محمود، گه سگ آشغال، مرتیکهء قاتل جانی،
*شنیدم کم کم راه افتادی داری ادای رییس جمهور پیروز ایرانو در میاری. معلومه که باهاس این کارو بکنی، اینهمه تقلب و قتل و جنایت بخاطر این بود که تو نیم وجبی باز دوباره رییس جمهور ایران بشی که بتونی باز در نقش انتر دست آموز خامنه ای، مونس، جای دوست و دشمن رو نشون دنیا بدی.
فقط یک چیز میخوام بهت بگم، مونس، یعنی محمود. از حالا تا وقتی که از اون یخهء چرکت بگیرنت و اون هیکل چل کیلوییتو از توی دفترت در بیارن و بندازنت تو توالت و سیفونو بکشن، هرکار می کنی فقط زر زیادی نزن. هر چی دلت میخواد برو تکیه، هر قدر دلت می خواد برو خدمت امام امت قاتلت به خایه مالی، هر چقدر میخوای برو جمکران، برو قم پیش مصباح جونت ور ور کن، برو توی دارغوزآباد سخنرانی کن، برو توی جلسات هیئت دولت دستور بده، برو تو نماز جمعه خودتو نشون بده، با صدا و سیمای قاتل همدستت مصاحبه کن، زن و بچه ات را وردار ببر زیباکنار تابشون بده و هارت و پورت کن، برو پیش هوگو شاوز وایوو مورالیس ادای آدم های درسته رو در بیار و باد به غبغبت بنداز و هر کس شعری دلت می خواد ردیف کن. از نظرمن بلامانعه.
محمود، فقط یک چیزی می خواستم بهت بگم-- هر جا میری، هرکاری می کنی، فقط دیگه تو آمریکا پیدات نشه. من شهروند این مملکتم. دستم هم به اندازهء قد و قوارهء تو سندهء مجسم باز هست. از حالا تا روزی که دمب کثیفتو بگیرن و بندازنت توی سلولت که اونجا مشغول یاد گرفتن واقعیت های دنیا بشی، هر بار پای کثیفتو بذاری توی آمریکا، من پیش از تو توی نیویورکم. هر چقدر طول بکشه، هر چقدرخرجش بشه، میام پیشت. میام بیرون سازمان ملل وای میایستم. اگر راهم بدن میام تو به همه میگم تو کی هستی و چطور رییس جمهور ایران شدی. به همه میگم چند تا جوون ایرانی رو تا بحال کشتی و در بند کردی که به تقلبات تو اعتراض نکنن. به همه میگم با بچه های ما، با بچه های من چیکار کردی. اگر سازمانی، بنیادی، دانشگاهی جرئت و رغبت بکنه تو آشغال مادر جنده را برای سخنرانی دعوت بکنه، با نامه و تلفن فیتیله پیچشون می کنم و وادارشون می کنم دعوتشونو از تو خارکسدهء فاسد دروغگوی آشغال آدمکش پس بگیرن. اگه پس نگرفتن به هیئت امنائشون نامه می نویسم و شکایت برنامه گزار هارا می کنم. اگه گوش نکردن میام توی سالن و هوت می کنم.
محمود، هر جقدر دلت می خواد توی سخنرانیهات با تعریف کردن از خودت و صحت انتخاباتت جق بزن. هرچقدر دلت می خواد گه زیادی بخور. انقدر بخور تا سیر شی. اما هر گهی می خوری، هر کاری می کنی، هرجای این دنیا که میری، توی آمریکا پیدات نشه. اگر اومدی، من یکی کاری می کنم اون روز که توی سوییس بهت گوجه فرنگی پرت کردند رو در مقایسه ، یکی از بهترین روزهای زندگیت بدونی.
