Be Aware of Western Media's Role in our struggle

by makank

I feel I need to make all of you aware of the role that the western media is playing in our struggle, most of the global networks have nearly dedicated their entire resources to covering the Iranian protests and in doing that I feel that it has gone beyond good journalism of showing the world what is going on to somehow attempting to influence world opinion by sensationalizing images and videos and repeating horrifying images of dying people. I know that we are all too emotional about what is going on in Iran and that all of us wish we could do something to help our brothers and sisters and that this struggle is certainly one that belongs to us for creating a better future for our country and the lives of all iranian people, but do not forget that western powers are considering their own interests in this matter as well, and by helping to create a new system of government in Iran and nullifying this regime they too can benefit in advancing their own agendas in Iran - please know that the west did not suddenly become an ally of Iran over night and that their war against Iran in various forms have been going on for the past 8 years although Ahmadinejad's policies have been weak against them and his radical tactics have gave them too many excuses to use for legitimizing their agendas, none the less, their interest in Iran has not diminished and I feel that they have seen the up rising of the Iranian people and are taking the opportunity to stir up emotions and world opinion against the Islamic Republic and possibly hitting a hard blow to the regime that may or may not end up changing things for the better for us, but in the process many innocent lives would be lost. I just don't want to see this struggle that has started from the people get hijacked and influenced by other powers for their own purposes. We need to stay focused and have a direction, we don't want the IRI replaced by a pro-western govt. we want our own government, a pro-Iranian-people government.


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OrdinaryGuy said it best

by Mehdi on

We must not destroy Iran for the fancied mirage of perfection. Rome was not built in one day, as the saying goes. Iran will not improve overnight. Iran will definitely not improve with bloodshed. Basijis or whoever can also be talked to and reasoned with. Just because some people failed to do so does not mean it is impossible. Iran has been on a continuous path of improvement for a long time now. There is too much at stake now to risk it with hopeless confused and direction-less violence and destruction. 

A lot of Israeli right winger are advocating further violence for Iran on this site. They are not our friends. They want to turn a green movement into a red one. We must not allow that to happen. It is not necessary to be violent to create change and improvement. Only our enemies advocate that. 


OrdinaryGuy great -- but


When the Nazis surrendered to the allies at the gate of Aushwitz in Polland a very famous concentration camp. One said it wasn't my fault I was just orderd to do so, I am a soldier fighting for my country.

First of all it has been noticed that some of these basijis speak Arabic (not verified) but it is been circling around Tehran and other cities. I know for fact in student uprising in 1999 there were Arab fighters belonging to Hizbollah and hamas were responsible for student's beating.

Second the war with Iraq, most were children dragged from schoole, lured away from homes and brainwashed by Ahangaran songs. So no it was not basijis they were children who loved their coujntry, their mother land and were very proud to die for it and were brainwashed to.

Finally, we are adults and we have to take responsibilties for our action. shooting an innocent girl in heart with a snipr or chooting right in the head or throart to make an instant kill, THAT IS TO ME MY FRIEND INJUSTICE AND MURDER.

Please do not put them in th same categories as Iranian and Iranian poeople, they are animals.


 The Basijis actions and crime against Iranian people has consequences like one who kills and goes to Jail. 




desideratum.anthropomorphized anonymous000


by desideratum.anthropomorph... on

You're in fact extra-ordinary.  Thank you. I couldn't have said what you wrote better.  It warms my heart on such freezing days as what we're passing through now and encourages my intellect to know people like you still exist.  

Maryam Hojjat

Well Said!

by Maryam Hojjat on

You are absolutely right about this But we need to be awared that Iranians' worst enemy are IRI & Arabs who are killing the Iranians' children.

Down with IRI


Mr. OridinaryGuy

by Iranyvaliazad on

A quick correction to your statement where you said, "It is noteworthy that it was these religious driven “Basijis“ who were
a major force to repel Saddam Hossein’s brutal war machine, thus,
keeping many of our southwestern and western provinces within the
sovereignty of our beloved country" ... No sir, please do not confuse volunteers of 1980's with SOBs of today.  Volunteers of yesteryears had love of country and people in their hearts, today's basiji is a trained Gestapu style enforcing troops and their ONLY duty is to kill Ordinary Guys like you and me the moment we open our mouth to complain about brutal islamic establishment.


islamic propaganda

by Iranyvaliazad on


Your prescription of not showing how brutal forces of islam is, how young Iranians die in the hands of moslem clerics and their hired gunman including the ones that are imported from Lebanon and Flestine is pure crap.


