Dankof and Glenn Interview Pastor Jones Sponsoring "Burn a Koran Day" on 9-11

Mark Dankof
by Mark Dankof

August 7th's "The Ugly Truth" features an exclusive interview with Dr. Terry Jones, pastor of the infamous Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida, that is planning to have a ‘Burn a Koran Day’ this upcoming September 11th.

Listen as we are joined by special guest Nashid Abdul Khaaliq, of //ascertainthetruth.com/, an African American convert to Islam, along with regular co-hosts of The Ugly Truth, Mark Glenn and Mark Dankof.

At the end of the broadcast, Dr./Pastor Jones even promises to INCLUDE copies of the Jewish Babylonian Talmud in his church-sponsored September 11th book burning conclave! Did CNN really interview this guy?????

Click HERE for a most revealing hour of listening.


more from Mark Dankof

And then they imports them from Ghebres!!!!!

by Bavafa on

just unbelievable, dasteh akhoond-haro az post basteh to khariat.


pastor bill rennick

Fire is a cleansing substance, ergo It might help Qor'an!

by pastor bill rennick on

Lord knows what worse treatment people would give Qor'an if they got their hands on it!


To Marjie

by Raoul1955 on

You don't need to 'wear anything,' just be yourself.  :-)


And my

by Raoul1955 on

guess would be that the muslims will either kill him beforehand, or shortly afterwards.
Burning all other 'sacred' books is perfectly Ok, but no one can just burn the koran and live. :-)
Raoul, The One and Only True Deity.


Putsch my heart out

by Marjaneh on

It's a glittering Kristallnacht party coming up. Thanks for the invite, putting it on my mantelpiece with my photo with Stalin, Goebbles, Pol Pot, Khomeini and my other treasured friends, alas, no longer with us."Those were the days my friend, those days will never end...dai dai dai da dada"


What shall I wear?

„Podrán cortar todas las flores, pero no podrán detener la primavera."- Pablo Neruda


Signs of Armageddon

by comrade on

It amazes me how you can keep both your dog, and Islam close to your heart.

Thanks for the info, nonetheless.

“The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people.”