
by Persian Cook

If you have had a long day and don't feel like eating out but can't find much in your refrigerator, here's a really easy and quick way to feed yourself and your family.  Eshkeneh, or Persian onion soup is a pleasant and quick meal.  It is also a vegetarian meal.


  1. 2-3 Onions
  2. Cooking oil or virgin olive oil
  3. 3-4 Eggs
  4. 1 Tablespoon Dried Feenugreek (Shanbalileh) (You can substitute dried mint if you don't have or if you don't like Shanbalileh)
  5. 1/2 Teaspoon Turmeric
  6. 2 Tablesppon Flour
  7. Salt and pepper to taste
  8. I also add one finely chopped large potato to add more texture to the soup and to help it thicken a bit, but the traditional recipe does not call for potatoes.


  1. Chop the onions finely and fry them with oil. 
  2. Add the finely chopped potato if you wish to use it and stir until half cooked.  
  3. Add the flour and the dried feenugreek or mint leaves and stir.
  4. Add the turmeric.
  5. Add 3-4 cups of water to the mix and let it come to a boil and boil for 10 minutes.
  6. Add salt and pepper.
  7. In a small bowl, break the eggs and beat them to mix the whites and the yokes.
  8. Slowly add the mixed eggs to the soup and stir in between to keep the eggs from lumping together.
  9. Let the soup boil for another five minutes.
  10.  Serve with bread.

Bon Appetit!




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Persian jaan is ur avatar ta-digh or creme-caramel?! Nice recipe

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.


Persian Cook jan: Great to have you here!

by Monda on

I had not thought of Eshkeneh for decades. Even though I have so many fond memories that go along with the taste of it (ours was with shambalileh). 

By the way: Does anyone know what eshkeneh means? 

Thanks so much for your recipes! 


Oh, thank you sooo much, Persian Cook!

by Princess on

Yes, I can read Farsi, and I can't wait to try out this recipe! :)


Persian Cook

Bajenagh Naghi and Desi

by Persian Cook on

Thank you for your participation.

Gilan has the healthiest cuisine of all of Iran, with lots of fresh vegetables and herbs.  There are quite a few vegetarian dishes in Gilan cuisine.  I'll be posting some soon.

One of the best comfort foods for winter is Taas Kabaab.  It calls for many vegetables and fruits which are all available in this season.  I will be posting a Taas Kabaab recipe soon.

Enjoy cooking and enjoy food.  It is a very significant of the Iranian life.

Persian Cook


by Persian Cook on

I think I love you, too, because you like to cook!

The best way to conceal eggs is to serve them in a variety of Iranian Kookoos.  Kookoo sibzamini, or potato pancakes seem to be a great hit with children's less complex taste buds.  If you make spinach kookoo, you will be serving both eggs and spinach (nutritious ingredients) to your unsuspecting kids!  Eggplant kookoo is also a good one, but the eggplant taste might be too strong for young pallets.  Let me know if you need recipes for any of them.

The best way to serve concealed eggs for breakfast is to make a special omlette with them, where eggs are hidden in between potatoes and a hot dog or saussage.  Dice a large potato into bite-sized pieces.  Lightly fry them in a small amount of oil or butter and put aside.  Cut a hotdog (find a healthy kind) into small cubes and stir fry them without oil or cook them with a little water and drain.  Mix the potatoes and hotdog pieces with a couple of beaten eggs adding salt and pepper to taste.  Heat a skillet and pour in the mix, covering it for a few minutes.  The eggs will rise to bind the mix.  Cut the omlette in four pieces and turn them over and let them cook on the other side for a few minutes.  Voila!

Persian Cook


by Persian Cook on

Thank you for your comment. Can you read Farsi?  Here's the recipe for Kalleh Joosh.  If you can't read Farsi I would be happy to translate it for you.

مواد لازم برای 6 نفر:
گوشت چرخ کرده=نیم کیلو
پیاز سرخ کرده=2 تا 3 قاشق سوپخوری
گردوی خرد کرده=دو سه قاشق سوپخوری
کشک سائیده=2 لیوان
نعنای خشک نرم=یک قاشق سوپخوری
روغن=100 گرم
نمک=به مقدار کافی
طرز تهیه:
گوشت را با یکی دو عدد پیاز رنده شده و کمی نمک و فلفل مخلوط می کنیم و کوفته ریزه درست می نمائیم. روغن را در ظرفی می ریزیم روی آتش می گذاریم داغ که شد کوفته ها را در روغن کمی سرخ می کنیم نعناع را روی کوفته می ریزیم و یک تفت می دهیم در صورت تمایل یک قاشق مرباخوری زردچوبه به آن می زنیم و یک لیوان آب و کمی نمک داخل کوفته می ریزیم و پیاز داغ را اضافه می کنیم بعد از چند جوش کشک را مخلوط کرده بعد از یکی دو جوش ظرف را از روی آتش برمیداریم کمی گردو به آن مخلوط می کنیم در ظرف می کشیم کمی هم گردوی خرد کرده روی آن می پاشیم.

