Just push the SPAM button

Just push the SPAM button
by پندارنیک

The flood of racist and ultra-nationalist propaganda which is targeting the fabric of natural relations between Iran and her Arab neighbours is constantly rising above the safe level of everyday reality.

The top photo which shows one part of such sick-minded propaganda came to me via email just recently; it's a comparative list in order to prove that we, the Iranians (read Persians, if it bothers you), are a better, finer, and ultimately superior people based on the names we choose for our children.

One does not need to hold a PhD in any social or political field in order to dismiss such an absurd claim, and categorize it as sheer ignorance, and filthy racism.

If the political developments sweeping across our region are not a reminder that our Arab neighbours need and deserve the support of their Iranian brothers and sisters more than ever, then the historical evidence should prove that only peaceful coexistence between us will disarm the "common enemy". 

I pondered a lot as to whether I should post the second part of the said email or not, and finally decided to put it HERE for you with this thought in my mind that my Iranian fellow-citizen (let's make it real Iranian fellow-citizens) can easily and safely stand above any racial cesspool and discredit the outcome of such comparison as idiotic, baseless, and skewed.       


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Anonymous Observer

Well at least the email didn't advocate racist Arab causes

by Anonymous Observer on

like you do here  day in and day out, such as changing the name of Persian Gulf to "the Gulf" just because a racist Arab by the name of Gamal Abdel-Nasser had a bug of his camel's rear end about the word "Fars."   

BTW, why don't you challenge the varicity of the email?  Is anything that is said in there incorrect?  We're all ears.

Also, did you, by any chance, participate in Saddam's "Ghadissiyeh" against Iran from 1980-1988 like the rest of the Arab world did (with the minor exception of Syria--and that was because they were paid off)? 


In solidarity with the blog writer

by Reality-Bites on

I will change my name to "Al-reality-bitesullah" for the duration of this blog.

I believe as a fellow site user it's the least I could do, since it appears, more than any other issue (all the others being simply trivial by comparison) how much the preceived Iranian racism towards Arabs keeps him awake at night.

Ma'a as-salaama alrafigh.

Your in solidarity 



Mash Ghasem


by Mash Ghasem on

Now you're getting poetic. I like it, thank you. Faray Marzha.

Going beyond boundries, it's a great concept, isn't it. As usual, easier said than done. Which reminds me of me going back to work in me 'retirement,' you know, it kinda cramps your 'quality' writing time. And I'm sure you meant it in the best way, but this whole mystification of ' pen and proper knoweledge' always kinda of pisses me off, in a sense everyone has the pen and proper knoweledge, remember Gramsci and his idea of 'intellectual labor'?

Last but not least your class emphsis is commendable. Please note, all of this is virtual, which sometimes makes me think you might be taking  yourself and this whole virtuality too seriously, cheers

Looking forward to May 1st.

Bar khiz ay dagh lanat khordeh

donyai faghr o bandgi



of going "faraye marz"

by پندارنیک on

I don't know what's holding you back. You have the pen and the proper knowledge of the field, which leaves you with no excuse for being a silent witness to this grave menace of propaganda against Arabs, and the constant injection of national sentiment to the public.

The "common struggle(s)" which you point out separates the homeless man in the streets of Tel Aviv from the Palestinian profiteer inside the refugee camp as clearly and as equally as it separates our Osanloo from let say Haji bazaaris.

The demon of nationalism(or make it ultra-nationalism, for argument's sake) and its linguistic armour can only be defeated by the sincere efforts of intellectuals who can rise above the masses.

I have asked you before to write more and to write on a regular basis. Now you have the subject too! 


پندار نیک‌،


I am a frequent recipient of similar e-mails, in response to which I have offended quite a few good friends who, in my opinion, should have known better. In their defense, they deny racism as the motive, and portray their e-mails as mere reactions to Islamization of Iran after what they regard as the second invasion of the country by Arabs. I contend that the content is escapist in nature, and betrays the sender’s defeatist mentality.


I Looked up Mash Ghasem Too!

by Faramarz on


مش:دست به چیزی در مالیدن تا پاکیزه شود و چربش آن زائل گردد

قاسم:بخش کننده

بنظر خیلی باحال میاد!

Mash Ghasem

Faramarz , all this time I thought you're name meant:

by Mash Ghasem on

Faray Marz: beyond borders, above boundry,...

Which is, what me thinks our own PN here is trying to do.

To be above boundires of nationalism and all that. But the way he/she is going about it reminds me more of that beautician that was trying to fix the eyeborw and blinded the eye.

Omad zir abro vardareh, zd chesho kor kard.

PN jon, per chance a focus on our (arabs and us zendighz, as we're also know) common struggles, rather than linguistics or reconstructive geoghraphy could conceivably help build soliodarity.

This daily rampage of how Arab hating we is, was so passe  30 years ago.

But I forgot you must have been in Imam's Line back then...


I Looked up My Name Too!

by Faramarz on

فرامرز:دهی بوده است میان نهاوند و بروجرد که در سه فرسنگی شهر نهاوند قرار داشته است!


الشیاطین، الکافرون، الاجم!


You know my arabic is just as awful as your farsi, otherwise I'd write to you in fluent arabic, with south lebanon accent, to perhaps make you understand that being proud of our distinct, I repeat distinct  Iranian heritage and culture is by no means a sign of racism towards our arab neighbours (sorry, idols to you), despite all the false claims by you and your other colleagues on this site! I'd tell you and your colleagues that the common desire shared between the ordinary people of the middle east, from Morocco to Iran for democracy, social justice and freedom  would ultimately lead to the collapse of this vermin of political islam which is dividing the people of region along the lines of shia/sunni, nationality and gender.

vasalam nameh tamam akhi, and I have to go back to work, as some of us have to work for our living you know :)