Welcome to America

by Javadagha

Welcome to America, the land of milk and money!!



Recently by JavadaghaCommentsDate
Evidences and Unanswered Questions
Sep 23, 2010
"Rumor of the Century"
Sep 19, 2010
Shameful. Disgusting. Inhumanity.
Sep 19, 2010
more from Javadagha

such animals! hypocrisy.

by Anonymous8 on

total animal behavior! this is the video.


the guy is 100% right! the redneck officer was just a bully.

how much $$$ did they just waste on this sherade? putting them in jail? how much will they lose in the lawsuit after?



by Cost-of-Progress on

It is audacious at best that you criticize other nations while your occupied Islamist forces  continue to terrorize, loot and manipulate an entire nation back in iran. 




Genghis Khan

Insersion VS invasion

by Genghis Khan on

It's most likely that the same tourist who is showing stupid attitude at the border, would beg so politely for half an hour, before entrance at another border in his bedroom.

He has to understand the sanctity of a nation's borders.

If my body dies, let my body die, but do not let my country die.


To 'Javadagha'

by Raoul1955 on

It is very easy to make claims; however, the burden is on the claimant to provide supporting documents.  Based on the above:

1)     Please provide documentation that the posted incident did occur, and if it did;

2)     It was not a staged incident. 

3)     If you wish to claim that the ‘actor’ or ‘actors’ are in fact Iranians, then post the supporting documents on this site.


So called Raoul . . .

by Javadagha on

So called Raoul assumes anything negative about USA might not be ture, but everything against us is true. 

I travel 8-9 times in and out of Iran.  There are many Eye-ranians who visit Iran who would NOT dare to say or do what they do in Iran when they return to the free country of USA.  Yah Iran is not free, at least there is no waterboarding there.

While hiding in the USA, keep bashing Iran. :-(



The tourist presented

by Raoul1955 on

in this 'so-called' documentary is an idiot.  When law enforcement personnel instruct you to do something, you DO it without arguing.  Assuming that this is REAL, and not staged, of course.  :-)
I suppose this can serve as an instructional piece to everyone why we should be respectful of the authorities that are entrusted with protecting us.
Often times the border officials ask questions that may seem nonsensical, but they are trained to press people to see their reactions.  This guy seems to be too arrogant, and too angry.  He should try visiting Arabic countries and see what kind of treatment he will get.
I do, however, believe that this video is actually staged, otherwise why would this man record the entire incident, again assuming that this is not one of those fake recordings. :-)