Can you help?


by Mitramis

My father passed away last year, he was a simple minded person all his life, and for that matter people were taking advantage of him. He left me and my sister, a car rental agency.

Now we find out that his assistant owns half of it. It was a shock to all of us, because we didn't see any money being exchanged. We had an idea that the assistant is as they say a charlatan, but we had no idea what he is capable of doing.

My Dad was 93 at the time of his death, and didn’t really share a lot of information with us. Now we can not sell our share and not much time is left for us. Every time someone goes as a buyer, we are not sure what the assistant tells them, but they leave and never look back. My sister and I have no male figure in our lives to help us and go after the assistant.

I live in USA, and she lives in London, so we both are so far away. This is why the assistant is trying to make it hard on us till the time runs out and then he can claim the whole business. Very unfair! We both are in our mid lives and have nobody to ask for help. Every one knows that as a woman in Iran you have no voice. We are desperately asking if anybody can help us. We are willing to pay for the expenses, but help is what we need right now.

If you can help or you know someone in Iran that can help us, an authority figure or a lawyer, please let me know. I know a lot of you that are reading this can relate in one way or another. Dealing with property in Iran as an heir, especially as a female, is so hard. No one listens to us. The assistant promised my Dad to pay my mother the same money that he was taking home when he was alive, but we haven't seen a penny since Dad has been gone. He is so rude to us, because he knows that he can be.

He was a just a driver, that my dad promoted him as an assistant to help him run the business. God only knows what he did to my Father that everything turned out this way. One more thing, things are tight right now for me, and this money could be a big help. I trust the Iranian community, and I know there are a lot of caring people out there, that's why I’m reaching out for help. I just don't know what to do any more.

You are my last try.

Please help us.

God bless you, Mitra




by corush on

  1. کشور عزیز ما ایران در دست اعرابهای که شناسنامه ای ایرانی گرفته اند اشغال شده. باید به پاخیزیم وایران را از دست این آخوندهای لجن خور آزاد کنیم دیگر با حرف زدن کاری پیش باید دست به مبارز های مسلحانه بزنیم و یکی یکی این مو لاها و بسیجیان وپاسداران


I am sorry to hear about

by javaneh29 on

I am sorry to hear about your problem .. your fathers business partner sounds a most soul less  man to take advantage of two women in your situation after your loss.

 If your sister is in Iran she must surely be visiting friends and family. Im sure someone amongst them there will know a reputable lawyer. It is always a good idea to get more than one quote for a service and particularly as this is a problem where neither of you live permanantly. This lawyer will need to be someone you can trust implicitlely.  

Good luck




by Mazloom on

Very diabolical!


thanks for your reply,

by Mitramis on

The buisness in north part of Tehran, Abasabad area.

If you can give me your friend's tellephone number, my sister is in Iran right now, she can get in touch with him. But I think you need to let him know about our problem, so he would have some idea that who is calling. My sister name is Iran.

 Thanks again, this means a lot.




by varjavand on

where is this business in Iran?

I know a lawyer that can help you if he has the time to undertake this case

can you send more info
