Take ACTION - Iran, Feb 11th, 2010


Take ACTION - Iran, Feb 11th, 2010
by MM

Amnesty International is in the process of organizing a massive campaign to discourage more executions by IRI.  Here is the email I recieved from the Amnesty International with the blogs, Twitter and on the streets to shame the shameless IRI.  If you are a member of the Amnesty International, check your mailbox for a similar email below.

Dear xxxx,

Last week, two men were hanged after being accused of inciting the post-June 12 election violence that erupted last summer in Iran. The Iranian government failed to answer one key question - how these men could have been responsible for the violence when they were being held in detention long before it even occurred?

As if this injustice wasn't enough, now the lives of 9 more men hang in the balance on similar charges. We fear some of them may be executed before February 11th - a date holding much significance in Iran and one that could signify an end to these abuses.

February 11th is known as Victory of the Revolution Day - equivalent to the Fourth of July in the United States; it is meant to symbolize liberty, independence and freedom. Authorities in Iran fear that February 11th will spark a wave of massive protests and unite Iranians in their calls for change and accountability.

That is why on February 11th we intend to do all we can to stand in solidarity with the Iranian people on this important date, but we need your help.

In the days following the contested Presidential election, Iranian authorities took aggressive measures to stifle dissent and stem the flow of information. No outside reporters were allowed in. Iranians were not allowed to freely report out.

Virtually the only way the Iranian people could expose the horrific treatment being inflicted on them was to share their stories online, using blogs and websites like Twitter and Facebook.

We expect Iranians will once again rely solely on the Internet to carry their messages during next week's expected demonstrations. That is why we are asking everyone to show their solidarity online on February 11th - whether it's on your blog, website, or social networking profile. Help us raise the voices of those calling for freedom and justice inside Iran.

  • Bloggers Unite: Join our network of blogger's covering Iran and the events on February 11th.
  • Twitter Followers: The hashtag #iranelection was one of the most widely-used in the post-election aftermath. Since the violence is still unresolved, we'll continue to tweet using this hashtag. Make sure your related tweets include: #iranelection.
  • Share Online: Help share the message of February 11th by adding our solidarity image to your blog, website or social networking profile.
  • Take Action to add this badge to your website or blog.

    Cut and paste the code below to embed the Iran Solidarity Badge in your blog or webpage: <a href="//www.amnestyusa.org/iran"><img src="//www.amnestyusa.org/countries/iran/unite.jpg" width="136" height="174" alt="Unite 4 human rights in Iran" border="0"/></a>

  • Watch our video playlist on Iran

  • If you know someone or if you, yourself, expect to be in New York on February 11th, then be sure to wear black and join our coalition of activists as they stand in a silent vigil for the people of Iran.

We will be keeping a close watch over Victory of the Revolution Day events. Our collective voices can help keep high-level Iranian officials in check. If authorities yet again brutally suppress people's right to peacefully express their opinions, we will harness the power of the Internet to push right back!

Thank you for standing with us and the people of Iran,

Elise Auerbach, Christoph Koettl and the rest of the Iran crisis response team



more from MM

MM, listed time/schedule on blog

by oktaby on



Kavas_one - ur protest looks diff than AI - need coordination

by MM on

we should coordinate to maximize the effect of the protests in NY.

Alice In Wonderland

I will be there for sure!

by Alice In Wonderland on

I will be there for sure!


NYC Mass Potest 2/11/10 @ UN Iran Ambassador Residence

by Kavas_one on

Feb 11 Mass Protest @ NYC

Official Residence of Iranian UN Ambassador

1033 Fifth Avenue (b/w  84 / 85ht St.) 

New York, NY 10022

This is the $10+ Million Fifth Avenue neo-classical 1912 Townhouse purchased by the Shah in 1966, and served as the un-official NYC Iranian Consulate in 1970s.

It now serves as the official residence of the IRI Iranian UN Ambassador.

Central Park is directly across the street (see google maps); and there is a large park bench open area diagnonal corner,  adjacent to the Met Museum (82nd-84 St's).  This area can hold 200+ ,  and silent people should not be dispersed as its a designated public area.

This will be a flash protest, with hundreds encouraged to walk by, stop by, circle loop C.Park. paths,  and further waves throughout day/night.



Re: NYPD / NYC / NYS Permits

 A special permit called a Place of Assembly permit (PA) is required for premises where 75 or more members of the public gather indoors or 200 or more gather outdoors, for religious, recreational, educational, political or social purposes, or to consume food or drink.

I know of numerous people who got these and were harassed before (and did not protest) and after (who did protest) by IRI. Your name, address, email, ph# is required. If you have a lawyer, p.o. box, security, etc. Thats fine...but the info is public via freedom of info act. 

Feel free to get one, if you are in nyc.



Good Job

by masoudA on

and great idea


If you know of 2/11/10 Iranian Diaspora protests, pls list here

by MM on

During the week of Feb. 11th, 2010, there will be demonstrations around the world.  Please list them here for the benefit of the Iranian.com activists.

Look for me in NY, in black.