Amir-Entezam Letter to UN Secretary-General


Masoud Kazemzadeh
by Masoud Kazemzadeh


عالیجناب آقای بان کی مون.

دبیرکل محترم سازمان ملل متحد

به عنوان قدیمی ترین زندانی سیاسی – عقیدتی در نظام جمهوری اسلامی که بیش از 29 سال از عمر خود را به جرم دفاع از حاکمیت ملی و استقرار دموکراسی در ایران در سیاهچالهای رژیم سپری کرده و الان نیز برای درمان بیماریهایی که منشأ آنها اقامت طولانی در زندان، سوء رفتار و سوء تغذیه و محرومیت از بهداشت می باشد در مرخصی استعلاجی بسر می برم و در شرایطی که افزایش تنش بین ایران و جامعه جهانی و بحران هسته ای، خطر یک جنگ دیگر در منطقه را به شدت جدی نموده است.

با احساس مسؤلیت نسبت به سرنوشت تک تک هموطنانم و با علم به میزان بالای حساسیت رژیم به اقدامات و فعالیت های خودم به نام دفاع از حق حیات و آزادی ملت ایران و به نام پاسداری از صلح پایدار در ایران و منطقه بحران زده خاورمیانه به شما متوسل شده و از طریق و با واسطه شما جامعه جهانی و وجدانهای بیدار بشری و نهادهای مدنی صلح طلب و طرفداران حقوق بشر در سراسر جهان را مخاطب قرار می دهم.

عالیجناب، خطر جنگ آنقدر جدی و فوری است که جز با بسیج تمامی امکانات جامعه جهانی در پشتیبانی از جنبش مدنی و مسالمت آمیز مردم ایران قادر به جلوگیری از آن نخواهیم بود.

گزینه هایی که در حال حاضر روی میز اعضای دائم شورای امنیت و رهبران سیاسی جهان قراردارد، حاصلی جز آسیب رسانی بیشتر به موجودیت مادی و معنوی ملت ایران ندارد. توضیح اینکه تشدید تحریم ها حتی به صورت هوشمندانه درد و رنج مردم ایران را بخاطر ایجاد محدودیت در حوزه های اقتصادی و تقویت باندهای قاچاق کالای دولتی و افزایش رانت خواری و تورم و بیکاری و ایجاد محدودیت در تهیه کالا و مایحتاج عمومی بتدریج و گام به گام ملت ایران را در گورهای دسته جمعه دفن خواهد نمود.

از طرف دیگر رژیم در مقابل فشارهای خارجی، اعمال فشارهای سیاسی و اجتماعی را بر فعالین سیاسی، مدنی و حقوق بشری افزایش داده و به بهانه مقابله با دشمن خارجی، فعالیت و حرکت های اعتراضی و آزادیخواهانه ملت ایران را غیر قابل تحمل اعلام خواهد کرد و با استفاده از فضای امنیتی، سرکوب و اختناق را به حداکثر رسانده و در فضای گورستانی، کل مردم ایران را به گروگان خواهد گرفت.

از این رو به نظر می رسد که مسؤلین نظام نه تنها تحریم های بین المللی، از جنس آنچه تا کنون اعمال شده را تهدیدی بر موجودیت خود ندانسته، بلکه از وجود چنین تحریم هایی استقبال نیز می کند. چرا که به آنها فرصت می دهد تا با اعلام شرایط جنگی، با مخالفان خود تسویه حساب نمایند. به همین ترتیب تهدید توسل به زور علاوه بر اینکه هزینه های غیر قابل جبرانی را بر مردم ایران تحمیل می کند، دست نظام جمهوری اسلامی ایران را در سرکوب بیشتر و تداوم سیاستهای غیر مسؤلانه و ماجراجویانه در کلیه عرصه هایی که امنیت مردم ایران و جامعه جهانی را به خطر می اندازد باز می گذارد.

پس اگر، نه جنگ و نه تحریم نمی تواند موجب تغییر رفتار نظام جمهوری اسلامی در پرهیز از ماجراجویی و تطبیق خود با الزامات صلح و امنیت بین المللی گردد، تنها گزینه ممکن، کمک به مردم ایران در مدیریت بحران و خروج از بن بست فعلی می باشد. به نظر من، رژیم جمهوری اسلامی تعلیق در برابر تعلیق و بسته پیشنهادی 5+1 را نخواهد پذیرفت چراکه این نظام به اکسیژن بحران برای تداوم حیات سیاسی خود نیاز دارد. از این رو پرونده هسته ای فرصت خوبی برای مسؤلین نظام فراهم آورده تا با تشدید بحران، اکسیژن لازم را برای حیات خود فراهم کنند.

اگر در ریشه ها و منشأ بحران تعقل و تعمق کنیم به راحتی در خواهیم یافت که بحران هسته ای ریشه در سیاست ها و برنامه های کلان نظام جمهوری اسلامی ایران دارد.