Source:  //

bajenaghe naghi

persian cook jan

by bajenaghe naghi on

This is a great recipe and I am going to try it when it gets really cold wet and nasty here. thanks for the post.


No problem Ostaad.  I

by desi on

No problem Ostaad.  I googled this and generally most of the Persian recipes I find aren't really authentic.  There's always some sort of Anglo spin.  I agree ground lamb doesn't seem right and would make the ash super charb.  Persian cook is also correct in the difference between the eggplants.  My father, a Rashti ( I know dad Rashti, mom Mashadi the meals were fabulous though) would cheat and cook the eggplants for mirza ghasemi directly on an open flame on the gas stove.  The grilled flavor is key for this dish.  I wish we had a tab just for food on this site.  With so many of us from different cities and provinces, the recipe collection would be amazing.  

The Mrs.  There's always borani esfenaj with lots of mast and toasted lavash.  It's the only way my kid will eat spinach.  There's also the Iranian omelet with sliced sauted tomatoes with cracked eggs on top, sopped up with lots of bread.  Yum.  I'm with you, this winter I'm making tons of ash.  Especially ash e jow.

Dahanam ab oftad from all this and yet I have nothing in the damn fridge. 


I think I love you. This

by TheMrs on

I think I love you.

This winter, I'm planning on perfecting these dishes: fesenjoon, ash reshteh, ab goosht, nargesi, adasi, and now..eshkeneh.

One question: does this take nanaa daagh and kashk? It looks like it from the picture.

Please post more egg dishes if you have, I'm desperate to incorporate more into our diet. Especially breakfast plates. Eggs that don't look like eggs and the taste is undetectable. How do I get kids to eat eggs?


Wow... Persian Onion Soup!

by Princess on

Sounds delicious! I will definitely try this. 

Do you know the recipe for Kal-joosh? I have had it once when I was very young. All I recall of the ingredients are Kashk and whole eggs, if I'm not mistaken, and I remember I loved it.

I have been looking for a recipe for a while now, in vein! I was hoping you might know one. 

Thanks in advance! 

Persian Cook

Dear Ostaad and Desi

by Persian Cook on

Thank you so much for your reply. I thought nobody saw this!

Ostaad, you are right, the traditional Aash Saak is made with rice flour.  Here's a recipe for it:

آش ساك

 گوشت سيصد گرم ، آرد برنج دو قاشق ، تره و جعفري و اسفناج يك كيلو، گردو يك قاشق ، آبغوره یا آبلیمو به قدر كفايت ، يك عدد پياز، دو عدد تخم مرغ .
    اول پياز داغ مي كنيد سبزي را شسته در آن مي ريزيد ، پخته كه شد آرد برنج را در آب حل و داخل مي كنيد . آب آش که به اندازهء دلخواه رسید ، گوشت چرخ كرده را كوفته ريزه كرده مي ريزيد .در انتهای طبخ، (حدود 20 دقیقه قبل از اتمام) تخم مرغ های هم زده را کم کم به آش اضافه می کنید، آبلیمو را اضافه می کنید و مغز گردوي خرد كرده را روي آش مي پاشيد. البته اضافه كردن تخم مرغ و گردو حتي گوشت اختياري است .

Here's a recipe for Aash Aablimoo which is very much like the Italian Wedding Soup:


Regarding the difference between Mirza Ghasemi and Kashk o Badmjoon, the real difference is that for Mirza Ghasemi eggplants are barbequed and for Kashk o Bademjoon they are fried.  This is what makes the taste of the two dishes so distincly different.  Would you like to have recipes for those dishes as well?


Desi, thanks a million...

by Ostaad on

Specially for the aash-e saak recipe. This recipe is a bit different from my mother's. She used to use rice flour instead of rice, that gives the dish a very smooth texture. I don't remember her using lamb. The only meat was the meat balls, the kind you'd use in an Italian Wedding Soup, which is another great soup/aash by itself.




Thanks for this post.  I

by desi on

Thanks for this post.  I love eshkeneh.  My mother is Khorasani and she makes this all the time.  She adds noon e ghagh to it at the end.  Which is basically dry, stale bread.  Yummy.

Ostaad,  the difference between the 2 dishes are:  Mirza Ghaasemi, a Gilaki dish is made with lots of garlic, eggplant and tomatoes, eggs are scrambled in at the end of the cooking process.

Kashk o bademjoon is made with eggplant, onions, garlic, mint and kashk.

Here's a link to ash e sak.  I haven't tried this particular one but it's worth a shot



Thank you Persian cook for posting the recipie for...

by Ostaad on

one of my favorite dishes, which I had no idea how to prepare.

Here's my question:

What is the difference between "mirza ghaasemi" and "kash-o-baademjoun" in term of ingredients?

Have you heard of an Iranian dish called, "aash-e saak", it's made with rice flour, small meat balls, vegetables and small amount of lemon juice. I have not been able to find the recipe for this delicious dish anywhere yet.