McCain's speech about the Great Iranian People

by mahmoudg

Although am not a Republican, but can only like what he says.


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Nousha Arzu


by Nousha Arzu on

I apologize if I erroneously grouped you with odious characters, but the bombs would not necessarily fall on the heads of average Iranians, as bombing Iran would not be the goal.

The goal is to bomb ONLY the nuclear facilities, and ONLY the nuclear facilities. This would not be an invasion force ala Iraq or Afghanistan. There is a precise purpose for these bombings, much like the precision attack on Syria two years ago -- there wasn't a huge fallout about that Israeli attack because it was a precise bombing campaign and it was successful in destroying Syria's nuclear sites.

How much did you hear about the number of casualties in Syria???

I simply do not trust the IRI with nukes, period! Read my blog about bombing Iran and you will see why I think this way. The nuclear program in Iran is not about nuclear energy, it's not about technological advancement, it's not even about national pride -- its sole purpose is to provide a life insurance policy to the mullahs, as in a nuclear armor, which would embolden them to do even more nasty things around the world. It is the biggest scam ever pulled on our people and we've been scammed like no other!

Not to mention that anything that would prolong the life of the IRI I'm against 100%!




Nousha Arzu

by AMIR1973 on

I quoted the words of U.S. politicians (and one quote by Tony Blair) regarding the fact that they "have no quarrel" with the people of the countries that the U.S. has attacked and bombed. What is your objection to that? I would love to hear it.

I've said on this very website on a number of occasions that Islamism has been a "disaster" for Iranians. I've also pointed out that the IRI has mercilessly killed many thousands of Iranians since the day it came to power in 1979. I assume you agree with those observations?

Perhaps, you think that U.S. bombs are adorable. Yes, they are adorable both past and present when they fall on the heads of Vietnamese, Iraqis, and Afghans. In fact, we shouldn't even call them bombs. We'll call them "freedom and love packages". Please drop these "freedom and love packages" on Iranians.

Nousha Arzu

One more thing,

by Nousha Arzu on

Irandokht -- Your duplicitous assaults on McCain are hollow, if not self-serving. McCain NEVER advocated bombing all of Iran -- he only advocated bombing the nuclear installations, period.

Yes, some would surely die, but the alternative is worse -- a nuclear armed terroristic-rapist regime in Iran.  One day, if the mullahs ever get their hands on nukes, they will undoubtedly use them, probably against Israel, if they ever feel that their dictatorship is about to be overthrown by a revolution.

Is it a far stretch to imagine the terroristic-kleptocratic-mafia mullacracy sending a nuke by way of Israel as their final act defending Islam and destroying Israel (the Islamofacisct psychos that they are), and show the Arabs who the "real" muslims are in the process?

Iran would be turned into a parking lot in retaliation over night. So what would you like -- 20 million dead or 2,000 dead?

Anyway you look at it objectively, the IRI's nuclear program is not about nuclear energy or technological advancement or national pride -- this is all about garnering a life insurance policy for the IRI. And I'm against ANYTHING that extends the life of our homegrown rapists and murderers who have held our nation hostage for 30 years!

Enough is enough!


Nousha Arzu

Amir1973, Irandokht (and Captain) and Zal

by Nousha Arzu on

Amir 1973 and Irandokht, you two are the most embarrasing creatures on this site. Are you sure you have a pulse?

Captain writes: "P/S His choice of second wife?? Numero uno , Not to mention the fact that he left his first dying wife and got himself one brand new and  pretty young one. I am sure a man like that loves Iran."

Captain, you can be pretty horrible sometimes, and petty. What the hell does his second marriage to a younger, richer wife have to do with love for Iran? Do you even see how polluted with hatred and bias you people are sometimes? It's mindboggling the level of 100% IRRATIONAL bias on this site. Frankly, it's embarrassing.

Zal -- perfectly said, unlike the others, you actually seem GENUINE in your comment.


ex programmer craig

undecipherable name guy

by ex programmer craig on

Now you want to hear the poem or, not.

Do you ask your mom if she wants to come look in the toilet after you deposit some of your intellectual ideas in there? Why don't you try that, and just assume I gave the same answer she does :)

ex programmer craig


ex programmer craig


You engaging in an intellectual exchange of ideas?


Expc jaan jaan jaan

by میرزاقشمشم on

Why the bad mood dude?

I simply offered an intellectual exchange of ideas .

Yes or, no?

ex programmer craig

undecipherable name guy

by ex programmer craig on

Why don't you save us all some time and just stuff that poem up in there with all your other ones?


Ex pc Jaan jaan

by میرزاقشمشم on

I know you love poems; I have a poem about leadership in prison.

let me know when you are ready and focused.


