You See Me


You See Me
by Latina



What you mean to me

Only you can see

As you are my reflection

Of the soul of me

You are the music within me

The song in my soul


You’re a source of emotion

Such a wave of joy

You’re radiant sunshine  

The glowing Northern light

The aura of a red setting sky

Splashing colors over me


You’re the tingle down my spine

The pounding of my heart

A very tender dream at night

My first waking thought


You’re a fantastic lightning storm 

Like a swirling hurricane

A stirring force of nature

You’re the rainbow on a rainy day

You’re the stars in the sky

With the glow of the moon 



You’re the rotation of my earth

That makes this gravity

Oh what you mean to me

Only you can see 

My Beautiful Reflection 

You see ME





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by Latina on


 Thank you! I will look into it. Have a great week! :o)



by yolanda on

Hi! Natalia,

    I found this poetry club website that helps you locate poetry club in your area:


I think you should check it out to see if there is one in your area. You can share with other poets and poetesses how to record poetry recitation on you-tube video. You did such a good job with your poetry videos!

Take care!



by yolanda on

Hi! Natalia,

    Thank you for your timely bilingual Mother's Day poems. Wow! It is very exciting! You can write poems for any occasions!

Please take care and look forward to your next blog or poem!

Happy Mother's Day to you!



by Latina on


 Thank you! I might do the same with some other poems. I still have two more poems to complete.

Have a great day and weekend! :o)

I wrote a little poem for my students to give to their mom for Mother's Day:

Madre querida

Madre bendita

Para tí esta flor

Con todo mi corazón


Te doy las gracias

Por todo tú amor

Eres la mas bella

No hay nadie como tú

English version:

Dearest mother

Blessed mother

For you this flower

With all my heart


I give you thanks

For all your love

You are the most beautiful

There is no one like you




by yolanda on

Hi Natalia,

     Thank you for reciting your poem. You just added human touch to your poem. Thank you!

Please take care!



by Latina on


Thank you so much for such kind words and amazing video clips.

You know, I had not thought of joining a poetry club before. What an interesting idea. It would be nice if I could join a poetry club.  Maybe in the summer. I tend to have more time.



Was Rosie


by Was Rosie on


Have you guys seen Ayhab's thread?




by yolanda on

Hi Natalia,

   Your poem sounds really sweet and romantic! It is one of your best poems! You should try to find a song writer to compose a love song out of your poem! Is there any poetry club in your area? Maybe you should join a poetry club and share your poems and poem recitation videos with other poets and poetesses.....I am sure that they can learn a lot from you.......Selena Gomez is very beautiful and delicate....Vanessa Hudgens looks beautiful and sweet.....I watched "High school musical" on TV, both episodes...they are kind of entertaining! I like Leona Lewis a lot 'cause her singing style reminds me of my favorite singer, Celine Dion.




by Latina on





You See Me.........

by Latina on