The Folly of Attacking Iran!

by Kamangir

Iran is not Iraq and everyone knows it. The most bizarre course action would be a military one against Iran. Please refer to the site below:


Simple words saying it as it was and it actually is!




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Bottom Line!

by Kamangir on

What or whom should I rely on? Please tell me! It's not about Kinzer or about Trita Parsi or any specific person, but rather about the point they are desperatly trying to make and that is military confrontattion against our country will be a disaster of unforseen consequences.  The bottom line is that despite recent intelligence reports on Iran's lack of militaristic nuclear programe, there's a very real chance of a military attack against Iran.  Some speak about 'surgical' strikes some others about just hiting the 'Sepah' structure and so on so forth... the issue is much deeper than anything we can imagine, such action will definitely break the respect the Iranian youth has for America. I'm very much against the IRI and its stablishment (or mafia ) I should say in Iran, but no Sir, I do not want my country to be attacked in any shape or form. I don't want Iran's military and not even the Sepah to be attacked, I don't want collateral damages. Such action would only help the hardliner mafia in Iran to stay in power much longer.  Do they want to bring 'democracy' to Iran by bombing it? well, we already had one and they got rid of it for their own lucrative lifesyle.

These neo-crazies and their friends have no plan, and no desire to help Iranians to bring about change in Iran, they have lost all credibility even among most anti-IRI elements within and outside Iran. no, they are after their own interests 'despite' Iranians. If there's any change it should be from within only.



Jahanshah Javid

Sense and sensibility

by Jahanshah Javid on

Jamshid, anyone who refers to "Kinzer" loses credibility? He talks common sense. That's why so many are listening. Enough with war and militarization...



by jamshid on

Kamangir, you can do better than relying on the buffonic Kinzer. Nowadays, anyone that refers to "Kinzer", instantly loses credibility...