قاتل دروغگوی کوتوله، قاتل بچه های ایران، متجاوز غاصب کره خر، مرتیکهء عوضی. اگه من جای تو بودم همین امروز ریاست جمهوری رو ول می کردم و میرفتم هندونه فروشی می کردم. اما تو اگه به اندازهء هندونه فروشها شرف داشتی که به قیمت خون بچه های ایران اینهمه تقلب و ریا نمی کردی. پس تا مردم ایران تکلیف تو انچوچک رو روشن کنن و بفرستندت اونجا که عرب نی بندازه، سعی کن فقط تو آمریکا پیدات نشه. اگه خیلی شهوت سفر خارجی داری، برو پیش هوگو. وگرنه هرجا در خارج از ایران یک ایرانی شرافتمند با غیرت زندگی می کنه، دیگه جای محمود احمدی نژاد نیست. پس لطفا اینجاها پیدات نشه. ماه سپتامبر من خودم میرم مجمع عمومی سازمان ملل. امیدوارم تا اون موقع تکلیفت یکسره شده باشه و سر جای واقعی خودت توی خلای تاریخ نشسته باشی. اما اگر هنوز این دور و برها بودی، لازم نیست بیای نیویورک. من و ایرانی های دیگه جای تو میریم تا پیام بچه های ایرانو به مجمع عمومی شخصا تحویل بدیم.
حالا برو گمشو کثافت آشغال چرک. از اینکه چند بار اسم کثیفت رو اینجا تایپ کردم هم حال به هم خورد. باید برم استفراغ کنم. برو گمشو قاتل خاکبرسر.
*محمود احمدی نژاد که به گفتۀ تظاهرکنندگان خیابانی در ایران با تقلب انتخاباتی در مقام ریاست جمهوری ابقا شده روز یکشنبه اعلام کرد که دهمین انتخابات ریاست جمهوری ایران "ترازی از دموکراسی را در ایران به نمایش گذاشت که بی نظیر بود، به نحوی که دموکراسی های حاکم در کشورهای غربی به چالش کشیده شده است." محمود احمدی نژاد مدعی شد که دمکراسی در کشورهای غربی "صد در صد کنترل شده و نقش مردم نمایشی است، ولی آنچه در ایران اسلامی اتفاق افتاد حقیقتاً تجلی اراده ملت بود." محمود احمدی نژاد با انتقاد از اظهار نظر دولت های غربی در مورد انتخابات ریاست جمهوری ایران گفت : "آنها نگران از موجودیت خود شده و به تکاپو افتادند تا از حیثیت صد ساله و نظام ظالمانه ای که بر دنیا تحمیل کرده اند، دفاع کنند." محمود احمدی نژاد در ادامه مدعی شد که نگرانی کشورهای غربی از الگو شدن ایران برای همۀ جهان است
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by capt_ayhab on Sat Jun 27, 2009 02:27 PM PDTP/S Mr. Yassari,
I love dogs and I own couple of them, Please do not belittle dogs by comparing them to this heartless animal called Ahmadinejad.
Dogs have heart too you know ;-)
by capt_ayhab on Sat Jun 27, 2009 02:25 PM PDTApathy is defined as being in state of no emotions and feelings.
When one is so distant from reality and logic, When one has no emotions and sympathy toward other human being, no amount of logic and reasoning can show them the light.
When one is not moved by seeing a young woman bleed to death because of bullet wound to her chest, if one is not filled with rage and anger seeing young women and men beaten to inches their lives, or murdered by bullets of riot police, no amount of lecture can give them emotion.
When one is so blinded with her political agenda that can not see millions upon millions marching, hand in hand, with unity and harmony and in absolute peace and pride for their country, no amount of fact can open their eyes to the truth.
When someone is neck deep in hatred toward her own countrymen, that calls a peaceful rally by millions of OUR youth as riots, no amount of reading in principle of human right , democracy and human dignity can help her see treacherous way of her thinking.
It take a human being to cry for murdered youth and beaten battered bodies of his/her countrymen. It takes heart and dignity to have compassion. It take a SOUL to be a human being.
It takes a criminal mind to show no mercy for the peaceful demonstrators, who want nothing but THEIR RIGHTS. It takes an ANIMAL to be so callous to plight of millions of young and old, who had put their entire hope on this election. It takes utter stupidity not to see how criminally insensitive and how brutally dictatorial Khamenie, Ahmainejad and their entire criminal ilk are.
It is in times like these that you see true nature a person. It is times like these that you see EVIL in front of you.
Mr. Yassari, aforementioned is for you to consider when you debate, ever so fruitlessly, with certain characters. We both know that blood of those heroes and heroines shall not go in vain.
Thanks again for your piece, I enjoyed it immensely.
