بختيار در مورد ديكتاتوري نعلين

Mardom Mazloom
by Mardom Mazloom

‫مصاحبه با شاپور بختیار در سال ۱۳۶۴ − ۱۹۸۵ میلادی و نظرات وی درباره دیکتاتوری نعلین. ۲۴ سال پیش حرفهائی زد که آلان مردم ایران بهش رسیدند!


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Thanks Ali P

by IRANdokht on

That was a great clip and not only I agreed with everything Dr Kamron said about the times and about Dr Bakhtiar and the over-excited people who did not hear his reasonable voice, I also liked the zoo reference. 

Great video!



I tell you Why don't we have someone like him now!

by SALTY on

Because when we had him, we did not support him, and instead of rallying around him, followed a charlatan like Khomaini!

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

recomeneded to read  (SAHAND)  published in paris by mr sharifi one of mr Bakhtiars' circle of friends .    Maziar

Ali P.

Ramin Kamran on Bakhtiar

by Ali P. on

Ali P.


by Ali P. on

Hadi Khorsandi and Manouchehr Razmara  speak about Dr. Bakhtiar on his grave site:

Click on today's program (Friday) and skip the first 34 mins.


Why don't we have someone

by vildemose on

Why don't we have someone like him now?


even 24 yrs ago was too late

by IRANdokht on

Iranians should have paid attention in 1979 when Dr Bakhtiar warned them about Khomeini. He freed the political prisoners, dismanteled SAVAK, allowed the press to publish freely, he gave us all we ever wanted and we as a nation turned our back to him.

It's the human tendency to charge ahead with mob mentality. He was brought to the scene too late and Shah's reign was not salvageable at that point. I blame Shah's short-sightedness and SAVAK's poor performance as an "Intelligence service" for the demise of Iran. If SAVAK wasn't too busy chasing Iranian patriots down and had done its job of "intelligence gathering", they would have figured what was happening and Shah could have brought someone like Dr Bakhtiar and Bazargan to his camp instead of replacing Hoveyda with Amoozegar. Even then, he had a chance to prevent the chaos. 

Anyway, thanks for the clip and for remembering our great hero.
