آیا ما باید از غرب الگو بگیریم یا غرب از ما؟ 1


Kavian S. MIlani
by Kavian S. MIlani

آیا ما باید از غرب الگو بگیریم یا غرب از ما؟ : بحثی در باره مردم سالاری و راهکارهای پیشنهادی یک دین ایرانی

بخش یکم

کاویان صادق زاده میلانی

حدود صد سال از صدور فرمان مشروطیت ایران می گذرد.

امسال شاهد بودیم که به مناسبت سدهء مشروطیت نشستها و همایشهای زیادی در مراکز دانشگاهی و فرهنگستانی در درون و برون کشور دایر شد و کتابها و مقالات زیادی در دست چاپ و انتشار است. شاید لازم باشد برخی نقطه های کور تحقیقات نوین را در باره گفتمانهای تاریخی-اجتماعی عصر مشروطه مطرح کنیم و زیر ذره بین ببریم.

در نوشتن قانون اساسی، دولتمردان و روشنفکران زمان به پیشواز الگوی اروپایی رفتند و قانون اساسی ایران را بر اساس قانون اساسی بلژیک تدوین کردند. البته تغییراتی جزیی هم در آن دادند و برخی حساسیتهای ملی و مذهبی را نیز در آن وارد کردند.

بررسی قانون اساسی و نظامنامه انتخابات نشان می دهد که حقوق شهروندی منحصر به اقلیتی از مردان ایرانی بود. زنان هیچ گونه حق رای نداشتند. ملاکان و کشاورزانی که صاحب ملکی بودند که هزار تومان قیمت داشت یا بازرگانانی که صاحب حجره معینی بودند حق رای داشتند. به علاوه شاهزادگان قاجار، علما و طلاب و گروهی از اصناف که صاحب دکان بودند نیز حضور شهروندی داشتند. اشخاص ورشکسته و گروههای دینی غیرمسلمان (چون بهائیان) نیز از حق رای محروم بودند. واضح است که حق رای و حضور مدنی به صاحبان قدرت و ثروت اعطا شده بود و حقوق شهروندی عمومی و همگانی نبود.

این هم نتیجه گرایش روشنفکران عصر به اندیشهء اروپایی که به کمتر از ده در صد ابرانیان حق رای عطا می کرد، بیش از 90 در صد رعیت و چند درصد شهروند.

در همین زمان در اروپا و ایالات متحده وضع به مراتب بدتر از آنچه متصور می شود بود. در انگلستان و ایالات متحده زنان از حق رای محروم بودند. حق رای در امریکا متعلق به مردان سفیدپوست و زمیندار بود. سیاهان در امریکا از اواخر قرن نوزده حق رای داشتند ولی در اکثر ایالتهای امریکا این حق عملا اجرا نمی شد. زنان در امریکا در سال 1920 میلادی حق رای گرفتند و در انگلستان در 1928 و به زنان سویسی در سال 1971 حق رای و شرکت در انتخابات اعطا شد.

حال فرض کنید اندیشه یا فکر یا جهان بینی یا آئینی ایرانی باشد که چهل سال پیش از مشروطیت:

- بر ضرورت وجود مجلس مشورت ملی و محدود کردن قدرت استبدادی دربار صحه گذارد.

- به زن و مرد حق مساوی در جامعه مدنی و حق رای برابر بدهد.

- حق رای را مختص طبقه های ثروتمند و قدرتمند نداند.

- برای اعطاء حقوق شهروندی حداقل سرمایه و ثروت و ملک را لازم نداند.

شاید جالب باشد بدانیم که چنین ایرانی ای در اواسط قرن نوزده میلادی در ایران ظاهر شد و این آموزه ها را به ایرانیان و جهانیان عرضه کرد.

نام او بهاالله بود و لابد می پرسید با او چه کردند. مگر ممکن است در استبداد و ظلم و تاریکی عصر قاجار، نظام حاکم بر ایران ( و با توجه به تسلط کامل قدرتهای خارجی بر دربار) به چنین اندیشه برخاسته از ایران و فکرنوین و نابی اجازه و فرصت حضور بدهند؟

بهاالله را زندانی و به اقصی نقاط امپراطوری عثمانی در سرزمین شام تبعید کردند و با کشتار هزاران نفر از پیروان آئین جدید اندیشه و فکر نو را از تاثیر بیشتر و عمیقتر بر جامعه ایران بازداشتند و ایرانیان را از این نهضت روشنگری محروم کردند. در نتیجه استبداد قاجار و استعمار خارجی بر ایران حکم راند.