[Forgive them LORD for they do not know]
Jaleho read this.
by Majid Zahrai on Sat Jun 27, 2009 02:00 PM PDT//iranian.com/main/news/2009/06/27-1
زعمای ممکلت به این نتیجه رسیدند که هر چه احمدی نژاد کمتر صحبت کند، به صلاح نزدیک تر است
اما نکته دیگری که در همین ارتباط قابل توجه است آن است که آقای احمدی نژاد در شرایطی دچار سانسور نسبتاً کامل خبری می شود که کارگردانان انتخابات مدعی اند وی 63 درصد از آراء رأی دهندگان را تصاحب کرده است. چگونه می توان تصور کرد رئیس جمهور منتخبی در اوج محبوبیت خویش قرار داشته باشد و در انتخابات کم نظیری که 85 درصد مردم در آن شرکت داشته اند واقعاً 63 در از آراء آنها را به خود جلب کرده باشد، اما بلافاصله پس از موفقیت، قادر به مدیریت افکار عمومی نباشد و بزرگان قوم یا به صراحت از او بخواهند که فعلاً دهان نگشاید و یا به صدا و سیما دستور سانسور خبری و سکوت در مورد سخنان وی بدهند!
معمولاً حرکت نامزدهای انتخابات به سمت قله ی محبوبیت به تدریج و آرام آرام از چند ماه مانده به انتخابات شروع می شود، در هفته های آخر شدت می یابد و سرانجام در روزهای منتهی به انتخابات به نقطه ی اوج خود می رسد. بنابراین ادعای گزافی نیست که توقع داشته باشیم کاندیدای پیروز، آن هم با چنین درصدی، حاکم مطلق قلب ها باشد و در طلایی ترین روزهای زندگی سیاسی خویش قرار داشته باشد. برعکس، کاندیدای بازنده معمولاً هر چه به روزهای رأی گیری نزدیک می شود ستاره ی بخت اش افول می کند و به مرور از توجه افکار عمومی به وی کاسته می شود. بنابراین دور از انتظار نیست که کسی که با نزدیک شدن به زمان انتخابات به تدریج افکار عمومی را از دست داده پس از انتخابات و با اعلام نتایجی که بیانگر همان واقعیت باشد، شاهد رویگردانی بیشتر مردم باشد و حتی تا مدتی چندان رغبتی به ظهور در انظار عمومی و گفتگوی علنی با مردم و رسانه ها نداشته باشد...."
Mr. Yassari, You are waisting your time with Jaleho
by Mobarez (not verified) on Sat Jun 27, 2009 08:49 AM PDTJaleho will not argue or try to counter your points/facts, she will actually totally ignore them. She has the same tactic as her hero Ahmadinejad. She will soon say to send the "sore loser Mousavi and his supporters" to Alaska or something.
Jaleho, just like the IRI thugs, will also try to make this whole affair into a Zionist/Jewish conspiracy against the IRI. Notice how suddenly she puts an emphasis on Wolf Blitzer's Hebrew name "Ze'ev"? These are typical Hezbollahi tactics.
Notice how she ignored your points about Khamenei? Notice how she ignored your points about counting 40 million votes in 12 hours? Notice how she ignored your points about IRI's failure to abide by its own election rules? There many other facts, statistical evidence and overwhelming respected analysis that she will simply avoid.
This type of reasoning is geared towards one thing: Ahmadinejad and his camp will do anything to take over and I fear that the IRI is on a path to increased escalation and possible war with the west to accomplish this. Jaleho supports this confrontation as she feels that this would enhance IRI position geopoliticaly.
Dear Mr. Yassari, you asked;
by Jaleho on Sat Jun 27, 2009 07:59 AM PDT"Even if he were elected fair and square, wouldn't you say that in view of the recent developments, all bets are off now?"
What bets?! There has been an election, a winner has won with a 2:1 margin in a monumental healthy turnout of 40 million people where for the first time a 13 million youth, a large number of them from the important city of Tehran have overwhelmingly voted for the candidate which CLEARLY LOST THE COUNTRY, but WON THE CITY OF TEHRAN and Northern Tehran, Shemiranat.
The sore loser, Mousavi, instead of representing his vast following of 13 million and their legitimate rights (for example women who massively followed him), abuses the youth for his and his wife's personal injured ago, and the dirty fights of one religious faction with another.
