خاوران بیدار


Manoucher Avaznia
by Manoucher Avaznia

خاوران بیدار است؛

لعنت آبادان هم؛

دامن کوهستان،

و حیاط خانه،

عرض و طول و لب کِشت،

صحنۀ میدان هم.


روزگاریست شگفت:

ناله ها ممنوعند

و درازای نماز،

سورۀ قرآن هم

چاره و درمان هم.


گر چه در سینۀ دشت

مزرع سبز حیات

دیگر افتاده ز پای؛

همچنان سوزانند

قلب گرم جنگل

برز و بالای سهند

جبهه و زندان هم.


در افقها اکنون

قامت روز بلند استاده است.

سر گرانیّ صبا با ما نیست

قهر و ناز سحر خندان هم.


کرّکانی که گمان بردندی

می توان چرخ زمان را استاند؛

می توان خاطرۀ باغ و بهاران را شست؛

بر تن زندۀ برگ

می توان رنگ زمستان پاشید؛

در دل جنگل انبوه کسان

می توان شعلۀ بیداد افکند؛

جنگ را رحمت خواند؛

بر در و دشت وطن

می توان خون ساووشان ریخت؛

جمله خاموشانند

و فراموشان هم.


زندگانی جاریست،

با گسست و پیوست،

می دود در دل دشت

در رگ تند زمان

در میان تابوت

هسته های خرما

انتشار امواج

و نفسهای به تنگ آمدۀ هم زنجیر

باغ و باغستان هم،

شهر و شهرستان هم.


نکته، جانا؛ اینجاست.

زندگی آورد است.

زد و خوردی آرد.

افت و خیزی دارد.

زندگی پیوند است.

زندگی خرسندیست

و تکاپوی مدام

و نگاه دم در.


زندگی لحظۀهشیار میان من و تست.

زندگی کار و تلاش است و نشستن باهم

بر سر و سینۀ کوه

در دی و بهمن و تیر

و امردادان هم.


روز و شب میگذرند.

مهربانی بر جاست.

"چه کسی می گوید

 زندگانی خالیست؟

دیده اش گریان باد."


چون توانی گفتن

زندگی دیوار است؟

من به اندازۀ کوباد زمستان گفتم:

می توان بار دگر رُست به باغ؛

می توان بار دگر رست به دشت؛

یا که از ریشۀ ناری رویید.

"یا که چون شببوها

در دل هر شب تاری بویید."


می توان از شب تاری دل کند.

به امیدی پیوست

و دوان ره پیمود.

تا سراپردۀ خورشید و پگاهی دیگر

می توان ظلمت شب را کاوید.

آسمانها را دید.


گرچه اش دل تنگ است

پایه های البرز

می شتابد باران

تا لب تشنۀ خاک؛

فوران لاله

همچنان گلرنگ است؛

خاوران بیدار است؛

شادمانی ساریست.


زندگی می خندد

در پر و بال تمنّای بلند

و در امواج بهارینۀ کارون و خلیج

و سرانگشت هنر خیز خزان

دل تابستان هم. 


دوازدهم تیر ماه 1385




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Manoucher Avaznia

Ebi Jaan; I thank you. 

by Manoucher Avaznia on

Ebi Jaan;

I thank you.  I strongly believe having hope and faith are the main factors that can give meaning to life, especially in these days that most of us see Dasht'e Karbala only.  Let's do not forget:

Shaadmaanee Saaree'st.

Manoucher Avaznia

Souri Jaan;    I

by Manoucher Avaznia on

Souri Jaan; 


I heartily appreciate your trust, however I never appove unconditional trust.  Nevertheless, I should say that Mr. Mesdaaghee is not a follower of Mojahedeen any more.  In many instances in his work he criticizes the Mojahedeen's, especially its leadership's, unrealistic appraoch to matters.  He shows many instances of baseless claims of those who had written about prisons and executions.  That appraoch is, also, directed towards almost a dozen of written politcal prisoners' memoirs.  Realism is the heart of his work.  In his writings, he follows that end as much as he can.  His work, in me belief, is among very few books in this field that stays far from propaganda.   


Thank you

by Souri on

You are great ! Thanks for this intensive information. I will do more researches about Mr. Mesdaghi's, although I do not approve Mojahedeen's and their leaders (specially the leaders) but I believe in you, so I believe you should be right about this person.

ebi amirhosseini

Manucher Aziz.

by ebi amirhosseini on

your poem was like a mirror,in which I saw Khaavaraan again!


Manoucher Avaznia

No blame

by Manoucher Avaznia on

Souri Jaan;


Iraj Mesdaaghee is not a poet.  He is an ex-political prisoner who spent ten years of his life in prison after the suppressions of 1360.  As a follower of the Mojahedeen Khalaq he was arrested.  Several years ago he published his prison memoirs, in Farsi, that is about seventeen hundred pages long.  What makes Mr. Mesdaaghee's work outstanding is his critical look at the works of prison memoir writers and political organizations which were involoved in the campaign, however he has stunned many people with his sharp memory.  Sometimes, Iranian.com has put some portions of his work on its web.  You can find information about him on Iranian.com.  A friend of mine, who as a matter of fact is a materialist and was a political prisoner himself, had met him in Toronto.  He told me: "I told him if you write the next volume of your work about Mojahedeen Khalgh, I believe that you are Khatam-o Nabee'een, and I will follow you".  I heard that Mesdaaghee, also, has published a book of poems of prison that is a collection of what he had either memorized or had been able to smuggle out of prisons of Evin, Gohar Dasht, and Ghezel Hasaar where he has spent his prison term.  I beleive the correct spelling of his name is Iraj Mesdaghi.  What is mentioned in this poem as some hints to date stone, Khavaraan, and taaboot and the like are somehow his memories in prison and the burial places of the victims of the mass executions of Mordaad and Shareevar of 1367 after the implementation of seize fire between Iran and Iraq. 


Shame on me....

by Souri on

I don't know Iraj Mesdaghee. who is that great poet, you mentioned ?

Would you please give a short resumé about his life and his works ?

Is it possible for you ? Thanks.

Manoucher Avaznia


by Manoucher Avaznia on

Souri Jaan;


It is so nice to hear from you again.  Besides the inspirations from those whom you mentioned, also, it is an amalgamation of Sohraab's way of putting comcepts in writing with others'.  The greatest portion of it, however, is under the direct influence of Iraj Mesdaaghee's four volume prison memoirs.  Indeed, this work was conceived the day that I concluded reading Mr. Mesdaaghee's work almost a couple of years ago.


Beautiful !

by Souri on

Dear Manouchehr

Thanks for this beautiful piece, with the fine inspiration from Mossadeg's poem

I loved your poem. It remind me also of   M. Omid Akhavan Sales   who  said                 

زندگی یعنی هیاهو

زندگی یعنی تکاپو

زندگی یعنی شب نو  روز نو  اندیشهٔ نو

زندگی حتی نباید یک دم از جنبش بماند 

گر چه این جنبش برای مقصدی بیهوده باشد !


I'm simply grateful