ساختار این حکومت به صورتی طراحی شده است که تولید بحران برای مردم ایران و منطقه و جامعه جهانی از عملکرد های متعارف آن می باشد، چراکه این حکومت به آزادی، دموکراسی، صلح و حق تعیین سرنوشت ملت خود هیچ اعتقادی ندارد و به همین دلیل هیچ نگرانی و دغدغه ای در مقابل مشکلات اقتصادی، امنیت روانی و مادی آن ها ندارد. و به راحتی حاضر است که کل مردم ایران را قربانی ماجراجویی خود کند. حکومتی که با مردم خود چنین رفتار می کند طبیعی است که برای اعمال خشونت و تهدید حق حیات مردم جهان از اعمال هیچ خشونتی ابایی ندارد.

عالیجناب، مردم ایران که قربانی سیاست های ماجراجویانه، جاه طلبانه، خودسرانه، خشونت بار، جنگ طلبانه و غیر انسانی این نظام هستند در صف مقدم مبارزه برای تغییر رفتار این نظام قرار دارند. از این رو شایسته است که جنابعالی با استفاده از تمام ظرفیت ها و امکانات سازمان تحت مدیریت خود، مردم ایران را در مبارزه برای حق تعیین سرنوشت و استقرار آزادی و دموکراسی یاری دهید. مسؤلیت شما در دفاع از صلح، امنیت بین المللی و حق حیات و آزادی مردم ایران و جهان بسیار سنگین است.

تاریخ در مقابل اقدامات شجاعانه و مسؤلانه شما سر تعظیم فرود خواهد آورد و در مقابل در خصوص عدم تحرک و مسؤلیت گریزی شما بی رحمانه قضاوت خواهد کرد. با نگاهی به تاریخ و تمدن ملت پرافتخار ایران، قضاوت خواهید نمود که ملت ایران این اهلیت و قابلیت را دارند که همانند مردم آزاد در سراسر دنیا سرنوشت خود را به دست گرفته و از امکانات و قابلیت های فرهنگی و مادی خود برای پیشبرد صلح و دموکراسی در جهان تلاش کنند.

شاید کمک به مردم ایران در این شرایط کار دشواری باشد ولی هزینه این امر هرچه که باشد از هزینه جنگ و تشدید بحران و ناامنی در منطقه و جهان کمتر است.

عالیجناب، مردم ایران دست یاری به سوی شما و با واسطه شما به مسؤلین و رهبران جهان و مردم آزاده و صلح طلب جهان دراز میکنند. کمک به مردم ایران، کمک به آینده بشریت است.

عالیجناب، تقاضای من (ما) از جنابعالی بسیار ساده و در عین حال فوق العاده مهم است. به عنوان مصداق اعتماد سازی در پرونده هسته ای و برای اینکه امکان کنترل و نظارت واقعی بر فعالیت های هسته ای ایران ممکن باشد از جمهوری اسلامی بخواهید که تمامی کنوانسیون های پایه ای حقوق بشر، کنوانسیون های منع شکنجه، کنوانسیون الغاء کلیه اشکال تبعیض از زنان، و اساسنامه دیوان بین المللی کیفری را پذیرفته و به آن عمل کند.  و جامعه جهانی نیز با تمام امکانات بر عملکرد نظام در رعایت حقوق بشر، و منجمله میثاق حقوق مدنی و سیاسی، و پروتکل های اختیاری آن نظارت کند. رعایت کامل موازین، استاندارها و الزامات حقوق بشری در ایران کلید حل بحران هسته ای و سایر بحران ها در منطقه است.

عالیجناب برای درمان بیماری های خود می باید هر لحظه به پزشکان معالج خود دسترسی داشته باشم. بازگرداندن مجدد اینجانب به زندان،ممکن است مرگ مرا در پی داشته باشد. من این هزینه سنگین را در مقابل نجات مردم ایران از خطر جنگ و فقر و سرکوب و قحطی، فلاکت و کشتار دسته جمعی،فرار مغزها ونابودی فرهنگی با خاطری آسوده و خیالی راحت می پذیرم و عمداً می خواهم مسؤلیت اخلاقی شما را سنگین کنم تا در فراتر از قالب های سنتی رفتار و فعالیت دبیر کل سازمان ملل متحد، با استفاده از تمامی ظرفیت های جامعه جهانی و با دست زدن به ابتکارات جدید و سازنده، موجبات اجرای موازین حقوق بشر را در ایران فراهم کنید.

اینجانب مایل هستم جزییات طرح و پیشنهاد خود را با نمایندگان و کارشناسان مورد اعتماد جنابعالی به بحث بگذارم.

مطمئن باشید که ملت بزرگ ایران تا همیشه تاریخ، قدردان و سپاسگزار شما خواهد بود.

 عباس امیر انتظام

قدیمی ترین زندانی سیاسی عقیدتی ایزان

22 تیر ماه 1387-

July 18, 2008



Your Excellency Ban Ki-moon

The Esteemed Secretary-General of the United Nations

I am writing to you as the longest-held political prisoner in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and as a prisoner of conscious who has spent more than 29 years of his life in the regime’s dungeons for the crime of defending popular sovereignty and establishing democracy in Iran.  I am currently on medical furlough in order to receive necessary treatment for medical conditions, the origins of which are the long imprisonment, as well as the maltreatment, malnutrition, and lack of medical care during my imprisonment.  I am writing to you at a time of high tensions between Iran and the world community, the nuclear crisis, and the danger of another war.

