
Orang Gholikhani
by Orang Gholikhani

سوال بزرگ زندگی چیست

خدا کجاست عشق چیست

چرا باید از خدا ترسید

چرا نمیشود به او عشق ورزید

چرا گریه کردن و سینه زدن دارد ثواب

چه دیدی روی ماه یک شب مهتاب

هدف سوال بود یا جواب

این مردم را که برد بخواب

گریه و شیون این زنان

چه دردی شفا کرد از زمان

دین شاعران چه شد

عشق صوفیان چه شد

کجا رفت خنده کودکان

کجاست خداوند بخشاینده مهربان

سوال بزرگ زندگی چیست

جوابش در نگاه دیگران نیست


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Nov 25, 2012
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Nov 11, 2012
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Orang Gholikhani

Thanks for comments

by Orang Gholikhani on

He is where you want, you can speak to him when you want and how you want !

Why I'm saying say he ?! What if God is a woman ?! in this case "Khoda be dademoon bereseh" ;-)

I don't look for answers, theses questions should remain ..

Ali P.

خدا کجاست

Ali P.

I am stuck on your first question, avvaleh besmellaah, let alone the rest...!



by LA (not verified) on

Life is a fast moving train that eventually will come to stop at your station.
Enjoy the ride


These are all good questions

by Mehdi on

I think life is a game. It doesn't mean it is not real or can't be serious. But it works best if you treat is as a game - hopefully an exciting game. There is definitely a lot of lies told about life, as you mention a few here. Discovering them could add excitement and fun to life.