separating the sacred from the profane has never been acceptable in Islam the way it has been in Christianity. The Romans, the British and the French went about annexing large parts of the world more for earthly or material gain than for spiritual dominance. Under these empires, the clergy was allowed to propagate its faith as long as it did not jeopardize imperial interests.

Harris goes on to argue that the Muslim world, since it is governed by the law of the jungle, makes group survival paramount. This explains in part the willingness of Muslims to become martyrs for the larger community, the umma — uniting peoples separated by geographical boundaries, with different cultures, heritages and languages. According to Harris, this sense of solidarity is sustainable only with the weapon of fanaticism, which obligates each member of the umma to convert infidels and to threaten those who attempt to leave with death. That is, the aim of Muslim culture, so different from that of the West, is both to preserve and to convert, and this is what enables it to spread across the globe



the centrality of Islam in

by Anonymousaqwe (not verified) on

the centrality of Islam in all the backwardness and vileness we see wherever islam has touched.
But there seems to be something about Islam and Muslims which makes it nearly impossible for them to realize or admit the centrality of Islam to all their woes.The heinousness of their society and islamic sharia have never been our fault, nor is it our responsibility to fix. It's becoming increasingly clear that Muslims and Islam show a congenital tendency to bellyache, point fingers, scape-goat, and rage -- they also show a congenital inability to take responsibility for their failures as a culture, or to confront the hemorrhaging font of evil fueling the nightmare

The fact that Islam today is more trenchant and menacing than ever before puts a lie to those Islam-cleansing obscurantists. Islam shows no signs whatsoever of moderating, yet many lobbyist for irI have spent great time de-linking Islam, and minimizing its menace to the West. Our predicament viz. Islam has been greatly brought on and complicated by their deceptions of these mozdoors and emotionally flawed input.

Further, those gullible and foolish advisers in the West who have consumed this garbage, and long fasioned horrible American policies towards the Muslim world should also be dismissed. Their catastrophic sand castles of "democratizing" Islam have been and will remain a disaster. Any semblance of democracy within the ranks of Islam is obviously only a temporary arrangent, and a waste of time and treasure. Proof of this can be seen across the board, from Egypt, Turkey, Pakistan, Algeria, Lebanon, Jordan, etc.

"Democracy" boondoggles and secularism in these sewers of Islam are all regressing.


One correction The hajis who

by Observer (not verified) on

One correction
The hajis who sxplit people are everywhere and they do not necessarily are IRI supporters. That conclusion by you is not correct.
Any haji is wrong when there are poor people in the country and they go to mecca for shopping and spend money to make saudis richer so saudis can buy more British fighter planes.
hajis are wrong shahi or akhondi or mko


R: Mr. Jahanshah Rashidian

by Navid19 (not verified) on

Mr. Rashidian

I always read your articles.
I wish It was written in English,so I could enjoy reading it.

Please write more.




by beenam (not verified) on

Dear Mr. Rashidian,

Yes, I agree with you that amputation is a cruel way of punishment in the Islamic laws set some 1400 years ago and should be totally abandoned. Unfortunately, it is still practiced in many countries, such as Saudi Arabia, on a routine basis. It is cruel, barbaric, and solves no problems. It will rather increase the level of animosity, violence, and further bloodshed in the society.

However, as much as this practice is shocking and unacceptable, the same can be said in regard to the double standards of the western propaganda through their mass media and their small mouthpieces such as yours. For example, the west (US in particular) is committing horrendous atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan and their secret prisons all over the world on a daily basis, but we don't see much reaction from the western media at least not to the extend of labeling these "civilized" governments as barbarians, fascists, dictators, reactionaries, etc.

I wonder which is worst: Amputating hands and legs of criminals (which by the way even BBC acknowledged a rare practice in Iran) or torturing prisoners to death in secret prisons and abusing them in Guantanamo? Amputating hands of criminals in Iran or breaking the arms of teenagers who throw stones at the occupying Israeli armored vehicles? Amputating hands and legs of criminals or the rape of a 14 year old Iraqi girl by the United States Arm Forces and burning her and the rest of her family to ashes to cover up the crime? The examples are plenty. These are only the known cases that could not be covered up. Of course, the answer to the questions is none is any better or worse than the other. But the point is why only some atrocities in the world are so much publicized and not the others?

Mr. Rashidian: with all due respect, where were you to report the incident when the same group of bandits took hostages in Sistan-Baluchestan and massacred parents in front of their children? How come you didn't get excited to report that savagery back then? Why the Saudis who amputate and behead people for petty crimes or even punish a girl for being raped are considered by the west as favorite allies, and people like you who in the comfort of the west claim to be the defender of human rights don't bother to say anything in those cases? Does it make any difference for you to see a leg amputated in Iran or in Saudi Arabia or an arm shattered by stone in Israel or a human being tortured in the air between one country and another? If you want to be a defendant of freedom and human rights, please be honest and impartial. Living in and protected by the west should not affect your judgment if you want to take the important role of promoting public awareness. Otherwise, there are conscious audiences out there who would not take you and your words seriously.



Jahanshah Rashidian


by Jahanshah Rashidian on

Thank you for spending your time reding my piece in French  and posting your comment in English!

Chopping off the hands and feet and other similar acts of punishment belong to the primitive and revengeful verdivts proposed by Shari'a. We must denouce the barabric nature of such judicial system.

Yes, I agree with you that the pro-IRI Hajis in Iran are those who gain am best from the corrupt regime. In no corrupt sytem, social justice can be respected.




Amputation is hands of

by Observer (not verified) on

Amputation is hands of thieves is wrong. it is better to put them into forced labor camp rather than doing the wrong thing applying saudi arabian barbaric act.
The thief becomes incapable of working and a burden on family.
In many countries injustice causes poverty and hajis are the ones who need to support the poor.
Any irani who is intellectual will and should boycott haj as long as there are poor in the society.


Amputation is hands of

by Observer (not verified) on

Amputation is hands of thieves is wrong. it is better to put them into forced labor camp rather than doing the wrong thing applying saudi arabian barbaric act.
The thievf becomes incapable of working and a burden on family.
In many countries injustice causes poverty and hajis are the ones who need to support the poor.
Any irani who is intellectual will and should boycott haj as long as there are poor in the society.