            Although cognizant of the regime’s extreme sensitivity about my activities, nevertheless I feel responsibility for the welfare of my compatriots.  For the sake of defending the Iranian people’s rights to life and liberties, as well as for the sake of guarding peace in Iran and the crisis-ridden Middle East region, I am appealing to you.  Through you and with your interjection, I appeal to the global community, humanity’s conscious, civil society institutions engaged in peace-building, and human rights supporters around the world.

Your Excellency,

The danger of war is so acute that only with mobilizing all the possible capabilities of the global community in support of the non-violent civil rights movement of the Iranian people, could we prevent this looming war.

            The options that are on the table for the permanent members of the Security Council and the political leaders around the world, could not have any results other than increased harm to the material and ethical existence of the Iranian people.  Increased sanctions, even smart sanctions, will increase the pain and suffering of the Iranian people with increased restrictions in the economic realm.  These sanctions will only strengthen the regime-related smuggling groups as well as increase corruption, inflation, and unemployment.  These sanctions will create shortages of various commodities and public necessities, which will gradually bury the Iranian people in mass graves.

            On the other hand, the ruling regime will use the pretext of confronting foreign pressures to increase pressures on political, civil rights, and human rights activists in Iran.  Under the excuse of confronting the enemy, the ruling regime will declare movements of the Iranian people for their freedoms and rights as unacceptable.  The ruling regime will use the security environment in order to crush all movements of the civil society and bring absolute repression.  Under such eerie conditions the regime will be taking the entire population of Iran as hostages.

            For these reasons, it appears that the officials of this regime not only do not regard the kind of sanctions that have been imposed so far as any threat to their survival, but also welcome such sanctions.  These sanctions will provide the regime the opportunity to declare war conditions, so that they could retaliate against the dissidents.  In the same vein, threatening violence, in addition to creating irreparable costs for the Iranian people, will provide the officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran the opportunity to increase repression at home, and continue the irresponsible and adventurist policies in all realms that will endanger the security of the Iranian people and those of the global community.

            Neither war nor sanctions could change the behavior of the Islamic Republic regime in pursuing adventurism and accepting the necessities of international peace and security.  Therefore, the only possible option is assisting the Iranian people to take leadership in managing their affairs and find an exit from the current impasse.  In my opinion, the officials of the Islamic Republic will not accept freeze for freeze, nor will they accept the package of incentives offered by 5+1, because this regime needs crisis for its survival like one needs oxygen.  For this reason, the nuclear dossier has provided the officials of the regime an opportunity to increase tensions, the necessary oxygen for regime survival.

            If we think about and analyze the root causes of the nuclear crisis, we will easily discover that this crisis has its roots in the policies and strategic plans of the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

            The Islamic Republic’s system has been so structured that producing crisis for the Iranian people as well as for the region and the global community have been its routine behaviors.  This regime does not believe in freedom, democracy, peace, and the right of the people to choose their own destiny.  That is why this regime is not concerned and worried about economic difficulties, psychological security, and financial security of the Iranian people.  And this regime does not hesitate to sacrifice the entire population of Iran for its adventurism.  For a regime which has such behavior towards its own population, naturally this regime will not hesitate to engage in any kind of violence towards others and threaten the right of existence of other peoples around the world.

Your Excellency,

The Iranian people, who are the primary victims of this regime’s adventurist, arrogant, selfish, violent, bellicose, and inhumane policies, are at the forefront of the struggles to change the behavior of this regime.  Therefore, it would be auspicious, if your excellency would utilize all the capabilities and abilities of the United Nations to help the Iranian people in the struggle to determine their own destiny and to establish freedom and democracy.  Your responsibility in defending peace, international security, and the rights to lives and liberties of the Iranian people and the people of the world is a grave responsibility.

     If you take brave and responsible actions, history will honor you.  And conversely, if you do not take brave and responsible actions, history will judge you harshly.  When you look at the history and civilization of the honorable people of Iran, you would judge that the Iranian people have the capabilities and abilities of the free people around the world to choose their own destiny and utilize their cultural and material capabilities to advance peace and democracy.

     Perhaps the costs of helping the Iranian people under these conditions are very hard.  But such costs are far less than the costs of war and increased crisis and insecurities in the region and the world.

Your Excellency,

    The people of Iran extend their hands in solidarity to you, and through you to leaders around the world, as well as to freedom-loving and peace-loving people around the world.  Helping the Iranian people is helping the future of human kind.

Your Excellency,

My plea to you is very simple and at the same time is extremely significant.  Demand the Islamic Republic to accept and implement all the primary conventions on human rights, conventions against torture, conventions against all forms of discrimination against women, and international criminal court’s treaty and laws as part of the confidence-building in the nuclear dossier and in order to have real control and monitoring of the nuclear activities.  And the global community should utilize all its capabilities to monitor the regime’s respecting human rights, including charter of civil and political rights, and its voluntary protocols.  Complete abiding of all human rights rules, norms, standards, and obligations in Iran is the key to solving the nuclear crisis as well as other crises in the region.

Your Excellency,

For the treatment of my medical conditions, I need to have access to my physicians at a moment’s notice.  Returning me to prison again, may cause me to die.  I am prepared to accept this heavy price with ease of mind in order to save the Iranian people from war, poverty, repression, starvation, catastrophe, mass killings, brain drain, and cultural destruction.  By mentioning the possibility of my death, I wish to increase your moral responsibility so that you will go beyond traditional norms and activities of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and utilize all of the resources of the global community and use new and creative policies for the implementation of human rights rules and norms in Iran.
   I am prepared to discuss the details of my plans and suggestions with your representatives and the experts whom you trust.

