با تو

Orang Gholikhani
by Orang Gholikhani

با تو من عاشقم

با تو من صادقم

با تو من جان میفروشم

با تو من حماسه میخروشم

با تو  از انتهای تاریکی
من موی خورشید  را میریسم

با تو در دشت سرد پائیز
به آسیاب دروغ آویز
من با نیزه حقیقت باد را میخراشم

با تو زندگی رویا ست
        آزاده بی پرواست
                پرنده راهی از سرماست
                               خنده بچگان آینه دریاست
ومن از فردا بی تشویشم
با تو من عارفم

با تو من شاعرم
شرمنده جانان همکیشم

 Sept 2008


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Thank you

by Hajminator on

In the same trend Hafez says:
ای نسيم سحر آرامگه يار كجاست
منزل آن مه عاشق كش عيار كجاست

شب تار است و ره وادی ايمن در پيش
آتش طور كجا موعد ديدار كجاست

هر كه آمد به جهان نقش خرابی دارد
در خرابات بگوييد كه هشيار كجاست

آن كس است اهل بشارت كه اشارت داند
نكته‌ها هست بسی محرم اسرار كجاست

هر سر موی مرا با تو هزاران كار است
ما كجاييم و ملامت گر بی‌كار كجاست

بازپرسيد ز گيسوی شكن در شكنش
كاين دل غمزده سرگشته گرفتار كجاست

عقل ديوانه شد آن سلسله مشكين كو
دل ز ما گوشه گرفت ابروی دلدار كجاست

ساقی و مطرب و می جمله مهياست ولی
عيش بی يار مهيا نشود يار كجاست

حافظ از باد خزان در چمن دهر مرنج
فكر معقول بفرما گل بی خار كجاست

Orang Gholikhani

با تو یا بی تو

Orang Gholikhani

با تو یا بی تو سوال اینست


از بی تو تا با تو راه نزدیک است


فقط یک "ی" و یک "ا" فرق تقدیر است


"ر" برای" یار" همزبان جواب این کیش است



Orang Gholikhani

To Hajminator

by Orang Gholikhani on

Thanks for your intrest.

"Ba to" is what are you looking in your life.

I use to say a poem is like a child. As soon as he is out, he has his own life and each one could take what he wants.


Very nice poem

by Hajminator on


I enjoyed reading your poem. Wondering if "ba to" is something material or the true and unreachable love. If the latter I find your rhymes very strong.


Orang Gholikhani

To be or not To be

by Orang Gholikhani on

Salam beh hamegi. Ba shoma hamisheh zendegi zibast :-)

Ebi Jan, thanks for video. Vigen is one of my favorite singer and this song match well with my poem.

Ali jan, Poetrie is the best therapie against deepress. I'm the best  example ;-) I'll post a followup today.

Iran Dokht jan, thanks.

Azarine Jan, as usual your observations are accurate. this part was about DonQuichot, he did all his adventure for his "dulciné" as it was tradition of Chevalier Servant. As all, his Dulciné existed only in his imagination (I recommend this book to everybody). A poem is a state of mind about what we would like be and could disconnect us from day to day life "ennuie et tristess" .

Azarin Sadegh

Baa to or Bi to?

by Azarin Sadegh on

I liked a lot the line where you scratch the wind...trying to hurt the truth! But doesn't it sound like Don quichote? Trying to be a hero, going after doing something unattainable ...

In this poem, I sense an element of impossible in being "baa to". It is more like someone who's alone at this moment, but he's imagining love, or even maybe he's remembering it the way it wasn't really... 



correction for Ali P

by IRANdokht on

Can't live with them and it's illegal to shoot them  :-P

Very nice poem Orang jan, it went well with Ebi's nostalgic song too 




by AFan (not verified) on


ebi amirhosseini

Orang jaan

by ebi amirhosseini on

 Hope it is always " baa- to" &  never  "bi- to" !.


Ali P.

Can't live with them, can't live without them!

by Ali P. on

Great job!

Yaadesh bekhayr; "baa-to"!



The "bee-to" is doomed to come, I guess.

Let us enjoy this for a few days, before you slam us with the "bee-to"!


('deepress' nasheem!)


Ali P.