I don't care for McCain's politics but

by Zal on

He did serve honorably for his country. He is certainly an accomplished man and as a soldier proved to be quite resilient to withstand years of prison in Vietnam. He certainly provides the right context in this speech despite his snafoo with that silly bomb bomb song in appeasing the right side of his party at election time.

What baffles me is the IRR cronies and their employees have something to say to put everyone down even though their own accomplishment can be summed up in one sentence: supporting a murderous anti-human anti-everything but their own filthy selves regime, either for money or other benefit. And oddly enough none will live in Iran. How do you people live with yourselves!!?

Roozegare Gharibist Nazanin

ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

Crashing a multi-million dollar plane is his only honorable deed ever.

I suppose assuming a leadership role in a Vietnamese prison camp doesn't count, eh? You probably feel that it's more honorable to be one of the guards who abuses such prisoners, right? Well, thank God you play for the other team. That's all I have to say about that.


An honorable soldier?!!

by میرزاقشمشم on

Crashing a multi-million dollar plane is his only honorable deed ever.

ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

First you said he was honorable and then you made an over-the-top effort to slime him. Typical Ayhab "gentlemanly" behavior, is it not? :D


Mr. McCain

by capt_ayhab on

An honorable soldier, but that is where it ends . His choice of running mate in 2008 tells a lot about what he really is all about.

nuf said



P/S His choice of second wife?? Numero uno , Not to mention the fact that he left his first dying wife and got himself one brand new and  pretty young one. I am sure a man like that loves Iran.



by Fatollah on

If no bombing! Then export more cigarettes ! Mr. McCain is a funny politician ... 


Good man

by SamSamIIII on


& good character. 

Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //


Short memory anyone?

by HollyUSA on

Let's not forget so fast



At the minimum

by MRX1 on

I wish he was the president instead of this lamo community organizer.At the same token, talk is cheap and unless some kind of action is taken mullah's don't give a rat ass what any one says...



by timothyfloyd on


ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

This is only a pathetic display of political sleaze from an opportunist.

I think he makes a better advocate for peace than YOU do. I also think he's a more honest person than you are. And I think he probably likes Iranians more than you like Americans... certainly he likes Iranians more than you like Israelis. I also think his comments about Iran (including the "bomb bomb bomb" song) are less offensive and less aggressive than comments you've made about Israel. You've defended IRI's numerous statements threatening to wipe Israel off the map, have you not? When has McCain threatened to cause Iran to cease to exist?

All the criticisms you launch at McCain just make you seem like a worse person yourself, in my opinion.You give yourself permission to be a warmonger and a hatemonger because you're Iranian, it seems. Iranians are special? Or is it just you who is special?

Tell me, ID, if you can: When have you ever put forward any ideas for defusing the level of hostility between Iran and the US/Israel? Can you direct me to some of your posts and comments you made where you called on IRI to make some concessions to avert war? I'm well aware of the concessions you expect US and Israel to make, so don't bother with that :p


if it was up to him...

by IRANdokht on

The same "great nation" of Iran would have been bombed bombed bombed years ago and the young men and women who are fighting for their freedom would have been long dead!

This is only a pathetic display of political sleaze from an opportunist.



How very kind of you sir.

by pedro on

I would love to think that you realy care for Iran and Iranians. The passion in your voice and, the conviction of your speach is enough for me. It takes more than just words, people are still paying with their lives for what US. and Britain have done to this loving nation.


Well, I'm glad he has

by vildemose on

Well, I'm glad he has changed his racist tone against Iranians...


Oh let me see... wasn't he that was singing bomb bomb Iran?

by Bavafa on

He was a much more respected politician till he decided to follow GWB warmongering bandwagon.



Sweet words from U.S. (and U.K.) politicians

by AMIR1973 on

The United States has no quarrel with the Iraqi people.”
Sept. 12, 2002, George W Bush to UN

“We have no quarrel with the Iraqi people. They are the daily victims of Saddam Hussein's oppression, and they will be the first to benefit when the world's demands are met.”Oct. 5, 2002, George W Bush radio address

“Our message to the people of Iraq is clear: We have no quarrel with you.”
Jan. 28, 2003, George W Bush State of the Union

“Let me make it quite clear that our quarrel is not with the Iraqi people.”
March 19, 2003, Tony Blair addressing Parliament

“Let there be no misunderstanding. We have no quarrel with the people of Iraq.” Sept. 17, 1990, George H.W. Bush, speech to the nation

“The attacks were concentrated and carefully targeted to minimize casualties among the Libyan people with whom we have no quarrel.” April 14, 1986, Ronald Reagan speech to the nation.

Maryam Hojjat

Yes, I like it

by Maryam Hojjat on

McCain is an honest & truthful.