خلاصه ایرانیان را به زور شمشیر و تبلیغات خرافی مذهبی از آشنایی با دین بهائی محروم ساختند و توسعه و ترقی ایران با این تبانی نظام و علما و استعمار لوث شد و در شرایطی که تمدن غرب خود نیازمند آن بود که از آموزه های انسان ساز بهاالله بهره مند شود، ما ایرانیان به گدایی اندیشه اروپا رفتیم و به سبب خود کم بینی ارزشها و معیارهای اروپا را نصب العین خود کردیم و از بلژیک قانون اساسی گرفتیم و به تقلید از آنان درصد بزرگی از مردم خود را از حقوق شهروندی محروم کردیم.

آئین بهائی کماکان به رسالت تاریخی خود ادامه می دهد. بزرگ مرد ایرانی که راهکارهائی ناب و نوین به ارمغان آورده بود چهل سال را در تبعید و زندان سپری کرد و در زندان در گذشت و پیروانش به طرز فجیعی قتل عام و سرکوب شدند.

چون نیک نظر کرد پر خویش در آن دید

گفتا ز که نالیم که از ماست که بر ماست

- ادامه دارد


more from Kavian S. MIlani

jafangiat, i think you are

by comeon (not verified) on

jafangiat, i think you are in the wrong blog, why dont you go choose a better blog?!! you will be happier. you must be insane to come to a religious blog and expect a blog on wine testing or something!!!
why do you call people stupid if you are in the wrong blog??!!! how typical, and God forbid if somebody call you stupid, you will carry the Oghdeh to the grave.


it is your head that is

by realIrani (not verified) on

it is your head that is fixed not the system of values. what values are you taking about? the person here talking is your rebellios ego. i need your sound mind to speak to. you fix that first then we get to fixing values. you are wasting precious time and taking to long to conform to the Truth. and the Truth is the only changeless parameter in this equation of man and beast! of true understanding vs contempt. I am not going on a wild ride into useless philosephy, been there done that. so i tell you my experience, listen to what is being said. dont get excited and start playing reruns.
i say this in the spirit of frankness and nothing else.
happy holidays


no arguments

by No arguments for jafangiyat (not verified) on

no arguments! keep this religion jafangiyat for yourself. we got enough of religion nonsense for centuries. enough is enough, you stupid people.


for ye Irani, the great historian

by shahink (not verified) on

to ye Irani
RRRRRRRRRRRRRRight! Your version of history is really interesting. Please, please write a book on it and publish it. You don't know what a service you would do to Baha'is if Iranians could be "informed" through you that the akhunds have been sabotaged in Qajar and Pahlavi Periods. People would have just LOVED Baha'is if you could prove that!
Alas, you cannot! ALL the sources of history, Baha'i or otherwise, would tell you and other people that mullas, akhunds, your dear clergy have been the cause of killing of thousands of Baha'is during the Qajar rule and tens of them in 1320s and 1330s, and the suffering of all the Baha'i community under the Islam-panah Muhammad Riza Shah's 1340s and on.
Regarding Marxism, I was referring to your shallow uninformed usage of Marxist terminology. PLEASE, do write and publish YOUR version of history it would be fun and as I said people would love Baha'is just for the stroy you have created. Be under the care of your beloved akhunds, live for your dear mullas, and cherish them.


Re: Real Irani

by Ye Irani (not verified) on

To me, system of values are fixed in this world. What was good 1400years ago was good in plato years and is as good now. Only the form and tools of application change.
Tell me; You, the one who thinks is so modern and civilized, what is your system of values? teach them to me.


Sh.R and Shahink

by Ye Irani (not verified) on

I have no idea how you relate Marxists to Bahai and I'm not going to give you Bahai 101 course lecture here. Try to review Qajar social, economical, healt and foreign afairs and see how Bahai faith started. Of course, you would need to refer to resources outside Bahai circle.
I'm not saying that Europe or Russia started the faith, but for sure they used it as an instrument to subdue clergy role in society along with naive/supersticious Qajar shahs.


religion jafangiyat

by jafangiyat (not verified) on

keep this religion jafangiyat for yourself. we got enough of religion nonsense for centureis.
enough is enough. you stupid people.


