commemorating those who lost their lives in the war
Literature comes to aid in understanding an old suspicion
It is possible to like growing old, and more, to look forward to it as I just learned.
Insightful, engaging response to one of my posts.
Let's share our favourite poems! Here is one of mine.
What is different? The ice cream or the child?
Why do we feel we need to tell others about our wealth, title, position, etc?
An old forgotten masterpiece
Is it me or is it really boring when people constantly talk about their children?
What is involved in interrupting others? Lack of tolerance, respect, or ..
we all have time, how do we spend it is the issue.
Multitasking may be more of bad habit than art: we may do a lot in one moment at the expense of being fully present at every single thing
How much of how we treat our parents and children based on realities of life? How much of it is rooted in our self-absorption?