The westerm powers who have been working hard to defeat Iranian regime and aspirations for thirty years, in particular the present president whom they find hard to bribe for four years, and try to abuse the healthy oppoistion of youth to one of their typical "color revolution," which BTW faded even in the first two that they were successful. Mousavi, hoping that he can pull out a Victor Yushchenko for himself, is too stupid to realize that he can't even hope for a general strike for the obvious reason: all the workers who run the economy of the country, VOTED FOR AHMADINEJAD, and they wouldn't heed to any Mousavi call for a strike!
Now, just because frustrated youth who pour out, thinking that they won (because everyone they know in Tehran voted just like them), and just because some powerful clerics see their faction is being in danger, and because the west is hoping to change a "twitter and CNN revolution" to an outright 1953 coup, you think the vote of 40 million Iranians should be cancelled??!!
Why? Because Wolf Ze'ev Blitzer, Abass Milani, Rudi Bakhtiya and Sadjadpour and facebook friends organize thousands of Iranian expats in western countries against the will of 40 million Iranian?! Many of Iranians in the west are Shais who don't even believe in elections in Iran.
If the election were nulled, then you would have seen million of workers having a strike and asking for their votes! The same way that two days after the original riots in Tehran, you saw massive number of Ahmadinejad supporters poured in the streets in a counter demonstration. CNN did not show that one 1/100 as much as the orginal demonstartion which were shown ad nauseam, but YOU SAW IT FOR SURE, as much as you want to forget that you saw it, didn't you?
Had poor Michael Jackson died three weeks ago instead of now, Mr. "Sadjadpoors" would not have been able to wear their green ties in CNN, and lead a "twitter and CNN revolution" among the Iranian expats who really dislike Ahmadinejad's hairdo, and with a passion I might add!!
آقا یا خانم کوچیک ما
SouriFri Jun 26, 2009 11:27 PM PDT
اگر بخواهیم مثل اقای یساری با احساسات تند و زبان مناسب صحبت کنیم، من اینجا باید به شما بگم که " لوس و بینمک" هم جٔد و آبادته.
بیشعوری هم حدی داره. اگر خیلی فکر میکنی که این طرز حرف زدن درسته چرا با اسم رجیستر خودت نمیای اینها رو بنویسی؟ اگر شهامتش رو داشتی که پشت اسم فیشی قایم نمیشدی که دیگران رو به حرفهای بد تشویق کنی. خودت که جرات نداری حرفی بزنی، ولی دوست داری با آبروی دیگران بازی کنی. چرا که نه؟فکر میکنم که یواش یواش باید یک فکری به حال این سایت کرد. با وجود افرادی مثل شما اینجا دیگه جای ما نیست.
Dear Ms. Souri
by Javad Yassari on Fri Jun 26, 2009 10:05 PM PDTThank you. I don't feel disunited with Ms. Jaleho as you say. I have utmost respect for her and I feel eternally united with her through the many things and values we do share. I have never understood her complete devotion to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, but that is not reason for animosity. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion. I raised that question to her, because in addition to admonishing me for my blog, she had been quick to celebrate Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's victory. The truth is that at this point both Ahmadinejad and Mousavi are forgotten. Iran's enemy is Khamenei and his cronies, including but not limited to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. An unspeakable travesty has occurred. Every Iranian should have an opinion about that right now. That's what this community needs to be writing about, something many have been doing. People's words may not be the most elegant, the best written ones at this time, but they should be uttered to express the feelings we are all experiencing these days. Everyone would do well to denounce this barbaric treatment of Iran's most valuable asset, its youth.
ملت این اداها چیه؟
کوچیک شوما (not verified)Fri Jun 26, 2009 10:05 PM PDT
دو تا خانم لوس بی نمک به احساسات تند و زبان مناسب این احساسات ایراد می گیرند... جناب یاسری هیچ مجبور نیستی کارت رو توجیه کنی. خوب گفتی، تموم شد و رفت.
البته گو اینکه یکی از این بانوان با بد گویی شما از احمدی مسئله داره و نه با لحن تند شما. یکی نیست به این خانم بگه چون ما مزخرفات ایشان را اینجا تحمل میکنیم دلیل نشد که نظر ایشان در مورد دوستان در این سایت کوچکترین ارزشی برای ما داشته باشه.
