بند رهایی

Manoucher Avaznia
by Manoucher Avaznia

نگفتمت که گلا بیا به خانۀ ما؟

نگفتمت که بخوان خوش این ترانۀ ما؟

نگفتمت که مخور غم زمانه دگر؟

نگفتمت که بمان درون سینۀ ما؟

نگفتمت که عدو غم ترا نخورد؟

نگفتمت نشود پل میانۀ ما؟

نگفتمت بگشا چو غنچه گل دهنی؟

نگفتمت که بنوش می شبانۀ ما؟

نگفتمت که منم به هر کجا نگری؟

نگفتمت که مپرس ز کس نشانۀ ما؟

نگفتمت که بیا چو شبنم سحری؟

نگفتمت بنشین تو بر جوانۀ ما؟

نگفتمت که بشو غریق رحمت عشق؟

نگفتمت که مخوان دگر فسانۀ ما؟

نگفتمت که مرم ز آب و دانۀ ما؟

نگفتمت که بمان در آشیانۀ ما؟

نگفتمت مهراس ز هوی وهای بشر؟

نگفتمت که به ما فقط رخی بنما؟

نگفتمت که فقط به بند ما به درآ؟

نگفتت که شوی ز قید غصه رها؟

نگفتمت که منم درون سینۀ تو؟

نگفتمت که:  "بگو ز پرده ها بدر آ؟"


دهم دسامبر 2006


برف می بارد. 



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BTW, Live from Theran Aka Bajenagh Naghi Aka eyeranin

by Souri on

You said :

" Can't you be less feminist and enjoy the company of men for once.."

I should remind you that we are both in someone else's blog. Whose blog is this ? Isn't he also a male friend  ?

Manouchehr is my  BEST Friend in this site and "accidently " it came that he is a Man too !!

Thus, my answer to you :

Sure! I can enjoy the company of men (even for more than once) but it depends on what kind of men :D 


Dear Live from Tehran

by Souri on

I only defend woman's right. I am not Feminist in the way that feminism meaning is spread nowadays. As I already mentioned, not only I am married and have two boys (and two lovely brothers) ...etc.

Many of my close friends are Male !

I still have close friendship with some old male friends from the university time, and three of my male cousins are my MOST close friends.

You are right about me being judgemental. I accord it to you.

But in this www which I call (Wild Wild world) you need to be judgemental (and very selective) if you don't want to get in the trap of any kind.

My concern here, is "vulgarity"...No matter it comes from Men or Women.

That person, complain about Shah & Khomeini causing him to loose his identity ? and his EDUCATION !!

Many Iranian, have been trough worse than he is pretending to endure, but none of them has lost their education and use vulgarity as a result of their pain.

Why shouldn't we cut clear with those kind of behaviour ?

During the period before Revolution, while many people were manifesting on the streets of Tehran, some, where breaking stores door and violating and stealing stuff from those stores, Assuming that they are  in rage !! against Shah and Co. who stole their county's wealth !!!

I was against that miserable action yesterday, I am against that same misery today.

See my point ?


To: Souri

by live From Tehran (not verified) on

Mrs/Ms: Souri,
With all due respect i must ask you that, What is your problem with people opinion specially an Iranian man? And why are you being so opinionated and judgmental?.. Can't you be less feminist and enjoy the company of men for once..


Sure !

by Souri on

Thanks for the reply. Redwine and his alike friends are a real phenomena in this site (and I doubt you know the dept of the matter)

His kind of araajif, does not even worth any attention, specially from someone as great as you, dear.

Shab khosh my dear friend.

Manoucher Avaznia

Don't worry!

by Manoucher Avaznia on

Souri Jaan;

 Kasteh Nabaashee.

Thank you for the comment and interest.  I do not have time to read many articles on this site except some tittles that cath my eyes.  This tittle arouse my curiousity.  As a matter of fact, for the same reason that you have brought up I have, politely, asked Red Wine to answer a straight forward question.  I believe every general statement has to come true about itself first.  If Red Wine is right and Iranians are exagerating, he is an exagerater himself and so his statement is an exageration of what he states.  If he is not exagerating, so all Iranians are not exagerating people: the first one is Red Wine himself.  I do not like dubious statements especially if they are offensive exactly as Red Wine has done.  A simple question doesn't hurt any one to clarify some meanings.


Kheili kheili jaleb boud !

by Souri on

Dear Manouchehr,

I love your poems and through your beautiful and meaningful poetry I made a spiritual connection with you.

It's like I already know you.

But tonight, I didn't understand what turned you to go that Redwine's blog and open up the conversation ?

Forgive me please, and don't take it as an interference. Of course everybody is free to do what they want. But tonight I come back from work and see a lot of strange things happening in this site....or am I ways behind the time ?

Ebi's support of such "sherr o verr" and vulgarities, then seeing you in that blog which is full of  gross words...!

What is this need to talk to such individual(s) ?

Please take my question very (very) friendly. I just don't get you guys .
