When men are not wanted but refuse to accept it.


When men are not wanted but refuse to accept it.
by The Prince

I was having a cup of coffee with a friend of mine this afternoon. He is a nice guy who unfortunately is going through a divorce. After a long time of separation, he still has feelings for his wife. His problem is that he has had such a difficult time letting her go. Despite all his wife’s effort to let him know that she does not want him anymore, he is still having a hard time hearing the clear message and accepting it. So I asked him: “what else do you want her to do? Shove a grenade up your ass for you to get it?!”

We talked a bit more and then we parted. I came home and wrote this. It is, sort of, his story.

When you look into her beauty with all your heart, caressing her hair. She gives a look back at you and says: “you’re a Jackass”.

You’re not wanted.

What else do you want her to do? Shove a grenade up your ass?

When you look for a kiss but all you get is a story of how others made a pass.

You’re not wanted.

What else do you want her to do? Shove a grenade up your ass?

When she calls you all the names in the book, rips your shirt and breaks your eyeglass.

You’re not wanted.

What else do you want her to do? Shove a grenade up your ass?

When she yells: “Hey mother fucker”, as your name, with zeal and hate all amass.

You’re not wanted.

What else do you want her to do? Shove a grenade up your ass?

When your presence makes her embarrass, but when you leave she is disembarrass.

You’re not wanted.

What else do you want her to do? Shove a grenade up your ass?

When she is polite, courteous, or even nice, but you know, to her, you are nothing but frass.

You’re not wanted.

What else do you want her to do? Shove a grenade up your ass?

When you’re only a tool and not a man, treated like a piece of wood or even fiberglass.

You’re not wanted.

What else do you want her to do? Shove a grenade up your ass?

When will you learn? Today? Tomorrow?

When is the right time to let go and let this all pass?

I pray it is before the grenade explodes inside your ass….


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Anahid Hojjati

Relationships change nature

by Anahid Hojjati on

and people are sometimes slow to get this point. However, the signs are always there, but we choose to ignore them until a tipping point reaches that the signs scream :"he/she is not that into you".

Hafez for Beginners

being there

by Hafez for Beginners on

The Prince: Thanks for the update. If she yells at him, she's not yet "indifferent." That's what your friend might sense, that even if his ex-wife is dating, the fact that she yells at her, means something. Technically, with most men, the presence of another man, makes them leave. But your friend is going back, and her yelling doesn't help. She needs to be with a new man and as cool as a cucumber, before it fully would help. (Although, with most men, the presence of another man is enough for them to leave.) My guess is your friend has no strong female love (mother or sister) and no place to go...

It's tough - show him the Blog!! And don't stop being there. 




Such fun!

by ComraidsConcubine on

 'Wish I could copy this and forward it to all in need! ;)

The Prince

Dear HFB

by The Prince on

Thanks for the advice. I thnik she has reached the indifference stage. She is dating someone else. He just can't let her go. Way too painful... He is trying to hold on to something, anything, so he keeps finding excuses to go back and every time he does, he gets another stab in the heart...  

Hafez for Beginners

The opposite of Love is ....

by Hafez for Beginners on

The Prince: As a woman, I wanted to say that it's only when we stop saying anything at all - that the care has truly gone. So even if it's venom, if she's still spewing them, I can understand why the husband gets confused. The opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference. Once the lady shows true indifference, your friend will truly get it!

Otherwise, cut him some slack - be a friend, and see him through the ride - which sounds like you are doing, even if fully frustrated ... :- ))

Unfortunately, also if she starts seeing someone, that also hits home. So your friend needs complete silence or a new man, in the life of his ex  - otherwise, your friend won't get it. Again, a little compassion - it's terribly delicate... Good luck to both of you! Don't stop being a good friend, even if it means venting here on I.com!!



Prince jan

by Shepesh on

From what you say it seems you are sharing a joke with your friend. I hope all goes well for both of you.


The Prince

by Souri on

I know how you do feel about your friend. It is so hard to convince someone who doesn't want to see the absolute truth. And it is harder when this "someone" is actually a close person, because we don't want to see them suffering, but we are not able to do anything to open their eyes.

I have been trough this. Years should pass before your friend actually can deal with the actual situation and its facts.

My suggestion to you is this: Don't try too hard. On one hand, this will consume a lots of your time and energy and on the other hand, you don't know the other party very well. Chances are she will be back to your friend sooner or later. Then you might loose a friend at worst, or get all backfire to yourself, at the best!

Bonne chance!

The Prince

Shepesh Jan

by The Prince on

This is not vulgar poem about him. I am sorry that you see it that way. My freind doesn't. This is an attempt to help. My freind actually appreciates this. He feels it is as if her wrote it himself! Trust me on this. 

I agree that you have to deal with rejection and it takes time and it hurts. But accepting the fact that you have been rejected is the first step. If you keep going back for more rejection, it is not healthy. At some point you gotta stop. What does it take for any of us to stop? Hopefully not a grenade.





Mr Prince

by Shepesh on

Perhaps it is your lack of sensitivity that strikes. Would your time and loyalties as a "friend" be better served by finding how to support your friend and give good advice, than to write vulgar poem about him? All you have to do is google the net and it will  give a few hints.


The Prince

Dear Shepesh

by The Prince on

I never though I would live to see the day that I actually wirte these two words: " Dear Shepesh", and actually be talking to a real person!!! Anyhow....

Thank you for your heartfelt comments.  You might've read this wrong. "Shove a grenade up your ass" is not actually a suggesstion here. It is more like a wake up call, if you will.... He is having trouble accepting that she does not want him..

And yes I do have a day job and intend to keep it. Thank you


Perhaps he can do better than a friend like you

by Shepesh on

Keep your day job as you are no poet either. Shove a grenade up his ass? It seems you have not had many relationships where you have invested emotionally or there are children involved and you may not have normal access to them.

Men and Divorce - Stress, Anxiety, and Depression is Normal!


This type of behaviour is

by comments on

This type of behaviour is expected from any partner.  I don't think that's a gender issue.

X: I am breaking up with you.

Y: No, I am breaking up with you.


Just Playing Hard-to-Get!

by Faramarz on

She is just playing hard-to-get and he is falling for it!

What he should do is to completely ignore her for a while and she will run back to him on four legs, like Soosan Khanoom’s cat!

The Prince

Soosan Khanoom

by The Prince on

True! He may ver well deserve it. But that is not the point here.

Thank you for the compliment. I will try to stay away from Torshies!! 

Soosan Khanoom

"When you look into her

by Soosan Khanoom on

"When you look into her beauty with all your heart, caressing her hair. She gives a look back at you and says: “you’re a Jackass”.

 Oh come on there has to be something more to this. He probably has done something

Something ... who knows may be he even deserve that grenade !

but you can rhyme and

" Aghe tourshi nakhoree shaaereh khoobee meeshee "

: )