International organizations condemn Ebadi persecution


International organizations condemn Ebadi persecution
by The National Iranian Amer...

The headquarters of Shirin Ebadi’s Center for the Defense of Human Rights was shut down on December 21 by Iranian authorities just hours prior to a commemoration ceremony for the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This was the third attempt in 11 days by Iranian authorities to close the center. On December 29, authorities raided and confiscated Ebadi’s confidential legal documents and computer from the headquarter, alleging tax evasion and operating without a legal permit. Mrs. Ebadi has worked pro bono for the last 15 years.

In 2003, Ebadi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her legal work advocating the promotion of democracy and human rights.

Authorities justify the raid by accusing the center of writing letters to international organizations and supplying information about human rights violations in Iran to the United Nations without approval from the Iranian government. The information was used by United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in a report in October urging President Ahmadinejad to take action against human rights violations such as “amputations and corporal punishment.”

Three days after the raid, members of the Basiji Militia, an Iranian paramilitary force under the Passdaran Islamic Revolution Guards Corps ‎‎(IRGC) demonstrated outside the home and office of Mrs. Ebadi. The hard-line group denounced Mrs. Ebadi as a “pen pushing mercenary” for not sufficiently condemning Israel’s offensive in Gaza.

On December 27, Ebadi issued a statement condemning the Israeli operation for its killing of children.

Human rights defenders believe hard-liners are taking advantage of Israel's assault on Gaza as a pretense to stymie human rights defenders with the advent of the Iranian presidential election. According to Iranian human rights lawyer Khalil Bahramian, “Gaza has provided [Iranian authorities] the chance to wash away human rights issues."

For her part, the Nobel laureate has refused to leave Iran. Ebadi has stated: “I can only say that until I am alive I shall ‎not leave the country under any circumstances. I am an Iranian and must live, work and ‎die in Iran.”

On Saturday, the spokesperson of Mr. Ki-moon issued a statement speaking out against the treatment of Ebado and calling on the Iranians to ensure Ebadi’s safety and prevent further harassment.

The International Campaign for Human Rights likewise criticized the treatment of Mrs. Ebadi. Hadi Ghaemi, coordinator of the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran stated: “It is absolutely unacceptable that Dr. Ebadi is being threatened because she had legitimate interactions with UN officials. As a member state, Iran has every obligation to facilitate such interactions and to ensure Ebadi’s safety.”

According to Iranian-American journalist Azadeh Moaveni, some analysts argue hard-liners are provoking Shirin Ebadi to prompt her to call for a boycott of the upcoming June elections. Ebadi's call for a boycott of the 2005 elections is believed to have contributed to Ahmadinejad's victory by decreasing voter turnout in the larger cities.

“Iranian Americans are extremely concerned about Shirin Ebadi and other defenders’ safety,” said NIAC President Trita Parsi. “Which human rights defenders can feel safe when a Noble laureate is being threatened and harassed?"

Written by Aisan Raisdana


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Gaza is more important than this...

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

We don't care about this as Iranians. We care more about Gaza.


Statement by Ms Ebadi

by ghalam-doon on

I was very much interested in reading the statement by Ms Ebadi condemning the atrocities of Israel. But when I click on the link in this story, I go to a page that instead talks about this lady's ordeals.

The only statement relating to what is happening in Gaza was the following:

In my view, the only way to resolve the disputes and end this dire condition is to continue the peace negotiation based on mutually satisfactory terms and conditions and establish an independent Palestinian state.”

Well, this is hardly a statement of condemnation and everybody could say the same thing, including the State Department. It’s hardly a strong statement against the massacre that we've been witnessing so far.  

Can someone fix this link so everyone can see the full statement.  Then we can see for ourselves how forcefully this dear lady has condemned the massacre in Gaza and how she was wrongly accused by the people who showed up at her place.

It would also put an end to some of the accusations against her.


Thank you NIAC!

by IRANdokht on

I fear for Dr Ebadi's safety too, I am glad the international community is speaking up. Dr Parsi is correct: the harassment of the Nobel Peace Prize laureate does not leave any hope for other and lesser known activists.   

I didn't agree with the call to boycott of the last election for the obvious outcome of such action, but I hope she's not forced into taking actions that she does not support.

In a better world, Dr Ebadi herself would have been the front runner for the presidency...

Thank you



Who cares?

by Kaseh daghtar az aash (not verified) on

In case you have not noticed, people on this Website are more interested in Israeli-Palestinian issues. So please spare us the Iranian affairs.