Cartoon in Memoriam: “HeartQuake For Iran” by Cartoonist Kaveh Adel

 Cartoon in Memoriam: “HeartQuake For Iran” by Cartoonist Kaveh Adel
by KavehAhangarAdel


Discombobulated, we are.

The only unifying power is love and compassion for our fellow human
beings and the world around us with all of its organisms, even the

But our HeartQuakes nonetheless.

My HeartQuakes for the Earthquake victims yesterday in Azerbaijan province of Iran.

Original Cartoon posting and Discussion on FACEBOOK (originally published on August 12, 2012)-----> 

See : “HeartQuake For Iran” on Facebook.

Originally Posted blog  (originally published on August 12, 2012): 


Cartoon “HeartQuake For Iran” 2012 by Iranian American Cartoonist Kaveh Adel


Artwork 2012©

Visit my Facebook fanpage for more.
For more Political Cartoons, sketches or just thoughts visit Kaveh Adel's Art & Humanity Blog

Also Checkout My Cartoons on AAEC (Association of American Editorial Cartoonists)


more from KavehAhangarAdel
Ari Siletz

Strong work!

by Ari Siletz on

Agree with Azadeh.


Soosan Khanoom, the image....

by KavehAhangarAdel on

that inspired it was a photo(readily circulating after the horrific earthquakes) that had the qualities you mentioned.  I merely transferred that to paper. My heart felt the pain and love and we will always wonder what were their last words? thank you for your kind remarks. 

If I want to be FREE I’ve got to be ME!

Kaveh Adel's Facebook Art & Humanity Page



Thank you Azadeh jan.

by KavehAhangarAdel on

I really appreciate it and I am glad that it has resonated with you. My work is always from the heart. 

If I want to be FREE I’ve got to be ME!

Kaveh Adel's Facebook Art & Humanity Page


Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

I am speechless......incredibily sad ....truly heartfelt. 

I can look at this and feel love and the pain of separation...I can feel it with every beat of my heart.

The most poetic artwork I have ever seen. 

I Love everything about it ...

Azadeh Azad

Impactful artwork

by Azadeh Azad on

Kaveh jan,

I love every single cartoon by you, but this one is really a strong and compassionate drawing. I've shared it with my Facebook friends.

Thank you for this heartfelt artwork,



Demo, thank you.... we are

by KavehAhangarAdel on

all trying our best, in our own unique ways to sympathize with families of those lost and as humanely possible honor those lost.

If I want to be FREE I’ve got to be ME!

Kaveh Adel's Facebook Art & Humanity Page



Simply Beautiful!

by Demo on

A timely gift to all the weeping hearts. Thank you.