Another paranoid attempt to

by realIrani (not verified) on

Another paranoid attempt to salvage the Ahkhoond.
Freedom and equallity existed 500bc but the past 1400years been hiding in a ditch together with the 12th imam!!
mister anon and yek virooni! you are so used to controling the mind of the massess with your rubbish that now that the moment of truth is here you are not able to take it like a man! you have not learned to view defit as an unwanted outcome, learn from it and move on. you are stuck where you were 1400 hundreds years ago when the Arabs took you and molded you into what you are now.
how long will your denial and confusion is going to last. have mercy on your own next generation...
Indeed you are the meaning behind jafang!


bigotry covered up in weak, uninformed Marxist terminology

by du Irani (not verified) on

ye Irani= the "anonymous" who wrote the first nasty comment referring to Baha'i call to unity as "rubbish."


commenting on what one knows nothing about

by shahink (not verified) on

khataab be "yek Irani,"
Your knowledge of Qajar history is something close to zero. So is your shalow (very shalow) familiarity with Marxist conceptions. I wonder how on earth you allow yourself to comment on things you know close to nothing about.


Jenab Kavian, The point is,

by Ye Irani (not verified) on

Jenab Kavian,
The point is, one need to follow chain of events rather than stopping at some orbitrary point. Bahai was formed to reduce the grip of clergy to the masses in Iran. It started with qajar naive polititians who followed west blindly. Mullahs where against infusion of foreign culture. They saw this as a tool of domination. Bahai played a major role in a very weaselous way to alter infrastructure of iranian culture.
We have a saying: Crow came wanted to learn how to walk like Peacock and forgot even his own walking.
Fact of the matter is Iran has a great, sound and progressive cultural infrastructure to bear few emires during course of history. There's no need to dump it. I'm all for learning new tricks of the trade but in no means changing infrastructure - which is a poison pill.
In one hand you disagree with influence of western culture
"(تاسف بارتر این است که ما به گدایی اندیشه های غرب رفتیم.)". On the other hand, Bahai has a very adaptive and fluid structure that blends well and supports hegemony of the dominating powers.

BTW, I thought Bahai is a non-political faith(!?!?) but you say:
"نکته من هم همین است که دین بهائی با حکومتهای غیرمردمی و خودکامه اختلافی بارز دارد


How can you say such a thing?

by Sh.R (not verified) on

to ye Irani
This is REALLY interesting! Now you are saying Baha'is have oppressed mullas (akhunds) during Qajar and Pahlavi periods? Read this article and feel ashamed of the way you think:


گفتمان بهائی در ایران مدرن

Kavian S. MIlani

یه ایرانی گرامی

با سپاس

نکته من هم همین است که دین بهائی با حکومتهای غیرمردمی و خودکامه اختلافی بارز دارد و به همین دلیل در دوران مشروطیت و پیش از آن در میان عصر قاجار و در دوران پهلوی دولت و روحانیت شیعه بهائیان را سرکوب کردند. برای پر کردن خلا و کاستی ناشی از برخورد سنت و مدرنیته دین بهائی جوابگوی نیازهای حضور موفق ایران بود ولی روحانیت شیعه که منافع خود را در خطر می دید و برای کسب هژمونی و استیلای کامل تلاش می کرد دین بهائی را سد راه خود دید و علیه آن وارد عمل شد. این روند امروز هم ادامه دارد.

تاسف بارتر این است که ما به گدایی اندیشه های غرب رفتیم.

موفق باشید


Kavian Sadeghzade Milani, M.D


کاویان صادق زاده


Jenab Kavian,

by ye Irani (not verified) on

One can surely parallel the tactics o Bahai faith administrators with that of zionists. You don't believe it? Just take a look at how they deal with aligning themselves with various political currents to reach the objectives. In recent decades you can find that how they have synchronized the vatious holidays of Jewish community to go with Christianity.

Surly, they have found their role models.
For me, it does not matter who should copy who. What matters is that there has to be value in what we do. We will not live in peace and prosperity (All mankind not just some selfish exploiting minds) unless we shed the bad values and practice good values.

I think Bahais lost outstanding opportunity after revolution. so, it's natural why you should be against Mollahs. Mollahs and Bahais have existential conflict. Do not forget what Bahais have done to Mollahs during Qajar and Pahlavi governments.



by Kavian S. MIlani on

فرهاد گرامی

نورور یک عید باستانی ایرانی است که بهاءالله آن را به عنوان عید بهائیان نیز پذیرفته و تعلیم داده است. بهائیان هیچگاه به نوروز اهانت نمی کنند و دلیلی هم ندارد که اساس ایرانی آن را انکار کنند.