You as well as your boss know well that the gene is out of the bottle, even those good hearted folks who had taken islamic dictatorship with grain of salt have now come to realize what islam stands for .. i.e. KILLING.

The recent demonstrations was a battle in a long war, islam truth is coming out and each "truth" is like an axe striking the root of this evil cult ... This cult will be rooted out, eventually.


A rock and a hard place

by Anonymous1 (not verified) on

We're stuck between two regimes and neither one cares anything for Iranians. Don't forget it was the "good guys" here in the West that deposed our democratically elected leader to put in their own puppet. We're they thinking about your welfare back then? Or when a million kids died in a war backed by the West? We're they thinking with your best interest at heart?

Will these be the same nice guys who went into Iraq and turned it into what it is today?

The whole world's leadership is a bunch of lunatics. Don't trust any of them. When Kissinger is telling you to go left, you better go right.

I pray our people are freed from these psychos once and for all, no matter what part of the world they stuck their ugly heads out of.


Enemy of my Enemy Is Not Necessary My Friend

by OrdinaryGuy (not verified) on

Thanks for all of you who care enough about Iran that put your heart, time and mind to post into the blogs. My disclaimer is that I categorically, passionately and genuinely condemn all acts of butchery, destruction, killing of what the regime has been doing for past thirty years.
To respond to one of my “Ham-Vatan” who did not even want to taint Iran’s name with Islamic Republic (IR), I empathize with you and identify why you feel in such a way but as history can testify, ignoring Mogul and Arab invasions does not eliminate the fact that Iran (Persia) was under their yolks for centuries. Islamic Republic (as a sign of respect to you) has been in power for about 30 years (3 decades and perhaps more than three generations of people – ages 30,20 and 10 who have not seen anything other than this regime). We need to get rid of egos and uncontrollable passions in order to think strategically and act tactically. No matter how bad the Basijis are they are Iranian. As how bad the Savak agents were, they were Iranian,too. It is noteworthy that it was these religious driven “Basijis“ who were a major force to repel Saddam Hossein’s brutal war machine, thus, keeping many of our southwestern and western provinces within the sovereignty of our beloved country. They were not the only ones … but all Iranians, including them the Iranian “Basijis”. We cannot continue disfranchising others when a group has the “Chomagh”. This is exactly what the Basijis are doing in this stage of our current history. The “Chomagh” mentality has to be changed … Off with the head of the opponent is what we are conditioned to. When I witnessed the video and pictures showing our young heroes saving the young police men from motorcycle crashes and tend to their wounds, I realized how proud I am as an Iranian. Do you really think that policeman will hit a demonstrator to death when he re-confronts the protesters? I hope not. When I saw an ordinary woman protecting a fallen Basiji from the attack from an angry crowd, my core belief was reconfirmed. It is not about coaxing for destruction and conflict … it is about negotiating to build bridges and perhaps convergence of different ideas. Remember wars can be waged (and perhaps at time must be waged) but we better know how to reach toward peace.
No one outside the family will help you without any hidden incentive. I remember when I was in my teens and 20’s … reading articles and tearfully witnessing how all these good Western countries and USSR arming the Arabs with weapons and intelligence to ravage the orphaned country called, Iran. I remember the poor peasant “Basijis” with blistered yellow caked skins were being flown to Austria as the evidence to UN for the chemical agent and biological agent usage by the man with the funny mustache who was shaking Rumsfeld’s hand! and these passionate and kind Western countries sanitized and watered down that horrendous crime to oblivion . The burnt victims were finally brought back to Iran… many died … many others have barely been sub-existing. I was crying seeing the stiffened and lifeless bodies of Kurdish mothers hugging their equally dead infants - - as an editorial, the same pictures I cried over in 80’s resurfaced through the same Western media as a prelude for the Iraq invasion by Ahmadinejad’s twin and dumber brother, Bush the Junior!
Today, I could not believe my eyes when I witness McCain with a sad face talking so passionately and serenely about Neda and her merciless slaughter … Is he the same McCain who retro’ed an old tune called “Bomb, Bomb Iran” just a few months ago?!!!
The point is that I believe Iranians will eventually clean up the house without the help of these passionate western countries. We don’t need others to interfere in the family feud. I trust and am hopeful that the Iranian (and I mean those who live in Iran, those who are suffering, those who are being baton-ed to death – and not us sitting here, eating our pizza!) are politically smart and agile enough to challenge the regime in an appropriate and proportionate way. I hope they don’t resort to acquire weapons, bombs and sabotage know-how manuals from nearby playgrounds, i.e., Iraq and Afghanistan, courtesy of no one other than USA, Israel, England, France or any other compassionate country! There is no free help.
Nothing good has come from Western countries in the land of Aria … from the terrorist Greeks (the western forefathers!) during Cyrus who were terrorizing our northeast land, land grabs of Russians and British to the ousting and removal of our popular PM, Mr. Mosadegh and reinstalling Shah.
We are here to support our heroes and heroines in Iran in anyway a family should do. As a practical measure, would someone who has access to training video for emergency care and CPR training can post them with Persian translation. I see a lot of our youths bleeding and their friends do not know how to tend to their wounds.