  You can be certain that the great nation of Iran will be eternally grateful to you.

Sincerely yours,

Abbas Amir-Entezam

The Longest-Held Political Prisoner of Conscience

Serving the 29th Year of Imprisonment

July 12, 2008


more from Masoud Kazemzadeh

Mr Kazemzadeh: You are not a Voltaire

by botshekan (not verified) on

So please stop throwing in cliché quotation like "I defend your right to crticize ..." Mr Kazemzadeh, you remind me of the school boys who sit in front of the class room and robotically repeat what the teacher tells them to say. You can repeat te same old black and white rhetorics for as long as you wish, but the world is not black and white and it has shades of all other colors. Here is a selection of your black and white rhetorics:

"We do need leaders. Mr. Amir-Entezam is a wonderful leader."

"We will defend YOUR RIGHT to criticize us and our choice of leaders, politics, and tactics. We may disagree with you, but we will defend your right to express your criticisms of us and our leaders. "

then in your next outburst you angrily reply to me::

"As usual you are wrong. What you say helps the fundamentalist fascist regime. You are doing the dirty work of the Ministry of Intelligence. "

Wow!. So much for defending my right to critiize your chosen leader!!! By accusing me of being a regime agent??

And then you come up with the most robotic (black and white) of deductions:

"You are saying unless you are dead, no one should support this member of the opposition against the fascist regime???????? These same words were used against Darisuh Forouhar and Ms. Parvaneh Eskandari-Forouhar."

and then the most ridiculous of conclusions:

"The fact that the regime has not killed 70 million Iranians does not mean that all the 70 million Iranians support the regime."

Mr Kazemzadeh, I don't know what you have studied for your job but LOGIC could not have been one of your majors.

You say Mr A-E is a wonderful leader. May I ask how and where he has gained such wonderful leadership qualities? Who are his vast number of followers? Are they hiding until the signal comes from the West?

Then you accuse me of saying that (according to your misguided logic) if a prisoner is not dead (or 70 million prisoners, if you will) then they must be regime supporters!! By making such diversionary accusations, you are hopelessly trying to take the focus away from Mr A-E and make the water cloudy to gain a point!

Well, I am sorry to disappoint you but your diversion is not working. I am talking about one prisoner and one prisoner only: Mr Amir-Entezam. The reason he has been kept alive for all these years and now, under house arrest, been given freedom to have access to the media, etc. (like Fariba Amini's interview, as useless as it was) points at only one conclusion: Amir-Entezam is not a threat to the mullahs regime. He is still being supported and protected by a treasonous faction of Jebhe Melli and the likes of Ebrahim Yazdi whose eyes are always towards America waiting for a signal to make their next move. Foruhars and a few others were not enjoying such support and therefore were not protected by the Yazdi Mafia.

Now I am waiting for your next robotic and repetitive outburst.



by Nadias on

Dear Masoud

Thank you for your kind words. It is also nice to see you active on the website

I have signed the petition

Best wishes


solh va doosti




Masoud Kazemzadeh


by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Nadia jaan,


Nice to see you back.


Best wishes,


Masoud Kazemzadeh

با سپا س فراوان

Masoud Kazemzadeh

  دوستان گرامی‌،

The petition is created.  Please spread the word.



با سپا س فراوان،









by Nadias on


solh va doosti




Masoud Kazemzadeh

Thank You for the Responses

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

IRANdokht jaan,

sepaas gozaram.







Dear Jahanshah,

Your point is probably valid that non-violent tactic could work only against those who have a minimum of human decency. Non-violence method of struggle worked against British colonial rule in India, against segregated South in the US, against the Shah in 1979, along with other tactics against Apartheid regime in South Africa, Pinochet regime in Chile, and towards the end against communist regimes in Eastern Europe, and former USSR.

The premise of your question is that for some groups that are utterly devoid of any humanity such as Nazi regime in Germany, or the al Qaeda, or Taliban, or the fundamentalist regime ruling Iran, non-violent tactics would simply not work. These absolutely genocidal regime would simply identify the activists, and later on arrest them, assassinate them, torture them, execute them, ...

There is little doubt that the fundamentalist terrorist regime is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar more violent, totalitarian, dictatorial, and inhumane than the British colonial rule, or the apartheid regime, or Pinochet regime...

Having said this, this is 2008 and due to the communication technology, news spreads quickly. It is not 1930s, when Hitler or Stalin could murder millions and no one would find out for years or decades. The fascist fundamentalist regime is concerned about its public image; and thus the many propagandists, agents, and faheshe siasi who work for it.

The truth is our best weapon. We should do all we can to expose the human rights violations of the fascist fundamentalist regime. By doing so, we raise the costs of repression of the regime and thus make it harder for those who promote appeasement of the terrorist regime. Our activities make it harder for the fascist regime to imprison, torture, assassinate, and execute the Iranian people. Our activities will make it harder for the regime propagandists to accomplish their goals.

