What if they kill Shahin?

What if they kill Shahin?
by The Prince

I will be sad. I will be angry I will cry, a lot, like I did for Neda. I will follow the news about him and will read all the articles, poems, interviews, blogs, bulletins, open letters, civilized complaint and…. . I will watch all the videos and will listen to all the new songs that come out about him. I will learn them and sing along and will cry more. I will stand on the street corner, next to my compatriots and wave a flag in solidarity. I will scream from the bottom of my heart, to a point that my voice will not come out the next day. I may even write a blog or two about him and voice my frustration, and then I will post it somewhere. I will open a heated discussion and feverishly answer all the comments that I will get for that blog.

Shahin will still be dead.

Days will come and days will go. By the passing of each day, Shahin will take a step back. “Normal” life will take over. A year later will be the anniversary. I will read a few articles along side with other news and sport.

Gotta get back to work. My boss is coming. I have a family. I have a life!


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