Iran, a hope: forgiveness


Iran, a hope: forgiveness
by Melika

For the Iran, a hope collection.

One day, Iran will be a free country.  It will have all that it needs to be a happy place to live.  I hope on that day, people of Iran will find it in their hearts to forgive themselves and each other for all the injustice that has happened in Iran

I hope no one will ever try to avenge another's murder through murder or torture.  I hope people of Iran learn from their history and move on.  Images of people on trials and the dead bodies of ex-army generals and ministers are some of the most humiliating things our nation has seen after the Islamic Revolution of 1979.  Why did all those people have to be killed? 

I think rulers of Iran cannot understand that part of what has made people so angry with them over the past 30 years, finally bringing them to streets and chanting "Marg bar dictator" is how they murdered those people and paraded those images through Iranians' eyes and minds for 30 years.  Iranians are disgusted with the mass murders and group burials of Iranian political prisoners in the 1980's.  Iranians are ashamed of the treatment and executions of Bahais and other ethnic and religious minorities.  I hope nobody tries to kill the Islamic Republic rulers when Iran is free again.  That will continue the cycle which has haunted us for hundreds of years--the new rulers killing the old.  I hope for the cycle to break this time. 

I hope our nation forgives itself and others for its fate and moves on to building a better Iran, without new blood stains on pages of its history.


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Nazy Kaviani


Nazy Kaviani

دارم امید عاطفتی از جانب دوست

کردم جنایتی و امیدم به عفو اوست

دانم که بگذرد ز سر جرم من که او

گر چه پریوش است ولیکن فرشته خوست

چندان گریستم که هر کس که برگذشت

 در اشک ما چو دید روان گفت کاین چه جوست

هیچ است آن دهان و نبینم از او نشان

موی است آن میان و ندانم که آن چه موست

دارم عجب ز نقش خیالش که چون نرفت

از دیده​ام که دم به دمش کار شست و شوست

بی گفت و گوی زلف تو دل را همی​کشد

با زلف دلکش تو که را روی گفت و گوست

عمریست تا ز زلف تو بویی شنیده​ام

زان بوی در مشام دل من هنوز بوست

حافظ بد است حال پریشان تو ولی

بر بوی زلف یار پریشانیت نکوست


با تشکر،

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

how about putting them all in a labor camp near jamkaran and put them to build road conecting ghom to chah bahar ?Maziar



by capt_ayhab on

Blood of innocent shed by IR, blood of Neda's, Sohrabs and countless other heroes and heroines, blood of our bravest young men and women, who were MURDERED in cold blood by these criminal bunch MUST be avenged.

Otherwise there would be no justice in the world.