NED, US never seeks democracy in Iran!


by meganima

Today I want to introduce to you a US non-profit organization which is responsible for exporting democracy from United States to countries with a dictatorship or totalitarian government. Hernando Calvo Ospina describes NED as follows "Iran, Chile, Nicaragua ... From 1950 onwards, the dirty wars caused by CIA have always been under the attention of media and as they were revealed, it became a scandal for United States itself. Ronald Reagan created National Endowment for Democracy (NED) to equip Washington with a similar system without being under severe attention as CIA was. But the aim is the same: Destabilization of the governments who are not considered as USA friends by supporting the opposition groups financially." (Le Monde Diplo, June 2007)

What NED is doing is neither Destabilization of the Islamic Republic of Iran, nor endowment of democracy to Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is destabilizing itself and opposition groups do not really have their words heard by Iranian people living in Iran because of the lack of free media, vast internet filtration and closed environment. People in Iran do not have a clear opinion or definition of Iranian opposition groups outside Iran, although though TV channel like VOAnews have recently found enthusiasm between Iranian people inside and outside Iran but it still under the pressure as owning satellites is a crime in Iran. VOA tends to satisfy American interests although it insistingly rejects such an accusation.

United States will not really help Iranians achieve democracy. In my opinion, a real democracy in Iran is even worse for United States interests in Iran. In case of a real democracy, in which people can freely elect their president and the economy and social freedoms are prospering, Iranian people do not feel like depending to another superpower as they believe they still can be a superpower as they were in the Persian Empire era. If Iranian people's problems in terms of poverty, social freedom and most importantly, democracy get solved, I am positive Iranians seek helping other nations with their problems and that brings international legitimacy. Eventually, Iran can make a major danger for USA and United States is aware of that. So I am completely pessimist about if USA is going to help Iranians achieve democracy.

To see the Iranians involved in NED fellowship program, please click here and search for the word "Iran". Although I do respect some of the individuals listed and I have met one of them in person and there is no doubt that they all try their best in freeing Iran from the brutal Islamic regime and they are clear in their minds and hearts, i should say that they are being fooled and exploited by NED.


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Democracy for Iran!

by Naazokbin (not verified) on

You wrote:

"If Iranian people's problems in terms of poverty, social freedom and most importantly, democracy get solved, I am positive Iranians seek helping other nations with their problems and that brings international legitimacy. Eventually, Iran can make a major danger for USA and United States is aware of that. So I am completely pessimist about if USA is going to help Iranians achieve democracy."

Then what's keeping the mullahs from turning Iran into a great country for Iranians?

The mullahs have had almost three decades with the oil revenues, all kinds of natural resources and a submissive people. Why can't they do anything for the poor Iranians?

Iran as the regime claims, has been "independent" for the last twenty-eight years and has had good ties with all the economies of the world except, apparently, the U.S. and Iran is still lagging behind Turkey in GDP ratings.

Should the mullahs be given three more centuries?

The only "help" the "independent" Mullahs have given to the countries in the region has resulted in deepening the division among Lebanese and the poor Palestinians.

Also, Iran will never be a great danger to any country once it becomes a democratic state. You are talking about a future democratic and "independent" Iran with today's frame of mind.


Do not forget these f$&#ing Saudis

by Iran is first (not verified) on

Ahmadinejad performed the haj. He was asked by King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, a close US ally, to join nearly two million Muslims at the annual pilgrimage to Mecca.

Do not forget these f$&#ing Saudis.

Our only solution to democracy is through UN and a creation of a strong coalition formed and supported by the most powerful civil society organizations worldwide and affluent freedom seeker world renowned individuals backed by Iranian oppositions.


As long as don't sell your soul...

by Saeed Kafili (not verified) on

U.S.leaders are after their own interests, like any other leaders. Countries, as well as parties, form alliance when they have common goals. The mastery of politics is when you join hands with some not-so-clean hands just to promote your own national interest, when the ideal clean hands are unavailable, or ineffective. As long as you are not compromising your principles, the end may justify the means, in my opinion. I could be wrong.


Where is NIAC..?

by Trita Parsi (not verified) on

Where is the IRI lobby in this list? Those listed are legitimate opposition, but I failed to see where it is notd that NED has provided funding to NIAC as well. In otherwords, NED, much like GW Bush, is speaking out of both sides of it's mouth.

The question to be asked here is, (rather than speculate whether the US will help the Iranian opposition or not)

1.) "why did the US not oppose the recognition of the IRI at the United Nations 28 years ago" Did the Taliban, have representatvive at the UN. Did Escobar the Columbian warlord?

2.) "why did the Carter Administration undermine the shah in the first place"

3.) "Why has the US avoided using it's economic, miltary and political might, against the IRI regime, over the last 29 years"


Is this News!?

by farokh2000 on

I am sure most peolle who follow the World events know what the "Super Powers" are up to.

If you have any doubts, please read "Confessions of An Economic Hitman" by John Perkins.

He used to be an "Economic Hitman" and writes about his experiences working for NSA, World Bank and indirectly CIA.

Very good reading.

The only reason they are so concerned is Geography and Resources of other Nations not respect for Humans. The heads of AIPAC and Multinationals are not human, as a matter of fact.


Well...What did you think?

by Daryush on

If anyone would even ponder the idea that any country would help Iran because Iranians are good looking, they are fooling themselves!!!

Kachal ageh davaa daasht sareh khodesh mimaaleed.