Where the home is

by Midwesty

My love

The home is

Where you are


Not the money

Not the fancy appliances


Not even any amount of 

Sweet promises


Can make a house

Like a home


My love

The home is

Where you are


The close

Circle of the family

Closes on itself


The room might be tight

So are many of its ties


Any circle has a center

Where it acts like an anchor


My love

You are the anchor

In which family starts


As the owner

Of the light

Puts it in this way


The women of the house

Is the light of the house


Oh God

Please don’t let be

Any house

Without a light


To the cycle of the life

To the circle of the family


To the light of the house

To many of her memories


My love

The home is…

…Where you are


Midwesty, January of 2009


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Oh, if the men knew...

by Midwesty on

how to read the mysterious book of women. I, myself, am the most illiterate one.

 Dear Nazi, Touched, and IRANdokht, thanks for your beautiful words. As they say, the beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


so sweet!

by IRANdokht on

what a beautiful, loving, and very touching display of care and appreciation.

Loved it! Thanks!



Dear Midwesty:

by Touched (not verified) on

I was touched by your words. Nicely done!

Nazy Kaviani

Dear Midwesty

by Nazy Kaviani on

Your poem is beautiful! It is full of heart and soul, and love and respect. On any given day of the year, there is never any subject more important to talk about than love. Glad you did it today. I wish with all my heart that this is the day others in the world are doing it, too, especially the ones who can stop wars.


I am not...

by Midwesty on

obviousely a poet and I rather write about something more important. But you know? I realized this is the most important issue for me right now and words don't matter. It's the human feelings that matter and conveys through the words and translates to something different by everyone's perception.


Look forward to hearing from you.