believe me west cares more about us thatn the f**king governmnet


Ya the western media is trying to brain wash us be aware

come on

for 30 years the Iranian regime has lied, deceived and brain washed its own people (OWN PEOPLE) to kill themselves, martyr themselves.

The governmnet has also lied to us about everything from promising us free oil, water and electricity to the promise land.


Now you think CNN or ABC or MSNBC is fooling me

come on get lost

Leave us alone you damn IRI porpoganda


I am getting impatient and sick and tired while my people are dying you guys like cancer and a bad virus still around and are trying to feed us crap



by shirazie (not verified) on

the west is showing the Hezbollahies of Iran and their true color /characters.

The behavior of IRI enforced by these pictures and videos. For those Iranians who had there had in the sand past 30 years --- WAKE UP

Fox news is the only one that is using this to beat up on Obama.. the rest are just making money without spending any money..

question for media is ... has twitter obsoleted the media networks?


Emotions running high

by makank on

Thanks for posting your comments.

I posted this blog exactly for this reason, because I know that high emotions can block our reason, because we are an emotionally charged nation and the western powers are completely aware of it. Just read our history and you will deduct the same. Look at what happened 30 years ago, exactly the same senario and that's the reason we are here today, and that's where we will be 30 years from now again, unless we try to control our emotions and be logical, wise and united for the sake of our future and the future of our children and the legacy of Iran.

This time we have to keep our eyes open and make sure WE are the ones creating our own future so that the sacrifice of those getting bruttaly killed in Iran does not go in vain.


Why cannot we politely disagree?

by OrdinaryGuy (not verified) on

To all of you,

Almost all of us Iranians living abroad are totally impacted by what is happening in Iran and perhaps frustrated with our inability in taking part in something so close to our hearts. I, for one, have not been able to concentrate on anything other than what is happening in the land I opened my eyes in. Innocent men and women are dying ... suffering ... helpless but hopeful. I am even ashamed to use word 'suffering'. It is way beyond that. Emotions are running high and they should. I feel impotent in not doing more.

But why do we have to label each other and accuse an opinion giver because we feel so strong about ours. Disagreement without slander can succeed. If we continue with the idea of "MARG BAR ...". There will be no one left. We need to get smarter this time. If the regime had the tolerance and acceptance for criticism or perhaps accepted mass irregularity in election ... if regime would have come and apologize for the death of Neda as an accident, we might not have perhaps been here totally soaked in blood!

It is about changing the psyche of the nation. Sooner or later this regime will also end up into the landfill of history ... Do we go after its supporters and kill them just like we have done throughout our history? Can we agree to stop the cycle or we are really the same people with just a different opinion but with the same intensity ready to slander or perhaps kills those who we disagree?



by Concerned-Iranian (not verified) on


You wrote: "We don't want I.R. be replaced by a pro-western government"?

What kind of drugs are you on? What kind of financial backing and/or brainwash did you receive from the Evil I.R.???

At this point, Khamenei (madar jendeh) and entire EVIL Islamic Republic hands are soaked in Neda's and thousands of other true brave Iranian's blood!!! And you are saying you don't want Islamic tyranny to be over-thrown? F%$k off... The whole world must see, hear and know for the sake of humanity and not for being Iranian only!!! So Thank you CNN and all other Foreign media for helping real Iranians against the EVIL in Iran...

BTW, never put the holy name of Iran next to Evil entity such as Islamic Republic ever again, EVER!!!!


Brutality has to be shown again and again

by Anonymous outraged (not verified) on

You are being an apologist for likes of AN. CNN even broadcasts news much less important than this all the time so it is normal that they pay this much attention to recent Iran news. It is people like you that try to say that this brutality is not as bad as we think that IRI is counting on to continue their regime of terror.