There might not be one magical solution on how to get rid of the fascist fundamentalist regime. Each activities has its effect. Ghatreh ghatreh jam gardad, vangahi darya shavad. Each activity, labor union organizers, women activists, human rights activists, students, teachers, each is doing her or his or group’s activity. The ultimate goal being to establish freedom, democracy, human rights, and social justice in Iran. Only such a solution would avoid a war (in my analysis). If the Iranian people do not succeed in getting rid of the genocidal fascist regime, then there would be a very high likelihood of war.






Dariush jaan,

Thank you for your excellent post. I agree.







Sadegh jaan,

Thank YOU so very much for all your work. Thank you for posting Amir-Entezam’s letter in your blog. I just visited your blog. Very very impressive. Keep up your great work. Also thank you for posting and e-mailing the documentary on the massacre of political prisoners.








Dear Killjoy,

Thank you so very much for your kind and generous comments. I fully agree. YOUR suggestion about petition is excellent. I will begin working on it. Its success depends on all of us.

Sepaas gozaram,


P.S. Why kill joy? We need joy in our lives no matter how horrible the situation. We fight to get rid of grief, and establish an environment that would be conducive to each pursuing a life style that would maximize the possibilities of happiness and joy.






IRANdokht jaan,

Thanks again for your superb opinion and seconding killjoy’s suggestion. I will start working on it.





Dear Sima,

Political struggles have their own tactics. I can assure you that as soon as it becomes feasible, all the plans will be made public. We are being oppressed and brutalized by one of the most vicious, cruel, fascistic regime in the world. These fundamentalist fascists roy-e har chi adam-kosh-o dictator-e sefid kardan. We are not being oppressed by the run-of-the-mill dictatorships like Pinochet, or Marcos, or .... The fundamentalist regime has killed and raped thousands upon thousands in a matter of a few weeks, including little children.








You are wrong. You confuse having leaders with having bots. We do not need bots. We do need leaders. Mr. Amir-Entezam is a wonderful leader. You can go and establish your own group and promote your solutions. Those of us who would like to establish freedom, democracy, social justice, and human rights, will do what we think is right, including supporting a variety of leaders. Among them is Amir-Entezam. We will defend YOUR RIGHT to criticize us and our choice of leaders, politics, and tactics. We may disagree with you, but we will defend your right to express your criticisms of us and our leaders.








Dear Sima,

Your question is fully legitimate. When a country signs an international treaty, it is obligated to implement it to the best of its abilities. So when a government signs an international treaty, even the next regime has to abide by it, unless it takes the proper procedures to legally leave that treaty. Iran (under the Pahlavi system and the fundamentalist regime) has signed several treaties. Therefore, the ruling regime has to abide by those.

Your observation is correct that many govts do not abide by the terms of their obligations under international treaties. UNSC has the authority to enforce them. As a rule it does not. Perhaps it is better to have good international laws than not have them, because they express an ideal or norm of conduct. Such expected norms express what is good behavior and what is bad behavior, although the actual enforcement mechanisms are lacking. We could point out to these violations of norms and demand observations.

It is better to have had the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, than not have it. Most countries that signed it, continued to violate its obligations. But gradually, dissidents pointed to their govts violations of those norms and embarrassed their govts and shamed it. In other words, it is better to have a good law than not have it.

The fundamentalist regime is violating its obligations under numerous treaties. We can point to them. We can demand all international organizations such as the UNSC to publicly demand the fundamentalist regime to respect the obligations contained in these treaties.

I hope this is helpful.








Dear cyclicforward,

Thank you for your kind and generous words.










Dear EDS,

Thank you. I agree with everything you wrote. We do lack a Mossadegh today. I think Amir-Entezam is head and shoulder above all the rest. He is not perfect. There is no such thing as a perfect human being among us regular mortals. There is a saying "emlay neveshteh nashodeh, ghalat nadareh," [a composition that has not been written, does not have any mistakes]. {I am using the words composition instead of dictation here}. We all learned how to write by writing, and learning by discovering our mistakes. The opposite of great leadership is not lack of mistakes; the opposite of great leadership is lack of action. Mistakes are necessary part of leadership. Only fools think that political leaders are perfect. No one learns how to walk without falling, no one learns how to write without making errors, no one learns how to lead without making mistakes.

You are right about the relative low quality of political leadership among Iranians. This may be due to a variety of factors. The regime has killed sooooooooooooo many activists, many of them many could have been great leaders. Our political culture has been severely twisted and harmed by so many years of dictatorship. Parents are horrified if their sons and daughters show interest in politics and public service. They want their children become physicians and engineers than enter politics. This has drained the pool of educated men and women who have had university education in political science, sociology, history, and the like.

A major problem among Iranians is also that there is little consensus (other than the fascist fundamentalist regime has got to be sent to the garbage can of history). What we need is that every group pursue their tactics. I have no problem if someone believes that Reza Pahlavi is the best answer as long as they concentrate on helping RP and avoiding attacking other members of the opposition. I have no problem of someone support this or that opposition leader or group as long as they concentrate on the main enemy, the fundamentalist terrorist regime. Each opposition group should concentrate on attacking the fundamentalist regime. This way we increase the likelihood of success.