پایتده باشید

کاویان صادق زاده


this is not new..

by Farhad2008 (not verified) on

eftekhar hast keh az vojoode yek irani baraye arzeshhaye valaye iran estefadeh mikoni. amaa shoma tareekh ra " tagheer " meedid. masalan Norooz ra bahaiyan sale nou kish minadamnd ve be iranian tohin meekonand ke in eid shoma nist!!! norooz baraye hameye adyaan boode dar hezaran sal va in sokhane shoma ke Cyrus the graeT ra nadide gereftid, ham hamananade norooz mibashad.



by Farbors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

I would say: EITHER NOR. because each nation has its own conditions culture tradition and geographical position. So I think it is best for each nation to try to find its own way according to the prerequisites which are given. For example so much I would find it positive to forbid consuming alcoholics in the public so litte i have found a way and a possibility for the most western countries to practice it. millions of westerns earn they life through handling with alcoholics. besides the devils have succeeded to turn the worlds of holly Christ so that as if he had recommended drinking alcoholics. In the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of IRAN it was no problem at all to get rid of this - up to my opinion - bad habit and whipp it away from the public. Partly because of the Religion. But at least also because the most benefits of alcohol trade and industry was in the hands of strangers. Food supply to 90% and Medicinsupply to 100% was also in the hand of strangers up to 1978/79. Now is the lucky Iranian nation in a position that can for example export wheat to egypt and other items to other countries. All because of the Blessings of thier revolution.
Then is the Farsi Speech: KHALGH RA TAGHLIDESHAN BAR BAAD DAAD............Imitating brings no Heal. every nation must make its own experiences. The honourable Iranian nation - I mean the ones who have founded thier IALAMIC REPUBLIC, live there and are willing to protect it - has made very bitter experiences till it could achieve what it has today. The Iraki nation would handle contrary to what it handled 1980. Probably they would have made thier own Islamic republic. The afghanis wanted to make thiers but the "Glorious" USSR, having allready consulted the great satan, changed the plan. After all these Thought I mean "IRANIAN" should better not be the place to accelerate the differences. The differences are just of a artificial kind. the Decisionmakers do not get hurt and the bloggers are not helped if I would also start with earthy words and say bad things about this akhound or that President. I sometimes mention the great satan. One can take the positive part GREAT if she/he pleases! Greeting


Nice Try

by (:-)) (not verified) on

Iranian nationality is transforming towards valuing man and is in the process of eliminating every single abstract religion and all superstitions.



by Abarmard on

Unfortunately Iranians are quick to judge and slow to read
and learn. That has been the number one reason why we have never learned to
admire our own home grown greatness. I don't know anything about Baha’i
religion and thoughts, so my next task is to find more about it. Do you have any
suggestion for good books?


comment for the person who called these words rubbish

by shahink (not verified) on

Comment for the person (anonymous) who started his words with cursing, referring to Dr. Sadeghzadeh's words as rubbish: Your negatively charged words reflect a prejudice that by its very nature blinds you. Can you see how you have been controled/managed/subjected to all sorts of self-righteousness and hatred against non-Muslims? Can't you see how much your reaction is similar to that of the akhunds? Your interest in Cyrus and his charter his just an unconscious cover up for the prejudice that is embeded deep done to your bones.


These words seem JAFANG only

by T.L (not verified) on

These words seem JAFANG only to those who do not understand them. I am very glad to read Mr. Kavian Milani's article. The above anonymous post comes from someone with a fake nationalism plus deeply rooted (yet concealed) Sh'ia bigotry. One of those people who do whatever Islam has forbidden, but as soon as it comes to hearing one word about the Baha'i Faith all their prejudice is worse than mullas who at least do not claim to be openminded and lovers of Cyrus' Human Rights charter.



by Kavian S. MIlani on

دوست گرامی


لطفا ایراد خود را واضحتر بیان کنید. 

Kavian Sadeghzade Milani, M.D

کاویان صادق زاده


This is what is called: JAFANG

by Anonymous on

What a load of rubbish. Freedom, equality and fairness in Iran started over 500 BC, This guy is obviously unaware of the first human right charter in the history of the man kind. It makes you wonder what is this chap trying to achieve. I suggest he reads a bit of history before talking more and embarrassing himself even more.


This is what is called: JAFANG

by Anonymous on

What a load of rubbish. Freedom, equality and fairness in Iran started over 500 BC, This guy is obviously unaware of the first human right charter in the history of the man kind. It makes you wonder what is this chap trying to achieve. I suggest he reads a bit of history before talking more and embarrassing himself even more.