Shush:From Elam to Ghajar

Shush:From Elam to Ghajar
by msabaye

Shush in Khuzistan is one of the most interesting places in Iran as it spans the history of the region from ancient Elam to contemporary Iran. A great deal has been written about the Zigorat, built around 640 BC. So I will not bore you with what is already out there; I will just say this that I have read that according to some people the word Khuzistan comes from Khuz which relates the land to Cushites. I could not confirm that anywhere else as there were other explanations, but it was interesting to note that the original inhabitants of Khuzistan might have been Africans or people related to Africa. I could not take good pictures as it was pouring the whole time we were there.

There was also the tomb of Danielle, the prophet and the remnants of Apadana Palace built by Dariush. I had always wanted to see the tomb which was very close to the river bank; I noticed some Jewish people praying in the yard.

Apadana was the one that shocked me: I did not know of its existence (though I cannot really say it was actually there, just remnants of columns and statues and a sense of a the layout of the building). It had great resemblance, to my untrained eye, to Takhte Jamshid close to Shiraz.

And right across from Apadana, moving to the Ghajar era, there was an interesting palace built in European style.

Shush is a very beautiful city with kind people and very nice kolucheh with fresh dates inside. I got them hot from the bakery as they came out of a traditional oven. They were wonderful. If you are around, try them!


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maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

hopeful wish could be like let stop the blame for the past thieves and see if we(or some....) can built a highway from shush to jerusalam so the city and its peoples can benefit from that.

It is and was a dpressing city for all I can remember and there was only a small clean motel built by Jahangardi!

But thanks for writing about our viraneh shahr and trying those




Damn you France

by onlyinamrica on

for taking all the goodies from Iran. I bet local smugglers hate you for that. All I care, is that they are from Iran, representing ancient Iran and they are safe.


And continued....

by omeedvar on

A couple of years before the revolution, a group of French scientists came to Iran, as the guest of the Ministry of Health, to do research on an infectious disease. They used local facilities, and travelled all over the country to collect infected samples for their research. They did not produce any scientific result when they left during the revolution, but they collected some historical artifacts, and took it with them!


Jeesh Daram

فرانسه دزد، کلاش و بی رحم

Jeesh Daram

آن قلعه ای که در شوش شما به آن اشاره کردید، بنای ننگ آمیز دزدی ها و بی شرفی فرانسوی ها در ایران است.  آنها در دزدیدن آثار عتیقه ما دست انگلیس را هم از پشت بسته اند. این ویدیو را نگاه کنید تا ببینید چه بی ناموسهایی وطن ما را به غارت برده اند.  ساختن آن بنای ننگ آور با استفاده از آجرها و تخریب ساختمانهای باستانی ایران بنا شده است.  دشمنان واقعی ما فرانسه و انگلیس هستند و نه اعراب و اسرائیل.  خمینی را انگلستان پرورش داد و فرانسه تحویلمان داد،  بعد ایرانی سی دو سال است از اعراب بدگویی میکند


Maryam Hojjat

Great, msabaye

by Maryam Hojjat on

I am looking forward visiting this great city with other Iranians' cities  during my retirement with departure of IRR.