جمال آق یساری بلبل
داش اسغر (not verified)Fri Jun 26, 2009 07:47 PM PDT
به به بابا آق یساری دمت آبگوش - خارجکی هم که بلدی - خارجکی مینوسی ما که چیزی نمی فهمیم از خارجکی ات داش یساری-
دمت آبگوش- خیلی عرقخوری به مولا یساری.
یه موی وستت می ارزه به هیکل انتر نزاد.
غاصب سگ پدر بی ارزش
Shazde Asdola MirzaFri Jun 26, 2009 07:15 PM PDT
غاصب سگ پدر بی ارزش،
رای مردم همه کرده درزش.
بسکه در کار تقلب چاپیده،
مثل سوسک تو سوراخش تمرگیده.
مردم اما پدرش در میارن
مادر اش رو به عزاش وا میدارن!
Jaleho/Mr Yassari
by Souri on Fri Jun 26, 2009 06:37 PM PDTJaleho: I understand your feeling of surprise. Believe me I hate profanity but we are all human. As human we can not stay indifferent to those barbaric action. Each person react in a way, but always with rage, for sure. Imagine, if only Mousavi had won the election, and those people on the street were Ahmadi's supporters. How would you feel, if Mousavi's policemen will beat and kill innocent young Iranian, attacking their house, destroying every body's life in this way? Just for a second, please do imagine this for yourself and think about that. I know you are a smart girl and you have a heart too.
Mr Yassari: I understand your feeling of rage too. As I said before, I was feeling the same way. Sometimes when we are really heartbroken, we say things or do things which could overpass our normal thinking and behavior. In a near future, maybe youwill look at this blog (which is harder than the first one) and you would like to change a few bad words in it.
Please dear friends, I like both of you and do not like that we beome disunite as the Iranians and as the IC friends.
I have some difference of ideas with both of you, I had preferred Ahmadi Vs Mousavi and I am now ferociously against this atrocity and barbarism against my people, only to keep the power. But still I do respect both of you and hope we can all reach to a compromise however difficult given our broken heart after these events.
Jaleho jan, personally I think the IRI went now bankrupt. A power built on the people blood, is like building a castle in a sea . Sooner or later the waves of rages will destroy it. They should never go out of line this way.
آقای یاسری
HajminatorFri Jun 26, 2009 06:24 PM PDT
به جد این سلطان خامنه ای ۱، اگر احمدی پاشو به نیویورک بذاره منم از کانادا میکوبم تظاهرت بر ضد این جانی و اون سلطان. شاید همدیگر را اونجا دیدیم.
فتح الله و کاپتن، مخلصیم.
Dear friends, and especially Ms. Jaleho
by Javad Yassari on Fri Jun 26, 2009 05:44 PM PDTThank you very much for your replies.
I know the language used in this blog and the one before it is not of a caliber I am capable of writing and Iranian.com readers deserve to read. It is crude and rude. Under normal circumstances, this language could be considered inappropriate and I am capable of recognizing that.
I am, however, an individual deeply affected by grief and anger at this time. I am bereft at the loss of human life in the hands of Ali Khamenei and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Incompetent and stupid as I have known both men throughout the time I have known them, I have never felt this anger toward either one of them.
Was it the bullets blowing that guys brains all over the place that did it? Was it watching all those defenseless and unarmed people running in every direction that did it? Was it turning something beautiful and meaningful, manifested in civil participation, into something heinous and horrible and inhumane which did it? I don't know.
All I know is that for 30 years I had accepted the Islamic Republic of Iran as a legitimate government for Iran. I respected Iranians' choosing it as their government. I respected Iranians' living within its confines, knowing that if and when they are fed up with it, they would show their wishes. I encouraged everyone to participate in these elections, knowing that this would send a real message to IRI rules to reform, to change, and to correct their path.
When the results were rigged and the elections were hijacked and confiscated in favor of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, I was angry, too. But when angry crowds were harassed and chased and beaten and finally shot, I entered a state of rage. This rage is not my usual rage against IRI's widespread and deep-rooted violations of human rights, something that ordinarily hurts and haunts me. This rage is something new, something of a different texture. It has to do with IRI's facing its best and brightest in a show of intent to remain a dictatorial regime, disinterested in change, and unwilling to recognize its true masters, the people of Iran.
