Need help -- Crack, shishe, alcol

by msbm0508

Dear fellow members,

Can someone tell me what SHISHE translates to in English?  Where can I get more information about this drug?  Are there any Iranian websites ke be farsi tozih midan shishe o crack chi kar mikonan? I prefer a persian site because my father cannot read English but I am okay with either language.

Also, are there any persian sites that talk about how deal with a person that is involved with SHISHE? What can we do to help them? What to do with their depression? 

I am reaching out on because azizi dare khodesho nabood mikone and I don't know what to do. I don't have enough information and not sure of any good doctors/moshavers/ravan pezeshks in Tehran/Gohardasht area.  This individual used crack for a few years vaghti sarbazi ro shoroo kard and now he has turned to shishe and mashroob. He is in his EARLY 20s and is now very depressed and bikar.

Can those that use crack and now have moved onto Shishe/Mashroob, ever truly step away from all these drugs?   

 Any help,information,advice is greatly appreciated.

Fearful yet omidvar,




dar in seit dar morede

by Ali-Akbar (not verified) on

dar in seit dar morede shishe Etelaate Khobi dade shode, bekhosus dar morede tarke an.


where are you?

by javaneh29 on

everything I write posts twice


where are you?

by javaneh29 on


I dont know where you are living ? If you are in the UK I can advise you about help you can get here, both private and through public services.

From a professional perspective, I am really concerned that your loved one is depressed saying he wants to kill himself. His moods will change according to what he is using and when he uses. Depression is common with drugs and alcohol.

If I can give you any advise about how to manage in the meantime, please feel free to contact me.

I hope your loved one remains safe.



Reply to Dellusion

by AnonymousFriend. (not verified) on is blocked but most people have some sort of software called "ghofl shekane site". Most of the blocked sites are access via this program.



by Anonymous666 (not verified) on

just want to know;isn't blocked in Iran ?
if not god help our Iranian young hamshahris.

ebi amirhosseini

Dear friend

by ebi amirhosseini on

Dar naa omidi basi omid ast

Let's all pray for him.



by msbm0508 on

Oh my god! Are you serious?  This center can help my loved one???  and it is free?

I can't believe this. ashk too chesham jam shode. Khoda in dardo nasibe hich kas nakone. I am so happy and hope we can get my loved one into this center.  He doesn't want to go any where, shaba bidare, rooza khabe, he has threatened to kill himself...yet when you talk to him, inghadr ghashang va manteghi sohbat mikone va raftar mikone ke hich vaght hads nemizani in taraf moshkel dareh.  He has been using his strength to get his way at home and of course my family is scared and doing everything ke aberooshoon nare.  But what they are doing is not helping him.  Merci aziz.

 If you can, will you also please provide the other centers' names and information? 

Vaghean omidvar shodam. I hope all these comments & information also helps other family members who may be experiencing the same tragedy.

Please keep advice and information coming my way.

YEK DONYA MAMNOONETAM "Pope" aziz va tamame doostane



To: msbm0508

by ThePope on

I found a rehab center in Tehran that apparently does miracles! It is a register center where all the staff are totally experienced, they're all new borns themselves(ex-addicts) and they put their time and heart in order to save lives. All you have to do is to bring your loved one to them and they'll keep him for 24/7 untill he has completely recovered. The treatment can be for a long period of time. Apparently, they don't use any medication whatsoever (no legal drug replacement) to detoxify the addicts. And the good news is that all this is completely FREE.
Here's a few phone numbers where you can reach them;
0221 222-9083 (mo'aseseyeh behboodiyeh salamt-e nozaadegaan)
0912 300-3890 (24/7 for emergencies)

BTW, it's not one of those "N.A." (motaadeen-e gomnaam) centers but I have received some info about them too, if you want I'll forward them to you...

Good luck.

maa ram do'aa kon


Merci for your support

by msbm0508 on

I am truly thankful that you friends took the time to post your comments.

AmirKabir - the sites are very useful. Yek donya mamnoon.

The pope - Dooste aziz, I will wait to hear from you regarding the centers in Tehran.

If you or anyone else has any other information,advice or comment, toro be khoda darigh nakonin.  I am desperate.



Dear Friend

by ThePope on

Give me some time, I just emailed some people back in Tehran, and I'm waiting for their replies. As soon as I hear from them, I'll refer you to some of the best detox centers in Tehran.

Don't give up hope on your love one....


به نام خالق عشق و بصیرت


ای دوست،‌ای همسر فداکار و دلسوز،‌ای مادر رنجیده
و تو‌ای پدر دل شکسته امروز به لطف و عشق الهی دیگر نیازی نیست هیچ معتادی
از درد اعتیاد هلاک شود.



by bareh (not verified) on

Shishe is what we call here "crystal" or, "glass" or, "meth", or "crystal meth". Full name is "crystal methamphetamine". The worst addictive drug on the market now !


Amir Kabir is right.

by someone having trouble to log in (not verified) on

Amir Kabir is right. 'Shishe' is Amphetamine type stimulant of psychotropic substances.
Check the link below, there is a contact # of one resource in Karaj area. might be helpful.
good luck



امیر کبیر در خ. سیروس دنبال قالپاق دزدها (not verified)

آقا جان، برای اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد شیشه میتوانی به این مقاله مراجعه کنی:


و یا در اینجا:


شیشه که در انگلیسی آنرا "کریستال" میخوانند، دی متاامفتامین هیدروکلوراید است. اگر این دوست شما برای درمان نیاز موقت به مواد مخدر بیشتری داشت، صلاح در آنستکه او را مستقیما به سفارت انگلیس در تهران انتقال دهند، چون آن سفارتخانه سالهاست که انواع مواد مخدر و جنده جات را مجانا در اختیار عموم قرار میدهد.