آمریکا هیچ غلطی نمیتواند بکند : امام خمینی

by jimzbund

This is the only time he was right and it holds true even today after 30 years.


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Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

The West is happy now.

by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi on

You see they say bad thing about them, but they want also to negociate with them. They want their benefits not ours. The Wes agree that they destroy our land and kill our people. They do not care.  Amir    We should be united; we all Middle Eastern countries.


He was wrong 99.9%

by jimzbund on

Khomeini stole the revolution from other groups and was aided by  US and British . He did a permanent damage to Iran and Islam due to his ignorance of the world at large. He had behind the scene dealings for hostages and that's why he said " carter or America hich ghalati nemitavanad bekonad". That's why I said he was right aout that one as even now US can't nmake up its mind and IRI knows it.




Bund, Jimz Bund


he was right about many things

by Anonymous8 on

he was a true iranian leader. with nothing, absolutely nothing, he gained enough support to overthrow a USA stooge.

whatever you say about him, he had popular support in iran. 


it's because he gave iranian people power and dignity, he said we can do anything.

nobody is saying that now. people like the pride he provided. 

Multiple Personality Disorder

Yes Jimz, you’re absolutely right

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

…but it cost billions of dollars and millions of lives to prove he was right.  But, it wasn’t his money or life, so what the fuck did he care.