IRANIAN BAHA'I PRISONERS : The Prisoners of their Conscience


Orthodox Bahai
by Orthodox Bahai

Dear readers,
we the Orthodox Baha’is of the world bring to your kind notice that the newspapers of India and other countries have reported that:

The Iranian ISNA news agency has reported that seven Baha’is are to be put on trial in an Iranian revolutionary court on charges of:

1. Espionage for Israel

2. Insulting religious sanctities

3. Propaganda against the Islamic Republic.

Please note that we, as members of the Orthodox Baha'i Faith, are not affiliated with this Baha’i organization whose members have been accused allegedly of being against this government or country or shall we ever be involved in any kind of espionage, or be guilty of insulting any religion or issuing propaganda against the constitutions of any country.

We follow the commands of the living Guardian of the Baha’i Faith.Our beloved Guardian, Joel Bray Marangella, the third Guardian of Baha’i Faith, has taught us that according to the Teachings of Baha'u'llah, the Founder of the Baha'i Faith, a true Bahai must be completely obedient to the government and follow the laws of the country. We should not insult any religion and must respect them all equally.

We have been enjoined by Him to eliminate:

1. Religious prejudice

2. Racial prejudice

3. Prejudice against women

4. National prejudice

We find in one of the Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Baha in the book titled "Writings of 'Abdu'l-Baha" in which He mentioned the Teachings of Baha'u'llah which He stated "abrogate and nullify religious, racial, political, patriotic and economic prejudices."

The members of this Baha'i organization, who do not accept the living Guardian of the Faith, and who have therefore been classified by us as Heterodox Bahai's, should consider the flagrant inequity and injustice of their own recent decision to initiate legal action against us in a civil court in the United States with the objective of preventing us from calling ourselves Baha'is and using the sacred symbols of our Faith.

We ask them:

Why cannot we call ourselves “Baha’is?

Why cannot we use the word Baha’i?

While these Heterodox Baha'is claim to believe in the elimination of the same prejudices that we do, as listed above, why do they not observe what they preach in their relationship with us?

We therefore invite and urge them to eliminate their blatant prejudice against the Orthodox Baha’is and permit us to freely practice the Baha'i Faith under the Guardianship of the living Guardian, Joel Bray Marangella.

We pray for the long life of our Guardian.

Dr. A. Parikh
(PNBC, India)


more from Orthodox Bahai

this is getting funny

by religulous (not verified) on

another religion growing from another and another and another....this is getting funny...
me Shiite you catholic you hecidic Jew you Tibetan Buddhist you Chinese blah blah blah...well here is my new cult me free human you Islamic government so go tuck your self !


To jeffrey and Orthodox Baaha'i!

by NonBaha'i (not verified) on

May i ask you from where did you find this "religion" Orthodox Baha'i??



What's going on?

by AMN (not verified) on

I was under the impression that Bahai's Loved ALL and accepted ALL (well... kinda!)
So are you telling me if someone wants to follow Bahaullah and be considered a Bahai he/she CAN NOT?
Do Bahai's have to register as in a school or club... or a college to become Bahais?
Do they need to be pre-approved etc.?
Can they be rejected from the faith?

This is very strange for a religion in this day and age!
Perhaps I've misunderstood.
But there seems to be something very nasty going on between the different factions here.
Someone care to answer?


.. Opposition by the disdainful...

by faryarm on

Indeed, the attacks and the obstructiveness of the ignorant but cause the Word of God to be exalted, and spread His signs and tokens far and wide. Were it not for this opposition by the disdainful, this obduracy of the slanderers, this shouting from the pulpits, this crying and wailing of great and small alike, these accusations of unbelief levelled by the ignorant, this uproar from the foolish — how could news of the advent of the Primal Point and the bright dawning of the Day-star of Baha ever have reached to east and west?

…All these blessings and bestowals, the very means of proclaiming the Faith, have come about through the scorn of the ignorant, the opposition of the foolish, the stubbornness of the dull-witted, the violence of the aggressor. Had it not been for these things, the news of the Báb’s advent would not, to this day, have reached even into lands hard by. Wherefore we should never grieve over the blindness of the unwitting, the attacks of the foolish, the hostility of the low and base, the heedlessness of the divines, the charges of infidelity brought against us by the empty of mind.
‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, sec. 195, pp. 234-36


Your attack post is not factually based

by Jeffrey (not verified) on

David 9, your attack post calls Ross foolish but in reality you are demonstrating your own foolishness. The Court already said that the OBF is NOT affiliated with the Remey organization. Also if you would bother to get your facts straight, you would know that the Orthodox Baha'is do not have a web site that calls itself the official UHJ site. That is a site run by the other respondents in the case. In reality, as the NSA's attorney admitted to the Court of Appeals, the only thing the Orthodox Baha'is are accused of is calling themselves Baha'is. The reason for this is that they consider themselves to be followers of Baha'u'llah, and in the United States we do not need the permission of anyone at all to follow our faith as we see fit. Certainly, we do not need the permission of your bogus imposter UHJ, and there is no law in the U.S. that allows you to enforce your version of the Faith on others, no matter how many people you have in your organization. We are just trying to practice our religion, but it is YOU who attack us even as you laugh at us for supposedly attacking you when in reality we are defending ourselves. You are the spiritually sick ones as your post clearly shows to the whole world.



by David9 (not verified) on

Hey Ross Campbell, why don't you for once say something other than the same copy-pasted nonsense lies?

And how dare you compare the Iranian regime's genocide to a clear cut case of copyright infringement whereby you Remeyites attempted to pass yourselves off as the leadership of the Baha'i Faith by creating a website that used the name "Universal House of Justice" in it.

The Universal House of Justice is a copyrighted name and it was not until you and your Remeyite leadership decided to lie and cheat and break the law that the US National Baha'i Center came after you rightly so asking the infringement to be punished? And have you no shame you sick sick people, to use this as a platform for airing your grievances against the American Baha'i community?

Wow... Thanks for showing how truly "spiritual" you are. And finally as another poster has said, these so called self-identified Baha'is, who are not Baha'is, but who claim to be (being a member of the Baha'i faith is not something any Jack and Jill can claim, and no, don't use the pathetic "Christian is not copy-righted argument" because Christianity didn't and does not now have an administrative system that was created by the founders of that faith, which clearly indicates who can and can not be considered a Baha'i and under the law, you can call yourself a Baha'i till the cows come home, but you are not Baha'is and should just give it up and create a new name and stop trying to pass yourselves off as Baha'is, as someone said your church is a Yugo and you are claiming it is really a Cadillac because it shares same things with a Cadillac), these Remeyites and so forth are a SOCIOLOGICALLY AND HISTORICALLY insignificant group who have nothing to do in their daily lives but to tear down and attack the Baha'i faith. LOL