Not Yet Dead Iranian Poets Society

Orang Gholikhani
by Orang Gholikhani


Since last year, we can publish and leave comments in and I remarked each time a poem is published you have always same "usual readers" coming and sharing the poetic sprit.

I created a group in facebook for these people : //

You are welcome if you like poetry. Only requirements is to believe on Nothing is sacred and not yet dead physicaly and mentaly ;-)

Orang Gholikhani


Recently by Orang GholikhaniCommentsDate
هم کوچه
Nov 25, 2012
نوازش پرستو
Nov 18, 2012
Nov 11, 2012
more from Orang Gholikhani

Vous etes vivant!

by AnonymousNazaninC (not verified) on

Vous etes vivant!

ebi amirhosseini

Orang jaan

by ebi amirhosseini on


Orang Gholikhani


by Orang Gholikhani on

You should create an account at Facebook (if you don'y have) and after that in the application you ask to join the group. Hope it will work,I'll travelling for 3 weeks so don't be surprized if I don't answer.

PS: hair whitening is a privilege :-)



Thank you Orang jaan

by Souri on

for sharing this with us. I'll go to visit there, for sure I'll become a permanent costumer :O)


PS: I update my comment, I went there but didn't know how to use it ? What I should do ? Just to register or what ?

I couldn't read any of your poem there, Orang jan.

BTW: saw your picture, good looking man !! You've changed a lot since 15 years ! but 15 years...:O) Is your hair whitening or it's a picture default ? lol