Three Decades of Deception


M. Saadat Noury
by M. Saadat Noury

World has faced three decades of deception since 1979.

Many scholars define “deception” as the act of misleading or the art of misrepresentation. People, as consumers, love to be promised great things by buying products that they may not necessarily need. While in advertising it is considered acceptable to deceive, most people do not feel the same when others deceive them. In fact, they are often hurt by being led to believe something that is not true. It seems that the main difference in advertising deceit and day to day deceit is that it stings more when you have actually met the person. This makes it more personal and, therefore, more painful.

That type of deception is a typical form of moral deception, which can be also called as public deception. There are other examples of moral or public deception that we hear or see in our normal daily lives.  The deceits attributed to some organizations or various figures in the fields of business (Enron and Bernie Madoff in the USA, and Earl Jones in Canada), sport (Tiger Woods), entertainment (David Litterman), and the hoax of Mr and Mrs Heens (the parents of the Balloon Boy) are among those examples which are rather difficult to forget.

Those were possibly the most memorable public deceptions of the last decade. Iraq War and the story of Weapons of Mass Destruction which became an excuse to occupy Iraq on 20 March 2003 were the most important political deceptions of the same decade. And amazingly George W. Bush became as invisible as it is possible to be for a man who was president of the United States almost a year ago!

The climax of political deception actually traces back to 1979 when the so-called Islamic Republic took power in Iran.  In June 2009 a disputed presidential election provided another political deception in Iran where people are still fighting back and the fight goes on and on.  Today, a significant percentage of Iranians agree that over the last three decades, the country's leaders have consistently lied to the people of Iran and the world.

Well, the next decade or any other decade to come be better for the whole world? Who knows? So just be careful and watch out. And for now, have a happy and a very joyful New Year!

Manouchehr Saadat Noury, PhD

Read more about Historical Moments on the MISSING MOMENTS 


more from M. Saadat Noury

To Patrick Henry

by Baharan on

You misunderstood me. I did not post those links to praise you or your fathers; those links may indicate who you are. I agree with Farokh2000 and I like to quote Homan Mohabadi Ebrahime who wrote that Patrick Henry is living in a dream land!


Dear Mr. Farokh


   Firstly, could you elucidate for the audience how many countries had the same intelligence indicating Iraq had WMD’s or was able to assemble them quickly?

    Secondly,  correct me if I am wrong, but has not Iraq held a few free elections thanks to  USA intervention? So, did they vote to keep our puppets?  Perhaps they like our puppets.   Also, could  you give an example how Iraq was bleed dry directly by the USA? Thanks and Happy New Year.



Well done.


Happy to see someone is still learning about our fathers. Bravo.


Or this one?

by Baharan on



by Baharan on

Patrick Henry (May 29, 1736 – June 6, 1799)served as the first post-colonial Governor of Virginia from 1776 to 1779. A prominent figure in the American Revolution, Henry is known and remembered for his "Give me Liberty, or give me Death!" speech, and as one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. Along with Samuel Adams and Thomas Paine, he is remembered as one of the most influential, radical advocates of the American Revolution and republicanism, especially in his denunciations of corruption in government officials and his defense of historic rights. SOURCE: //


Good Article

by Baharan on

Thanks for sharing.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

30 years or 1400 years

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I am with Faramarz; it has been 1400 years of misery. Islam is institutional deception and bigotry. Forced on us by Arabs and their worshipers. Good news is that our eyes are opening. The youth are a lot smarter than those of the 60s. No more falling for Islam or Marxism; throw them both in garbage:

Goodbye and good riddance to both. Now lets move on to our long awaited future. Both are deception and pure lies.


Homan Mohabadi Ebrahimi

Patrick Henry is living in a dream land

by Homan Mohabadi Ebrahimi on

It seems that Patrick Henry is living in a dream land and believes in what his government is telling him. Thankfully, Farohk added some good insights for Patrick.

Homan Mohabadi Ebrahimi


by Homan Mohabadi Ebrahimi on

Great piece of work. Thank you & Happy New Year.

Maryam Hojjat

Dr. Noury

by Maryam Hojjat on

thanks for your article. I agree with Mr. Fateh it is 1400 years of deception but three decades of awakening for Iranians in particular.

Payandeh Iran & True Iranians

Rad Lanjani

Thank You Dr Noury

by Rad Lanjani on

For sharing the info.

Rad Lanjani


by Rad Lanjani on

A very well-written article.


Dear Mr. Patrick Henry

by farokh2000 on

The answer to your questions are:

-Bush invaded Iraq to take over the Country and its Oil. Plain and simple, Geography and Resources

-He misled the World in telling them about the  non-existing WMDs, which Saddam would be using to destroy US in a matter of hours

-He connected 9/11 to Iraq to justify his criminal acts

-US will not be leaving Iraq any time soon. They have built 15 permanent bases there and the largest Embassy on Earth

-They have installed a puppet group in charge to make sure they get what they want and bleed that Country dry before they go somepace else.

Hope this is helpful to you. Enjoy your peaceful and Happy New Year


Correction Mr. Nouri

by Faramarz_Fateh on

Its 1,400 years of deception not 30 !!!

But nevertheless, thank you for a very well written article. 




"Iraq War and the story of Weapons of Mass Destruction which became an excuse to occupy Iraq"


  Mr. Noury,

       The great President Bush did not "occupy", rather, he attempted to liberate the Iraqi while protecting USA security. If he went there to occupy, what was he planing to get for his efforts? And why did he agree to draw down troops in the future if he wanted to occupy?

Ladan Farhangi

Political Deception: The Missing Link behind 9-11

by Ladan Farhangi on

Ladan Farhangi

Happy New Year to You too

by Ladan Farhangi on

Good article. I enjoyed it. Thank you.