As usual you are wrong. What you say helps the fundamentalist fascist regime. You are doing the dirty work of the Ministry of Intelligence. You are saying unless you are dead, no one should support this member of the opposition against the fascist regime???????? These same words were used against Darisuh Forouhar and Ms. Parvaneh Eskandari-Forouhar. The fact that the regime has not killed 70 million Iranians does not mean that all the 70 million Iranians support the regime. The fact that some political prisoners and political activists have not been killed, does not mean that they do not pose a threat to the regime.

If YOU have a suggestion on how to get rid of the fascist regime, please write YOUR solution. En goy-o ean meidon. Stop making false attacks and spreading rumors against other opposition leaders. Instead promote YOUR solution.







Jamshid jaan,

Thank you my friend.






Dear Sima,

I was the official spokesman of the protest march (of the coalition of leftists and democrats) on the day Niusha Farahi self-immolated. It was a horrible day. In addition to the tragic loss of Niusha, there was the fist fight between the monarchists and us (another sign of the lack of ability to conduct one’s political activities without attacking another opposition group).

Had Niusha lived, he would have added so much to the struggle in the subsequent years. Had I known, I would have stopped his self-immolation. Unfortunately, I did not know him well, and was not close to his group.

I am not familiar about the article you wrote and the exchange you and our friend killjoy had in the other thread and are having here. So, I will stay out of this debate. Please place a link to your article, I would be happy to read it.











We are very lucky to have a wonderful man like Mr. Amir-Entezam. He is a seasoned statesman. His activities began in 1953-54 in reaction to the coup. He was a strong supporter of Dr. Mossadegh. He was one of the main activists in the under-ground movement in 1954. He is also highly educated. He has three graduate degrees from top universities.


here is Amir-Entezam’s official site:



here is my article on Amir-Entezam:




Here is Fariba Amini’s interview with Amir-Entezam:











Dear friend David ET,

Thank YOU so very much for all your wonderful writings in this site. Did you go to Denver?








EDS aziz,

Let me thank YOU again for all your wonderful posts.






my apologies for the typos



EDS jaan

by botshekan (not verified) on

If I were botparast or khodparast, I would not stay anonymous: nameless and faceless.
didi haalaa kharaab kardi aziz ... LOLLL!

sorry but you can't put this one one me!



by EDS on

Why don't you follow through and make a petition.  I for one will sign right away and promote it.  It is good to key off of Amir Entezams letter because it is coming out of Iran itself from a victim of Islamic Republic's human rights violations as opposed to from Iranians who are not now living in Iran.  It is a small step but it is equally easy to do.



by EDS on

Botshekan jaan, you worship a human being all right.  And that would be your own self, your own ego.  Now that is the most common form of human worship.  It comes through loud and clear.

No human being is perfect including for example Amir Entezam.  What is important here is the message.  And his is an excellent one that I fully support and I appreciate his effort in putting it out.


Amir Entezam is not Mandela

by botshekan (not verified) on

David ET is another victim of Iranians urge to Bot-sazi and Bot-parasti. There are those who suggest people like Akbar Ganji, Mohsen Sazegara or Montazeri are Mandela, Gandhi etc. Why Iranians can't be themselves? Why should we always aspire to be like others?

The fundamental difference between our home-made Mandelas and Gandhis and the real ones is that right from the start, both the real Mandela and the real Gandhi were the opponents of the very systems that put them in prison and had them tortured and harmed. The Iranian Mandelas and Gandhis, e.g. Amir Entezam, Ganji, Sazegara, Montazeri WERE ALL THE FOUNDERS OF AND COLLABORATORS WITH THE REGIME WHICH IMPRISONED THEM!!

There is a wolrd-wdie gap between these characters and the originals. Can't you see?


Mandela was not a founder of aparthied regime but a militant anti-aparthied fighter rigth from the word go.

Gandhi was not a colonialist but a peace loving opponent of colonialism right from the word go.

Either you guys can't see these realities or even when you are confronted with such stark realities are so apathetic and irresponsible about them that you don't care.

Which one are you?

David ET

Dorood bar Amir-Entrezam

by David ET on

We must appreciate and voice to the world the story of such people that we have... just as other nations did with those who were mistreated by their regime (eg: mandela...)

We should not wait till they die (eg: Bakhtiar, etc) and only then apprecaite then when its too late... 





Political infatuation

by botshekan (not verified) on

This is the way Sima is viewing the case of Amir Entezam. Her romantic view of herself and her idol, is very well reflected in her belief that her article could have saved lives.

Do we really need such degree of naivete at this stage of the struggle against the IRI? She clearly has no idea what the words "seasonsed", "diplomat" or "politician" mean. And this is not unique to her. Most Iranians think that if someone is a political "dissident" or a political "activist", then he or she is automatically a politician!!

DO you know what Amir Entezam was doing before he became the voice and face of Khomeini's puppet government? He was a successful contractor in the building industry. He only had a year as the spokesman for the regime and then many years as a prisoner with a much luckier outcome than most of his co-prisoners. Does this make a politician out a him? Seasoned may be but only in the literal sense of the word.