I am in a rage which won't ebb. I watch my people on YouTube and as my pride in them grows, my hate and disgust at Ahmadinejad and Khamenei and their ilk grows. They are criminals, killers. I wrote to express my rage. If my language was offensive I apologize.
But make no mistake, my message of hate for the characters in question is loud and clear and it stands until the day I die, for I don't wish to ever again see another young man's brains splattered on aslphalt, nor a young woman's blood running down her face.
Ms. Jaleho, let me ask you this. You have been very eloquent in your support of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and quick to congratulate him and yourself on the election results. Even if he were elected fair and square, wouldn't you say that in view of the recent developments, all bets are off now? This government has stood face to face with its citizens and has shot with the intent to kill. What is your take on that? Have you snapped out of your little romantic stupor over Mahmoud Ahmadinejajd?
For my part, and that is what the real message of this blog was, should he decide to come to New York this September to attend the UN Summit, I will travel to New York to protest his appearance as President of Iran. He is not the President of Iran, because he didn't win the elections. Furthermore, in view of the brutal confrontation with people of Iran, even if he were the elected President, he should have had the decency to resign and step down by now. But expecting decency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is an oximoron, a contrdiction in terms. I will be in New York to protest his presence in the US as Iran's president. This, I believe, is a small thing I can do for all the people who tried to do the same on Iran streets nationwide, and received bullets in reply.
He is not Iran's President, that much I know.
Deleted by me
by Majid on Fri Jun 26, 2009 08:50 PM PDTDeleted by me
حاج میناتور - جناب یساری
capt_ayhabFri Jun 26, 2009 03:38 PM PDT
حاج میناتور جناب یساری
تو این همه درد ورنج که این بچه مظلف های بسیجی همراه با اون آخوند های لواط پرست سر این جوانهای
دلیر و بیگناه آوردن خواندن نوشته های شما آقایون خوش سلیقه و خوش ذوق روح غمگین آدمو یک کمی تسکین میده.
سپاس گزارم
by Fatollah (not verified) on Fri Jun 26, 2009 03:15 PM PDTvay vay mordam az khand-e ! :-)
آخرین خبر روز
HajminatorFri Jun 26, 2009 12:34 PM PDT
طبق آخرین اخبار واصله به سمانیوز (سماور نیوز)، صبح امروز پرسنل قرارگاه سپاه محمدرسول الله میخواستند وارد قرارگاه شوند، مشاهده کردند که پارچه ای بالای سردر اصلی قرارگاه بدین مضمون نصب شده است:
شیر سماور تو کون رهبر (وزن را بپاید!)
فرمانده قرارگاه که از دیدن این پارچه بسیار آشفته شده بود به پرسنل بسیج دستور میدهد تا هر چه سریعتر اقدام به پاره نمودن پارچه مذکور نمایند. پرسنل بسیج هم از طرف شیر اقدام به پاره نمودن پارچه نمودند اما بدلیل کندی کار هنوز قسمت توهین آمیز شعار دیده میشد، لذا فرمانده قرارگاه با عصبانیت به پرسنل بسیج دستور داد:
شیر سماور را ولش کنین؛ اول کون رهبر رو پاره کنین.
این آقای یساریست که ما به آشنایی ایشان
JalehoFri Jun 26, 2009 11:43 AM PDT
مفتخر شده بودیم؟؟! فکر نکنم این آقا را بشناسم.
من و یساری
داش اسغر (not verified)Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:40 AM PDT
تف تو روی انترنژاد- یساری ناز نفس هر چی کلا مخملیه-
یه چت به یادت بالا رفتم تو ای قربت و این قد و بالا رو عشقه یساری. ناز نفس:
تق تق تق دمبکی رو باش
قد و هیکل و باش.
Yassari Jaan
by Fatollah (not verified) on Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:13 AM PDTye Goh-ee khord-e! Va bayest-ee pash vayest-e!
ما که بخیل نیستیم
اطو کش (not verified)Fri Jun 26, 2009 09:24 AM PDT
گور پدر احمدی نژاد ولی لطفا جناب رفسنجانی فراموش نشود.
