بی خوابی

بی خوابی
by Orang Gholikhani

من و بی خوابی

 دوستی قدیمی

من و خستگی رویا

چو دو یاری بی ریا

من وپایان این خواب

ماهی دورافتاده از آب

من و سردرد یاغی

دلی دردست بازی

من و این صبح تاریک

راهی وارسته و باریک

من و باران نمناک

حقیقت افتاده بر خاک

من و شهرت ویران

غروری خوش خرامان

من و نفس شکسته

هوس راه دلم بسته

من واین چشم گریان

که شد این قلب بریان

من و پیک شرابی فام

که در پیری شدم خام

من و قافیه ای آخر

که شعری آمد از اختر

 Nov 2009


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more from Orang Gholikhani

bekhabe dar Paris

by Dordooneh on

While I was in Paris the same  thing happened to me. I mean bekhabe.
There is something about Paris that you just can't sleep at night. Paris is a romantic city and is most romantic at night. One
of the contributors to bekhabe in Paris for me among other things was
the great coffee they serve there :)

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

اورنگ جان، بنده بیخواب نیستم بلکه ساعت خوابم با دیگران فرق می‌کند...

بنده از عاشقین شب هستم ! کار در شب را واقعا دوست دارم، تقریبا ۹۰% کارهایم در شب انجام میشود...

به صبح که میرسم، بعد از همان صبحانه پاریسی که خودت خوب میشناسی،به خواب میروم،البته اگر در مسافرت کار و تفریح باشم،قضیه کاملا فرق خواهد کرد.

واقعا از شب و شب نشینی لذت میبرم.

خداوند سایه شما و دیگر عاشقین شب را کم نکند.


Orang Gholikhani

Anahide jan

by Orang Gholikhani on

Happy you liked my poem.

For my part, I've always been "be khaab" and used to dream awake by making my poems.

Unfortunately we are receiving bad news from Iran for 30 years now! Recent events even bad are more hopefull because people seem are awaking. 

I don't know if many Iranians in Diaspora are Bikhaab and if yes, if it is because of news from Iran ! it is my scientific side, I need statistic to confirm.

However those who are bikhaab should use this time to write and find a way to help people inside.

Bikhaabi is not a bad thing if you use it positively.

Take care.

Anahid Hojjati

Dear Orang, nice poem. Yek meghdar taghseer Ahmadinejadeh.

by Anahid Hojjati on


Orang jan, you have written another beautiful poem.  May I suggest that at least some of bikhabee Iranians in Diaspora is because of recent news from Iran? what do you think?

Orang Gholikhani


by Orang Gholikhani on

Thanks for your comment.



Very nice

by Dordooneh on

Very nice poem. Love the picture, cute and relevant :)

Orang Gholikhani

Red win

by Orang Gholikhani on

Thank you. Red win is helping me a lot too ;-)



Red Wine


by Red Wine on

Well Orang jan.... you said it and you said it very well ... Loved it.

God bless you .

Orang Gholikhani


by Orang Gholikhani on

Thanks Ali jan,

It is Sunday midnight in Paris and I'm still awake it is maybe "dalileh Aseedee" ;-)



Ali P.


by Ali P. on

Orang jaan:

You are getting more aseedee , as we go!

Excellent! :-)


Ali P.