Please people, wake up. I support the Petition idea too but unlike Sima, Cyclicforward and EDS I do not worship human beings. BTW, Cyclicforward, I do not need to know you, your comments introduced you better than your persona!


to Killjoy

by sima on

You misunderstand me. If it were on any other topic than Amir Entezam and the tragedies of the prisons of the IRI I would just bite the bullet and ignore the misunderstanding. The points I bring up are not nitpicking -- I would be happy to put those questions to Mr. Amir Entezam himself and if you know him you would know thaht he would wlecome that.  

Furthermore, I don't have the illusion that my article could have saved lives. Although the work of all of us put together and given a fair chance at a public forum maybe could have -- or again, maybe I'm too idealistic or silly to think so.

It is out of grief over what happened and painful frustration that I keep thinking maybe there was something we could have done. And since I can't blame others I blame myself that maybe I didn't do enough. Neusha Farrahi set himself on fire and died protesting the Iran/Iraq war and that didn't stop anything, so I'm under no illusion that anybody's little article could have. If you have ever lost anyone you would know that it is a typical response for survivors to blame themselves for not having done everything or the right thing, etc.

BTW there is no joy in any of this. If you must kill joy please look for joy elsewhere.


Dr. Kazemzadeh

by jamshid on

Thank you for bringing Amir Entezam's voice to people's attention. Today we cannot afford to argue about what was done in the past. Armir Entezam is a positive force for the struggle of the Iranian people for freedom and democracy.

Killjoy: Your petition idea is an excellent one.



by cyclicforward on

Don't make any assumption about me. You don't know who I am and what I did thirty years ago. If you have something to say, just say it and don't put down other peoples ideas.


On Patronization

by Killjoy (not verified) on

To Sima,

I wonder who has "patronized" or even "idolized" Mr. Entezam. I suggested the idea that the letter above could act as a petition and sent to other organizations and heads of states and IRANdokht supported the idea. Then comes your comment suggesting Mr. Entezam was being idolized, accompanied by some nitpickings with regards to certain detalis which were absent in the letter and in my view are, at this stage, of secondary importance.

I, for one, believe that any literature which reflects and, at the same time, condemns the extent of atrocities perpetrated by the regime should be supported and publicized.

I would like to refer you to your own reaction to an aricle on torture currently posted on this site where you give so much imporatnce to an unpublished article you yourself wrote about twenty years ago.

You seem to wonder if the timely publication of your article could have saved the lives of political prisoners masacred in the hands of the criminal regime in Tehran.

I find it hard to believe that an article written by an Iranian in any publication in the West would have had such an effect, at the time. But I, certainly, would not have discouraged such an effort and would not have labeled it as a self-promoting piece.

Here, let's take a look at how you are trying to propmote your old unpublished article :

"Something that has been bothering me all these years is the thought that IF I had finished the article in 87 instead of 88 and IF it had been immediately published, would it have made any difference in the lives of all those people who were murdered in 88? I am sure there were many more accounts of what was going on in the prisons in Iran that were ignored just like mine."

"I keep thinking if the executions of 81-82 and the situation in the prisons had received more publicity maybe the executions of 88 would have been prevented. We will never know and we will always mourn. But I do know that in the mid-90s the publicity Faraj Sarkuhi recieved and the international pressure exerted on his behalf played a significant role in his release from prison."

Could or could not an article published in the mainstream media in the West save lives? Had you the slightest hope it could, then you should have supported my suggestion or, at least, not criticized it in the manner you have.

Exposing, publicizing and bringing the brutalities of the regime to the attention of a larger audience is exactly what many who oppose it are hoping to achieve. But you seem to perceive such an attempt, in this particular case, as "idolizing or patronizing."

And then you go ahead and write this ridiculously patronizing line:

"Mr. Amir Entezam is too strong a man and too seasoned a diplomat to need to be idolized or patronized. "

I was under the impression that it was always the "strong" and the "seasoned" who were looked up to and revered or as you have put it, "idolized."

Also, I did not find any "patronizing" statement by anyone in the comments section and could not comprehend how you came up with the idea that someone was trying to "patronize" Mr. Entezam.

By the way, are you Mr. Entezam's spokesperson? Has sanyone given you the right to speak on his behalf?


Why has Amir Entezam's life been spared

by botshekan (not verified) on

where people like Ghotb-zadeh are executed, like Foruhars are murdered. Seerjani is induced to die, why people like, Amir Entezam and Ebrahim Yazdi are allowed to survive? Are they less of threat to the regime than those who lost their lives? Or were they protected by superior forces (USA?)and were used by the regime as a bargaing chip in a deal - yet to come?

Sima, EDS and Cylicforward, you are the classic examples of the typical Iranians who succumb to the market forces and worship a figurehead without having researched the facts. Turn the clock thirty years back and I can see you on the front row of the pepole applauding Imam Khomeini on his triumphant return to the country for her he had "heech" feelings.


Thank you Amir Entezam

by EDS on

I am glad that finally after all these years a significant political figure finally put forth what is the obvious and most important choice every Iranian opposition should have been pushing for from day 1 of this issue as I pointed out here.


By the way it is not just on this issue that Amir Entezam has proven that he is a head and shoulder above other Iranian political figures.  It is unfortunate that there is such a lack of worthy politicians among Iranian opposition to the Islamic Republic tyrants.



Next Leader?

by cyclicforward on

I have been thinking  who could be the next leader to remove IRI and start a new and free Iran. Could this man be the one? Definitely has the thought process, courage, love of the country and charisma. I keep my finger crossed.