اسی یساری خیلی لولی
داش اسغر (not verified)Fri Jun 26, 2009 07:37 AM PDT
یساری بلا بگیری ایشالله- کلا مخملی.
خیلی اشک ریختم به مولا خوندمت- لات.
خدا ایشالله به هق شیش تن جز جیگر بزنه به ایی محمود انتر.
دمت سیرابی شیردون یساری.
به قول مرهوم سوسن:
نیناش ناش ناش ناناش دمبکی رو باش
ویولن زنهء عینکی رو باش...
Yasari Jan
by capt_ayhab on Fri Jun 26, 2009 07:10 AM PDTAz sartasare USA bayad jam kard ve amadeh bood ke in LAJAN vaghti ke pasho mizareh inja reed be on heykale anniesh.
Mokhlese ghalamet ostad
-YT for NEDA Daughter of IRAN
Curious Joe
by capt_ayhab on Fri Jun 26, 2009 07:07 AM PDTWhy don't you put a lid on it you racist p!g? your ignorance and stupidity about Iran and Iranians is sickening man. Go blog about M. Jackson, your hero and leave true heroes and fighters to us.
IRAN -- Things Can Get Worse Than IRI
by Curious Joe on Fri Jun 26, 2009 02:44 AM PDTAssuming the uprising in Iran escalates (which it won't), guess what organized group is going to take over from the Mullahs. No, not the banana republic Iranian Army. It will be The Revolutionary Guards and the Basijis.
So, if you thought the Shah was bad, and the Ayatollahs were worse -- Haleluyah -- here comes the "Guards" headed by Shaboon-Bimokh of the 21st century. These are the essence of the "Laats and Chaaghookesh" in Iran. They helped the Shah (his SAVAK paid them and bussed them to beat the people). The same Laats and Chaghookeshh helped the Ayatollahs (who also paid them and bused them to beat/kill the opposition ) -- and now – those very Laats and Chaaghokesh (the Revolutionary Guard and Basijis) are going to take over.
Well. Let me give you a glimpse of what is coming: Idi Amin in Uganda -- presented by the Laat and Chaghookesh in Iran. They will kill Iranians by thousands, and will serve their blood as their drink (as Idi Amin did). They will also cut the head of their opposition and make a "Kaleh-Paacheh" -- a Persian delicacy, as Idi Amin served it at his table.
Good luck folks. I'm glad I am not living in that hell. I fear Rwanda is coming to Iran.
Why Bother about AhmadiNejad?
by Curious Joe on Fri Jun 26, 2009 01:36 AM PDTAs section 110 of the IRI constitution clearly indicates, the President (whether his name is Ahmadinejad, dog-shit, Mousavi, cat-shit, etc.) is powerless. He (never a she) can be fired by the whim of the “Supreme Leader”.Please wake up.
The problem is the current constitution of Iran. It should be thrown in the toilet. No more Valayateh Vaghih. No more Supreme Leader. If you get rid of that stupid constitution, then you won't have to even put up with the existence of Ahmadinejad or his competitors – who all suck the ass of the useless Ayatollah, because of the IRI constitution.
Forget Ahmadinejad. Change IRI and its constitution. Make it simply IRAN, separating the mosque and the state.
Rather than killing or hanging the clergy, send all the Mullahs to Qom, and let them live happily there. Turn Qom into the Vatican of Iran, and separate the mosque from the state. That is what Iran needs.
Please don't waste time on Mousavi vs. Ahmadinejad. That kind of argument only legitimizes the existence of IRI and its idiotic constitution.
by Vali-e Vagheeh (not verified) on Fri Jun 26, 2009 01:28 AM PDTCheraa inghadr beh Malijak-e man fohsh midin? aakheh gonaah daareh! Oon keh az khodesh eraadeh-ei nadaareh.. har chi man begam bedoon-e choon-o-cheraa anjaam mideh..
Malijak joon.. take it easy azizam... enihaa hameh hasoodan!!
جناب یاسری
HajminatorFri Jun 26, 2009 01:06 AM PDT
چقدر درد! من هم این روزها نفسم سخت بالا میاد. میخواستم ایران باشم و خونم بقل خون جوونها تو جوی آب میرفت.
این فلان شده رو اگر برکنار نکنن باید بدونه که هر وقت پاشو اینورها میذاره باید قبلش اشهدشو خونده باشه.