Vote for Mark Ameli for Los Angeles Superior Judge.

Vote for Mark Ameli for Los Angeles Superior Judge.
by mahmoudg

Mark is a succesfull attoney in the Los Angeles area and has practiced for almost thirty years.  He has been arbitrating cases for the past 10.  On a personal note, he comes from a family of attorneys.  His father was a well respected head of what could be compared to the BAR asscoaition in Iran and was a one time secretary of Justice in the reign of the Shah Mohahamd Reza.  if you live in the Los Angeles area please consider voting for him.


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A Gentleman of the old school...

by faryarm on

I had the pleasure of meeting Mark Ameli,  in the late 80s, having interviewed him for Television about his successful Law Practice. He stood out as an example of character and refinement, a true  gentleman.

My best Wishes for his success.