I did read the letter

by sima on

The "plans and suggestions" that Amir Entezam mentions are UN conventions (human rights, torture, women) to which Iran is already a signatory. These conventions are not legally binding because the UN does not have the executive mandate or capacity to either enforce them or demand enforcement. So the significant part of Amir Entezam's letter is that he says he is willing to discuss the "details" (joz'iyat) of his plan. These "jozi'yat" (i.e. how these conventions are to be implemented) are what give teeth to the "kolliyat" (i.e. the conventions themselves). He mentions "new and creative" ways and calls on the SG to go beyond the conventional norms of his "activities." Wouldn't everybody like to hear about these new and creative ways?   


I have a great deal of respect for Mr. Amir Entezam and my comment was not to disparage his effort. I am still idealistic (or silly) enough to think it is possible and indeed timely to inject new and creative blood into the UN. My comment was the expression of an interest in opening up the disucssion of new strategies in a public forum. Mr. Amir Entezam is too strong a man and too seasoned a diplomat to need to be idolized or patronized.


Please don't make a "bot" out of him

by botshekan (not verified) on

This is the least Amir-Entezam is expected to do to make up for the biggest mistake in his life: being the voice of the khomeini's puppet cabinet of Bazargan. A mistake that cost the nation a million times more suffering than what Amir-Entezam has taken in his years in prison.

Iranians have a propensity to worship. One day is the Shah, followed by Mossadegh, then it is Khomeini, next is Khatami, later is Ganji and now is Amir-Entezam.

Please keep a hold on your emotional ups and downs. We do not need Idols or Saviors. We need humble servants of the people whose past is unblemished and whose present is unpretentious. Mr Amir-Entezam is neither.



by IRANdokht on

you said: It sure would be good for the rest of us to hear those plans and suggestions too, not just the SG of UN

All you have to do now is read the letter.



Zendeh baad (literally) Amir Entezam

by sima on

اینجانب مایل هستم جزییات طرح و پیشنهاد خود را با نمایندگان و کارشناسان مورد اعتماد جنابعالی به بحث بگذارم.  

"I am prepared to discuss the details of my plans and suggestions with your representatives and the experts whom you trust."

It sure would be good for the rest of us to hear those plans and suggestions too, not just the SG of UN.


I totally agree with KillJoy

by IRANdokht on

This message needs to be heard all over the world.

I am not sure what it takes to start a petition. I believe it's best if a known and trusted entity starts it. It'll get more signatures.




Dear Dr. Kazemzadeh,

by Killjoy (not verified) on

A very moving and timely letter.

I understand it was written by Mr. Entezam to Secretary General of the UN, but I would like to suggest it be used as a petition to be signed by Iranians who agree with its contents and sent to many other organizations and heads of states as well.


Thanks for sharing Masoud

by sadegh on

Thanks for sharing Masoud jan. Great post! If you don't mind I'll reproduce it on my own personal blog.

Ba Arezu-ye Movafaghiat, Sadegh


Darius Kadivar

Entezam Deserves our Moral Support

by Darius Kadivar on

I have never been a member of his political camp but Entezam is no criminal and does not deserve being held in Prison. Like all Political prisoners in Iran he should be set free. His support for the respect of Human Rights and democracy is genuine and sincere given that he has been deprived from it first and foremost.

All democratic forces need to join forces to end the predicament which we are facing today and may well jeopardize our future and rightful aspirations for democracy and human rights.

Thanks for Sharing Massoud Jan,


Jahanshah Rashidian

Dear Masoud

by Jahanshah Rashidian on

Thanks for publishing this letter and refreshing our courage. Human rights violations must integrated into world relation with the IRI. However, we Iranians have to imagine that the IRI can still continue to ignore any request, as before. Then, what will be the next request to step up these values in Iran?

Personally, I share most points Mr. Entezam courageously exposes, but let me ask you honestly: What is your reaction when the IRI shows again the thumb in an Iranian manner...?




What a decent guy!

by Mehdi on

Obviously an honorable man who was not broken, no matter how long in jail. Well done!


WOW what a great letter !!!

by IRANdokht on

به عنوان مصداق اعتماد سازی در پرونده هسته ای و برای اینکه امکان کنترل و نظارت واقعی بر فعالیت های هسته ای ایران ممکن باشد از جمهوری اسلامی بخواهید که تمامی کنوانسیون های پایه ای حقوق بشر، کنوانسیون های منع شکنجه، کنوانسیون الغاء کلیه اشکال تبعیض از زنان، و اساسنامه دیوان بین المللی کیفری را پذیرفته و به آن عمل کند. و جامعه جهانی نیز با تمام امکانات بر عملکرد نظام در رعایت حقوق بشر، و منجمله میثاق حقوق مدنی و سیاسی، و پروتکل های اختیاری آن نظارت کند. رعایت کامل موازین، استاندارها
و الزامات حقوق بشری در ایران کلید حل بحران هسته ای و سایر بحران ها در منطقه است.


Best idea out there! well composed, clear, reasonable and most importantly peaceful. A venue well within the reach of the international committees for bringing down the pressure on Iranians

Thank you Dr K for bringing this letter to everyone's attention
